Senior Brother Song Yu drove a flying boat, carrying Li Xiuchang and eight others, flying in the clouds, flying to Xianchen Sect.

Perhaps Senior Brother Song Yu did not expect that Baiyun City could produce eight spiritual orifices, and did not prepare a larger flying boat. The nine people standing on this small flying boat were really a bit crowded.

Especially with the big and strong Pang Yuanfu, he alone took up two and a half people's positions.

Senior Brother Song Yu stood at the front of the flying boat, and Li Xiuchang and eight others stood behind him, tightly packed together, with their chests pressed against their backs.

The reason for sticking so close was not only because of the crowding, but also because they were afraid of falling off.

Senior Brother Song Yu flew fast and high, and Li Xiuchang felt a little weak in the legs when he glanced down, not to mention the whistling wind blowing directly on his face.

Li Xiuchang's closed eyelids were blown open.

Even if this flying boat does not have a guardrail, it should at least have a windshield... It means that he is not familiar with Senior Brother Song Yu, otherwise Li Xiuchang would have to give him some suggestions.

This world has glass. It is said that it was accidentally invented by the cultivators when they were refining tools, and the firing method was passed on to the people.

Li Xiuchang was praying to end this thrilling journey as soon as possible, and heard a scream from the side:

"Ah! Where did the water come from! I'm all wet!"

The voice came from the middle-grade spiritual girl standing next to Li Xiuchang, named Chi Hui.

Although her voice was swallowed by the strong wind, because the pitch was too high and extremely penetrating, the people on the flying boat still heard it clearly.

Li Xiuchang looked sideways and saw large spots of water stains on her clothes.

It wasn't raining that day, could it be that someone was scared to pee?

Not only Li Xiuchang, but others also thought so, because they were also holding it in.

But standing in front of Li Xiuchang and Chi Hui were only Senior Brother Song Yu and Pang Yuanfu. Senior Brother Song Yu wouldn't be like that, so it could only be Pang Yuanfu.

Pang Yuanfu seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly turned back to prove his innocence. He couldn't let the rumors kill him before he even arrived at Xianchen Sect.

"Tears, those are tears! Sorry, I can't control myself. I'll compensate you for this dress when you arrive at the sect."

Pang Yuanfu had tears in his eyes, on his face, and on his chest. He had already cried like a tearful man.

"Brother Pang, are you thinking of something sad?" Li Xiuchang asked with concern, tilting his head slightly to avoid the tears that were blown by the wind.

"It's okay. It's an old problem. I can't stop crying when the wind blows."

It turns out that you are crying in the wind. No, your water output should be called flood discharge in the wind... Li Xiuchang muttered in his heart.

He found another shortcoming of this flying boat. It's not waterproof!

Even if Pang Yuanfu didn't have this problem, if it rained that day, wouldn't they all be soaked like drowned chickens?

"When I learn how to refine weapons, I must design a small flying boat that can protect from wind and rain, and is safe and comfortable." Li Xiuchang thought to himself.

Senior Brother Song Yu turned around and saw that everyone was huddled together, some with tears on their faces, some with pale faces. He couldn't help but shook his head and laughed, "It will be there in half a quarter of an hour, just bear with it."


Half a quarter of an hour later.

The flying boat stopped in the air, and Senior Brother Song Yu pointed down and said:

"The front is my Xianchen Sect. I will send you to the pick-up point later. The rest of the road will depend on you."

After a pause, he said, "After all, I brought you into the sect, so it's a fate. If you encounter any difficult problems in the future, you can come to the inner gate to find me."

"Thank you, senior brother." Li Xiuchang and others hurriedly thanked him.

Li Xiuchang slightly leaned over and looked down. He was shocked at a glance. This Xianchen Sect was much larger than he imagined, and it could match several Baiyun Cities!

The Xianchen Sect was not like the immortal sects in his stereotype, where the sect was built in some famous mountains or rivers. There were a few mountains in the sect, but most of the area was flat.

At first glance, the entire sect was similar to a mortal city, but it was larger, cleaner and more orderly.

The area in the center of the Xianchen Sect seemed to be covered by a formation, and it was hazy and unclear. What surprised Li Xiuchang the most was that the outermost part of the Xianchen Sect was very lively.

There were many mortal villages around the Xianchen Sect. It was early morning, the sky was dim, and peddlers and cart sellers were walking on their own roads, bustling and bustling, adding a bit of fireworks to this immortal sect.

