I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 232: This fortune telling earned me nine years of life

After sending Brother Chen Changsheng away, Li Xiuchang immediately asked Jinjiao: "What secret method did Uncle Chen teach you?"

Jinjiao obediently relayed the secret method to Li Xiuchang.

"Returning the Body?"

After Li Xiuchang carefully read the secret method, his expression was complicated.

But overall, he was mostly happy.

This secret method is not weak. If it is practiced by a suitable monster, it will be very strong!

This is an attack secret method that can only be practiced by monsters. That's right, it is not a defense, but an attack secret method.

But its attack is based on defense.

The effect of returning the body is that there is a certain probability to bounce back the attack that has been taken!

The key point is that there is a certain probability, not a 100% rebound.

This probability will increase as Jinjiao's cultivation level improves, his proficiency in this secret method improves, and his defense ability improves.

And the attack that can be rebounded must be what he can withstand.

If you dodge it or use other external forces to defend, you can't rebound.

This secret method is absolutely useful for a monster like Jinjiao with strong defense, which is equivalent to making up for its lack of output ability.

But if you want to make this secret method play its maximum power, you have to stick to it and focus on improving defense.

Because the stronger the defense, the stronger the output.

The only disadvantage is probably that the active attack ability is too weak.

Of course, this may be a big problem for a wild monster, but it is not a big disadvantage for a cultivator's spiritual pet.

Li Xiuchang can completely make up for the lack of active attack by himself.

Li Xiuchang originally planned to let Jinjiao take the path of both offense and defense, but Senior Brother Chen gave this secret method, which is equivalent to guiding Jinjiao all the way to the turtle path.

"A good rhinoceros beetle, is it going to be turned into a turtle?"

Li Xiuchang sighed, but he was reluctant to give up "Returning the favor", so he could only continue to let Jinjiao follow the path of focusing on defense.

Li Xiuchang’s first stop was to take Jinjiao to see the most romantic Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi.

But he didn’t expect that Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi was temporarily called to attend classes by his two masters.

Li Xiuchang thought about it and had to take Jinjiao to No. 8, Donggeng District, which was Senior Brother Gui’s residence.

When Senior Brother Gui saw Li Xiuchang, he had a kind smile on his old face, and then looked at the rhinoceros beetle on Li Xiuchang’s shoulder.

Under normal circumstances, anyone who saw Jinjiao for the first time would ask a few questions like Senior Brother Chen Changsheng.

But Senior Brother Gui Wuyan was obviously not a normal person.

He stretched out his trembling old hand and calculated with his fingers.

He was too lazy to ask Li Xiuchang more, and raised his hand to calculate the information of Jinjiao. This was his habit as a fortune teller for many years. He would never move his mouth if he could move his fingers.

Maybe in Gui Wuyan’s mind, a mere third-level monster, could calculating it shorten his life?

Li Xiuchang saw this and quickly held down Senior Brother Gui's hand: "Senior Brother Gui, you can't do that!"

Even if you count a dog, you have to look at the owner!

Jinjiao can't be treated as an ordinary third-level monster!

It was transformed by Li Xiuchang's length plug-in. Li Xiuchang was afraid that Senior Brother Gui, who only had one year left to live, would die.

Gui Wuyan looked at Li Xiuchang in confusion, as if saying: "I'm just a monster, it's not that serious, right?"

"Senior Brother Gui, this is the spirit pet I carefully cultivated. If you want to know anything, just ask me directly. Why take that risk." Li Xiuchang persuaded.

Gui Wuyan didn't insist after all, nodded, and pulled Li Xiuchang into the house.

Li Xiuchang did the same thing. He first introduced Jinjiao to Senior Brother Gui and asked Jinjiao to recognize his uncle.

Senior Brother Gui also gave a gift like Senior Brother Chen Changsheng.

The gift given by Senior Brother Gui was a bamboo stick, called "Disaster Stick".

The function is that when it is carried close to the body, the disaster sign can sense the secrets of heaven and give early warnings.

If it is predicted that a disaster is coming, the disaster sign will automatically break and give a warning.

Good stuff... Li Xiuchang accepted it for Jinjiao, just like parents who help their children collect New Year's money.

This thing is more like a gift for Jinjiao than a gift for him.

I didn't expect that I would receive two gifts after taking Jinjiao to meet two senior brothers.

If I visit the other senior brothers and sisters, I can receive four gifts. It's a great profit!

Senior Brother Gui is a person with a strong desire to talk. Without Li Xiuchang finding a topic, he pulled Li Xiuchang to chat.

Of course, he can't speak, so he uses magic power to condense words and appear above his head.

When Li Xiuchang chats with Senior Brother Gui, it's like reading a comic. He always pays attention to the words that appear above his head, as if it is a dialog box above the head of a comic character.

Li Xiuchang actually has a lot of questions in his mind, but he also knows that he can't ask them blindly. Some questions are fatal.

He could only pick questions that interested him but would not trigger the punishment of the heaven.

For example, he asked some questions about other neighboring brothers indirectly.

As Li Xiuchang brought the topic to the neighboring brothers, Brother Gui also revealed many gossips about other brothers and sisters.

"Is Brother Chen Changsheng a casual cultivator? He has poor aptitude and has struggled all the way and experienced thousands of hardships to achieve his current achievements."

