I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 212: First visit to the lower world, love at first sight

Li Xiuchang packed up in a hurry, and asked Wenwen to help him teach Jinjiao, and then set off immediately.

Although Wenwen was unreliable, after Li Xiuchang helped him escape a few days ago, he was now quite grateful to Li Xiuchang, so he would not do anything too outrageous.

Moreover, there were Senior Brother Chen Changsheng and Lu Yang and Xia Sijun in Donggeng District, so Li Xiuchang was relieved.

Li Xiuchang flew out of Xianchen Sect and met Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi and Motu who had been waiting outside.

In order not to attract attention, the three did not leave Xianchen Sect together.

"Change your appearance first." Motu reminded, and he took the lead in changing his clothes and appearance, turning into a gloomy old man with a hooked nose.

Zhang Wanzhi looked at Motu with contempt, and whispered "So ugly", and then changed his appearance into a young man in a green shirt. Although his facial features had changed, he was still so handsome that he would attract attention wherever he went.

Li Xiuchang took out the skin-changing mask, originally wanting to change himself into a low-key image, but thinking that Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi was already so high-profile, it would be meaningless for him to be low-key.

He thought about it, and suddenly an idea came to him. He straightened his back and took a flying sword from the storage bag and put it on his back.

The next moment, with the effect of the skin-changing mask, he turned into a young man in white clothes, with a serious and cold face and a serious expression.

Zhang Wanzhi applauded and praised: "Xiuchang is still creative, disguising himself as a straightforward sword cultivator, it's great!"

Motu felt a little regretful when he saw it. Why didn't he think of it?

Motu was a man of few words. He always disguised himself as a character that was difficult to get along with at first glance. This way, he could talk less and make others stay away from him.

But his current image of a gloomy old man is obviously not as good as Li Xiuchang's identity as a straightforward sword cultivator!

It is well known that a straightforward sword cultivator is few words and speaks his mind.

Even if they said something unpleasant, generally no one would care about them. Who would take a group of people who can't beat around the bush?

Everyone is very tolerant of the straight-forward sword cultivator.

Moreover, the straight-forward sword cultivator never plays dirty, but it is easier to gain the trust of others.

However, Motu has already disguised himself as a gloomy old man, and he is embarrassed to change his image behind Li Xiuchang, which will definitely cause Zhang Wanzhi to laugh.

The three of them set off like this.

The two young men Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi were followed by the gloomy old man. Such a group of three people can be seen as two young cultivators with good family backgrounds followed by bodyguards.

"Brother Zhang, where are we going?" Li Xiuchang asked.

"The Broken Immortal Cliff in the north."

It's the Broken Immortal Cliff again. It seems that he is going to take the same passage with Wenwen.

"Follow me later. Chen Wugui will create opportunities for us. After entering the passage, the three of us hold each other and don't get separated." Zhang Wanzhi reminded.

"Brother Chen is here too?"

"Turtle Chen has been waiting for us there for a long time. He has a clone hiding beside the Broken Immortal Cliff all year round."

"So, when Wenwen escaped into the Broken Immortal Cliff, wasn't Brother Chen watching?"

"What do you think? Turtle Chen is very sinister. He even plotted against his own son."

Poor Wenwen...

The three of them flew all the way and soon approached the Broken Immortal Cliff.

Motu waved his hand to suppress all the auras of the three people and approached the Broken Immortal Cliff carefully.

Li Xiuchang had seen the Broken Immortal Cliff in front of him from afar. It was bottomless, like the breaking point of the world.

On the Broken Immortal Cliff, there were three elders of the Xianchen Sect.

When the ascenders were rampant before, that is, when Wenwen escaped, there was only one elder in charge of the Broken Immortal Cliff. Now that the crisis of the ascenders has been resolved, it has gradually returned to three elders.

But this is still good. At most, there are five or six elders guarding here.

At this moment, a figure appeared out of thin air in front of Li Xiuchang and the other three. It was Chen Changsheng.

"Brother Chen." Li Xiuchang called out in a voice transmission.

Chen Changsheng nodded and asked, "Xiuchang, is this your first time at Broken Immortal Cliff?"

Li Xiuchang nodded, "Yes."

"Do you know how deep this Broken Immortal Cliff is? A hundred years ago, I threw a big rock down, and I haven't heard any echoes so far."

Zhang Wanzhi on the side said impatiently, "You can't hear the echoes. Broken Immortal Cliff connects to another world, how can you hear the echoes? Chen Turtle, have you been here for a long time without anyone to talk to, so you are just looking for something to talk about?"

Li Xiuchang looked at the three neighbors and thought that no matter how deep this Broken Immortal Cliff is, it can't compare to the depth of my Xianchen Sect!

Chen Changsheng smiled meaningfully, did not refute Zhang Wanzhi's words, and directly skipped the previous topic, saying:

"I will be responsible for leading away the three Xianchen Sect elders, and you take the opportunity to enter the Broken Immortal Cliff."

"Got it, hurry up." Zhang Wanzhi urged.

Chen Changsheng disappeared again, and soon appeared above the Broken Immortal Cliff.

The three Xianchen Sect elders who were meditating with their eyes closed below opened their eyes and looked at Chen Changsheng who had changed his appearance.

"Who are you? Get out of here!"

Chen Changsheng didn't answer, and dived down towards the Broken Immortal Cliff.

The two elders flew up, raised their hands and slapped Chen Changsheng in the air.