The flying boat slowly landed, and Li Xiuchang and others couldn't wait to get off the flying boat. The feeling of being on the ground was better than ever before.

However, they looked around, but they didn't see the mountain gate of the Xianchen Sect.

Senior Brother Song Yu introduced with a smile: "This is the outer area of ​​my Xianchen Sect. Strictly speaking, it is not really entering the inner part of the sect. The outer area is mainly for registered disciples to live in, and there is no restriction on the exchange of outsiders. Although there is a large formation, it will not be opened on weekdays.

"In addition, the market of my Xianchen Sect is also located in the outer area. This is the largest market north of Xianyin. You can go shopping if you have the chance."

So that's it... Several people suddenly realized, but the registered disciples were inevitably a little depressed.

Registered disciples, meaning that they are not formal disciples yet, naturally cannot live in the inner part of Xianchen Sect, and can only live and practice in the outer area.

"Don't be discouraged. Every year, registered disciples are promoted to outer disciples. The road is under your feet. How far you can go depends on yourself."

Senior Brother Song Yu comforted him, and then handed the five registered disciples to the guiding disciples in the outer area. He took Li Xiuchang and the other two back on the flying boat and continued to fly forward.

After a while, Li Xiuchang and his companions saw the majestic gate of Xianchen Sect and the three characters "Xianchen Sect" on the plaque, which were vigorous and timeless, as if the ink had not yet dried and one could still smell the fragrance of ink.

"Master Zhao, your calligraphy has improved again. Congratulations, congratulations!" Senior Brother Song Yu smiled and greeted a middle-aged man with a long beard.

Only then did Li Xiuchang see that there was a long-bearded man holding a brush and flying in the air next to the gate.

The tip of the brush was still dripping with ink.

So the three characters "Xianchen Sect" were really just written...

Master Zhao, the long-bearded man, was in a good mood and nodded with a smile, saying, "I have recently studied the authentic works of Confucian saints and have gained some insights."

Song Yu introduced Li Xiuchang and the other two, "This is Elder Zhao Yuansi from the outer sect."

"Elder Zhao." Li Xiuchang and the other two hurriedly saluted.

There are elders in the outer sect too?

Li Xiuchang originally thought that the outer sect was inferior to the inner sect, but now it seems that this is not the case. The outer sect seems to have an independent channel for advancement.

Elder Zhao obviously did not want to communicate with the three new disciples. He waved his hand and asked Song Yu to take them away.

Passing through the mountain gate, it is considered to be officially entering the Xianchen Sect. There is a large formation for protection. Every entrance and exit is guarded by disciples, and entry and exit are strictly controlled.

Li Xiuchang followed Senior Brother Song Yu into the formation and could see people passing by in the air from time to time. Xianchen Sect is too big, and walking alone is too slow, so many people in the sect also use flying boats or flying swords to travel.

After entering the formation, Pang Yuanfu asked in a low voice: "Brother Song, isn't our Xianchen Sect an orthodox Taoist sect? Why does Elder Zhao still want to comprehend Confucian classics?"

Song Yu raised his lips: "Elder Zhao just appreciates Confucian culture and likes to study poetry, songs and calligraphy. He is not comprehending the Confucian method. Confucianism has long been in decline, and the orthodox Confucian tradition has been cut off."

Li Xiuchang also knew all of this. There are three sects in the righteous way: Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Now Confucianism has disappeared, Buddhism has declined, and only the immortal way is evergreen.

The world he traveled to is called "Xianyin Realm".

The origin of this name is that there is a huge shadow area in the middle area of ​​this world, called "Xianyin".

There is no obstruction above Xianyin, but the sun cannot enter and the moonlight cannot cover it.

There is a folk legend about the origin of Xianyin, saying that there was originally a sky-reaching fairy tree growing in the place where Xianyin is.

Until one day, the fairy tree suddenly collapsed and disappeared, but the shade cast by the fairy tree remained forever, and became the current "Xianyin".

And Xianchen Sect is said to be the most prosperous sect of immortal cultivation north of Xianyin.

This is also the reason why Li Xiuchang gave up the small sect near his hometown, traveled thousands of miles to Baiyun City, and waited for half a year to join Xianchen Sect.

Looking at the Tongtian fairy tree, even if the tree is gone, there is still a shade left, you can understand a truth - it is good to take shelter under a big tree!

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