"When Brother Chen first entered the path of cultivation, he raised a spirit turtle. The spirit turtle had a loyal and steady personality and accompanied Brother Chen through countless life and death experiences. However, the spirit turtle did not live longer than Brother Chen and died of old age. So Brother Chen later raised Wenwen?"

"Brother Chen had many female confidantes in his early years, but now they have all turned into skeletons. Brother Chen has seen through love and has never had any emotional experience since he became successful in cultivation. Even if a female cultivator took the initiative to pursue him, he rejected them all."

"Brother Luyang and Sister Xia Sijun have known each other since they were young and have been together all the way. After they became successful in cultivation, they founded a sect, but due to poor management, the sect was eventually disbanded?"

Li Xiuchang was a little confused when he heard this. Brother Luyang and Sister Xia Sijun, one is good at cooking and brewing, and the other is superb in alchemy. If they founded a sect, they could support the sect with their own skills, right?

How could they make the sect go bankrupt?

Senior Brother Gui had a teasing smile on his face, and words appeared above his head: "They were so affectionate all day long that they had no intention of managing the sect. Other senior members of the sect either couldn't stand their intimacy or felt that they didn't care about the sect's affairs at all, and there was no future for them to stay in the sect, so they all withdrew.

"It is said that there was someone who fell in love with Xia Sijun and wanted to interfere with their relationship, but was kicked out of the sect by the cook. In short, the sect gradually declined, and most of the people left. The cook and his wife also felt that they were not suitable to be the sect master, so they simply disbanded the sect."

Li Xiuchang asked curiously: "Senior Brother, do you know what the sect is called?"

Gui Wuyan had words appearing above his head: "It seems to be called the Yuanyang Sect. They didn't tell me these, I calculated them myself. Don't tell anyone, otherwise I'm afraid they won't help me refine the Wanshou Pill. "

Yuanyang Sect?

What a lousy name!

It actually sounds a bit like "Hehuan Sect".

Now that he has the name of the sect, it is much easier for Li Xiuchang to find out the true identity of Lu Yang and his wife.

Including Senior Brother Chen Changsheng, a casual cultivator who raises a turtle spirit pet, the search scope is also narrowed down a lot.

Regarding Senior Brother Motu and Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi, Senior Brother Gui didn't say much. I don't know if there is a lack of gossip about the two, so there is no topic, or if the identities of the two are too involved and he dare not say.

He only mentioned it in general, saying that Zhang Wanzhi's life was too smooth, and there was nothing to say.

Motu, there is nothing to say, the word "kill" runs through most of his life.

Li Xiuchang often feels that the names of several senior brothers may be wrong.

For example, the name "Zhang Wanzhi" should be given to Senior Brother Gui, because Senior Brother Gui knows almost everything and can be called "knowledgeable".

And Senior Brother Gui's surname should be given to Senior Brother Chen Changsheng, because "Gui" and "Turtle" are homophones.

The name "Chen Changsheng" can also be used for Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi, because he likes to commit suicide, and this name may remind him to be more restrained if he wants to live longer.

In short, after listening to these gossips and learning so much information, Li Xiuchang believes that if he goes back to look through the materials, he should be able to find traces of several senior brothers and sisters in the history books.

At least the information of Lu Yang and his wife should be found!

After talking about several senior brothers and sisters, Li Xiuchang asked another question.

"Senior brother, have you heard of the Pure Land? ”

After passing the test in the Buddha Head Space of Zen Heart Realm, Li Xiuchang received a message asking him to go to Pure Land Realm to accept the next test.

Li Xiuchang had asked the other three brothers before, but no one had heard of Pure Land Realm.

Maybe Brother Gui could know.

As a result, Li Xiuchang saw Brother Gui pinching his fingers again, and he realized that Brother Gui had not heard of Pure Land Realm either.

“It’s not important news. Brother, just forget it if you don’t know. It’s not worth taking the risk.” Li Xiuchang persuaded hurriedly.

“It’s okay.” Two words floated above Gui Wuyan’s head.

Li Xiuchang aroused his curiosity, and he had to find out.

He pinched his fingers to calculate, and frowned.

“Brother Gui, why don’t you forget it.” Li Xiuchang was terrified.

A line of words floated above Brother Gui’s head: “I have calculated the general situation of Pure Land Realm, but there are many things behind this world. If you want to calculate deeper things, you have to spend a lot of life.”

“Then don’t calculate it. "Li Xiuchang glanced at the last black hair on Gui Wuyan's head.

Senior Brother Gui smiled faintly. Originally, this Pure Land Realm only slightly interested him, but now it has completely aroused his interest!

The more secrets he couldn't figure out, the more he wanted to know!

Gui Wuyan took out a green pill and held it in his mouth, then turned his hands in circles, as if pushing an invisible millstone. After a moment, the last black hair on his head suddenly turned white!

The luster in his eyes also dimmed quickly.

Li Xiuchang stood up in a flash and was ready to ask other senior brothers and sisters for help.

But at this moment, Senior Brother Gui swallowed the pill in his mouth with his last breath.

In an instant, two more black hairs appeared on his head!

The pupils also regained their spirit.

"It's a profit. It only took one year of life to deduce the secret that can only be calculated in ten years of life!"

Words appeared above Gui Wuyan's head, with a proud smile on his face.

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