The other elder sat firmly on the edge of the cliff, observing the surroundings vigilantly.

Chen Changsheng fought with the two elders for several moves, and he was actually slightly superior to the two.

This strength shocked the three Xianchen Sect elders.

The elder sitting on the edge of the cliff had to get up and join the battle, otherwise the two elders would not be able to stop Chen Changsheng, and he would probably see the opportunity to crawl into the bottom of the cliff.

"I have sent a message back to the sect to request reinforcements. Just hold this person for a while."

Under the siege of the three elders, Chen Changsheng seemed to be at a loss, and had to fight and retreat. Finally, he could no longer withstand the pressure and began to escape.

After a slight hesitation, the three elders gave chase.

After all, as long as they entangle this person for a moment, the sect's supreme elders will arrive and capture him. They really don't want to give up.

If there were only two elders, this person wouldn't be able to stay, so the three of them would have to go together.

Li Xiuchang and the others who were hiding in the dark took this opportunity to turn into a stream of light and penetrate into the Broken Immortal Cliff.

Chen Changsheng, who was fighting the three elders, also disappeared with his Earth Escape Technique.

The three elders realized that they had been fooled, but it was too late and they couldn't chase them to the Immortal Broken Cliff.

"It's probably a fish that slipped through the net among the recent ascendants!"

"The man who just escaped is so powerful! Is he really an ascended person?"

"How is it impossible? I suspect it's the old guy from the lower world who flew up to save people."

Li Xiuchang followed his two senior brothers and fell into the Duanxian Cliff. The three of them fell quickly, and the strong wind blew against their faces, making a fierce and loud sound.

Fortunately, the three of them were physically strong and thick-skinned.

Li Xiuchang finally understood why it took at least the Nascent Soul stage to pass through the passage between the upper and lower realms.

Just by this wind, the skin of the monks in the foundation building stage would be scraped off.

"If Pang Yuanfu is blown by the wind here, will it flood the lower realm?" Li Xiuchang thought in his mind.

The three of them held each other's arms to ensure that they were still in the same place when they reached the lower realm.

The passage from the upper realm to the lower realm is only one-way, from top to bottom, and the landing location is not fixed.

If the three of them do not stick together, they will definitely appear in different places in the lower realm.

"Be careful, we are almost reaching the boundary wall!"

Li Xiuchang didn't know how long he had been falling when he suddenly heard a message from Brother Motu.

After a while, Li Xiuchang noticed that the surrounding scene changed, and they seemed to have gotten into a ball of transparent jelly.

At the same time, huge pressure came from all directions and was exerted on every part of his body.

This pressure is enough to crush the golden elixir monk in an instant!

And in this case, there is no way to mobilize magic defense and can only resist.

All mana that escapes the body will be absorbed by the surrounding jelly-like substance.

They continued to fall in the jelly-like substance. After a while, Li Xiuchang finally felt the pressure all over his body lighten up, as if he had emerged from a narrow cave, and felt that the outside world was particularly vast.

He looked down and saw that they were still falling, but he saw patches of clouds under their feet!

"We've reached the lower realm!"

At this time, the three of them were high in the sky in the lower realm.

The three of them stabilized their bodies, stood on the clouds, and looked down.

"Is this the lower world?"

Li Xiuchang looked around curiously, but didn't find anything strange. It seemed to be similar to the Immortal Shadow World.

If I had to say it, it was that the spiritual energy was a lot thinner.

"This is one of the lower realms of the Immortal Shadow Realm, the Haizhou Realm." Zhang Wanzhi introduced, "It means a small boat on the sea. More than 90% of the Haizhou Realm is sea water, and less than 10% is land. It is actually a small boat. A large island is like a ship floating on the sea.”

"Then it seems we were lucky and didn't land directly over the sea."

"Let's go down first and then talk."

The three of them flew towards the ground.

"Haizhou Realm is not a powerful world, the population is not large, and there are no disputes. Many of the previous world leaders of Haizhou Realm have visited the four major immortal sects in Immortal Shadow Realm."

Listening to Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi's introduction, Li Xiuchang was quite surprised and curious.

"Is there still a realm lord in Haizhou Realm?"

"The place is small and the population is small, so it is naturally easier to unify. The successive leaders of the Haizhou world are all elected by the people of the entire Haizhou world. They are all highly respected people in the Haizhou world."

"There are no powerful monks from the Sea Boat Realm coveting the position of Realm Lord?"

"So I said that the Realm Master of the Sea Boat Realm often ascends to the Immortal Shadow Realm to visit the four Immortal Sects to express his surrender. With the support of the Four Immortal Sects, naturally no one will dare to rebel."

Motu interjected: "There are probably many powerful people from the four major immortal sects in Haizhou Realm now. We will only attract attention here. Let's go to Zen Heart Realm as soon as possible."

It turns out that the four major immortal sects in the Immortal Yin Realm have long been operating forces in the lower realm. This is information that even the middle and high-level monks in the Immortal Yin Realm cannot access.

Li Xiuchang lamented that if he hadn't gotten to know the neighboring brothers, he might have thought that this world of cultivating immortals was only as big as the Immortal Yin World.

The three of them hid their cultivation and walked in the busy city of a small city in Haizhou Realm, preparing to go to the lower realm passage leading to the Zen Heart Realm.

At this moment, Li Xiuchang suddenly glanced at the crowd and saw the bright profile of a woman.

At this moment, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated uncontrollably.

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