I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 308 Soaring straight up to the sky, leaping to the ninth floor!

Li Xiuchang thought that he had reached the seventh floor, tying the record of the Dengxian Pavilion for countless years.

He was already so high-profile, so if he was a little more high-profile, it shouldn't matter if he went to the eighth floor.

But he still wanted to see if there was anything good on the seventh floor.

Knowledge is not the more profound the better, the most important thing is to suit yourself.

He first paid attention to the knowledge related to the skills of cultivating immortals.

"The inheritance of skills on the seventh floor, as well as the understanding and experience of skills, are finally of some level!"

The knowledge related to various skills on the seventh floor is so profound that it is worth learning for Li Xiuchang.

But not all skills are like this.

For example, the spiritual plant skills, Li Xiuchang himself is already at the level of a sixth-level master, and the spiritual plant knowledge on the seventh floor can't help him much.

On the contrary, the skills of the fourth level or so, such as formations, talismans, and immortal wine, can be improved by learning the skills here.

But Li Xiuchang's current goal is to prioritize the improvement of spiritual plants and refining skills.

At present, these two skills are difficult to improve on the seventh floor.

Li Xiuchang was unwilling to use the precious opportunity of enlightenment on the insights of the formations and talismans on the seventh floor. After all, although these insights are not mediocre, they are not precious or amazing.

On the preaching list, there are many of similar level.

It's just that there is no "enlightenment" to help, so he needs to spend more time and effort to understand.

"It seems that if I want to make sure that the "enlightenment" is not wasted, I have to go to the eighth floor anyway!"

Li Xiuchang was not in a hurry to leave. He read all the insights that were useful to him on the seventh floor and memorized them in his heart.

Although he couldn't understand it immediately at that time, he could ruminate slowly after returning.

But what embarrassed him was that the knowledge related to the seventh floor about the alchemy was not open to him.

This is because his alchemy skills are too low, only the second level.

Similarly, the books and jade slips related to the second-level corpse-driving skills are not open to him.

"Well, when I have time later, I will improve my alchemy skills in a targeted way."

Li Xiuchang also felt that the alchemy skills of the second level were too low to show off. After all, this was one of the first skills he learned.

After remembering all the skills that were useful to him, Li Xiuchang took a tour on the seventh floor and couldn't help but sigh that Dengxian Pavilion was indeed famous for its magic!

This seventh floor collected various high-level magics, which were varied and all-encompassing.

Li Xiuchang silently memorized a few practical spells, which might be useful in the future.

The difference between the seventh floor and the six floors below is that the seventh floor has an additional intelligence area!

Here are all kinds of intelligence collected by Dengxian Pavilion.

However, the intelligence must be classified. The intelligence on the seventh floor should not be considered top secret. The truly confidential intelligence is still on a higher level.

Li Xiuchang scanned the information with his spiritual sense with interest, and couldn't help laughing. He actually found the information of the three major immortal sects, Wenjian Sect, Yintian Sect, and Xianchen Sect.

Li Xiuchang had also read relevant information about the other three major immortal sects in Xianchen Sect before.

It seems that although the four major sects have a good relationship, they are secretly competing with each other and are very keen on collecting intelligence from the other three sects.

Li Xiuchang is most interested in the information about Xianchen Sect. He curiously picked up the thick book and several jade slips beside it and read them one by one.

After a while, Li Xiuchang put down the book and jade slips, and couldn't help but sigh that he, a disciple of Xianchen Sect, didn't know as much about Xianchen Sect as Dengxian Pavilion.

The information here records all aspects of Xianchen Sect in detail.

Including development history, current number of people, number of combat forces, economic conditions, etc.

In the intelligence, the final summary of the evaluation of Xianchen Sect is "the most creative sect among the four major sects".

The cultivators of the entire Xianyin have a long-standing stereotype of the other three major sects.

And there is a reason for this. The three sects have their own strengths, but these strengths also limit their development routes.

Only Xianchen Sect cannot be defined.

He doesn't seem to have a distinct label like the other three major sects, but he has outstanding figures in every aspect.

For a long time, the other three major sects have been steadily producing two kinds of geniuses, that is, cultivation geniuses and skill geniuses.

For example, the Sword-asking Sect has been steadily producing genius sword cultivators and various skill geniuses.

This makes the development of their three major sects very stable, and the overall strength will not fluctuate too much.

However, the Xianchen Sect did not focus on cultivating these two kinds of geniuses, but adopted a laissez-faire approach to most disciples, allowing them to play freely.

This made the Xianchen Sect have ups and downs in its past development history, and it was not as stable as the other three sects.

However, many geniuses and eccentrics emerged, especially in the outer sects, where many predecessors with low skill levels made great contributions with their own whimsical ideas.

They even made indelible contributions to promoting the development of the cultivation of the Hundred Arts of Immortals in the entire Xianyin Realm.

The Xianchen Sect is definitely a special one among the four major sects, but it doesn't seem to be that special.

At least Li Xiuchang couldn't see any reason for his neighbors to lurk in it for more than two thousand years.

Of course, this information certainly cannot reveal all the secrets of the Xianchen Sect. Even the Ascension Pavilion cannot investigate the real secrets.

Moreover, this information is obviously incomplete. There should be more detailed and confidential parts placed at a higher level.

At least in this information, there is no introduction to the Supreme Elders of Xianchen Sect.

For Li Xiuchang, the most mysterious thing about Xianchen Sect is probably the Supreme Elders.

He currently does not even know how many Supreme Elders there are in Xianchen Sect, he only knows that all the Supreme Elders are immortals.

Li Xiuchang rationally analyzed that the neighbors were lurking in Xianchen Sect to achieve a certain goal, so why not just do it directly, why lurk?

It must be because there is resistance.

And this resistance can only come from the Supreme Elders of Xianchen Sect.

After all, in Xianchen Sect, the only ones who can threaten the neighbors are the Supreme Elders.

From this, it can also be inferred that the overall strength of the Supreme Elders is at least not weaker than that of the neighbors, and even stronger!

Only in this way will the brothers and sisters have some concerns.

But what is this "purpose"?

Li Xiuchang has no clue yet.

In his opinion, the neighbors are not bad people, and Xianchen Sect is also a righteous sect. As long as the brothers and sisters have reasonable goals and are not doing anything that harms the world, they can sit down and talk.

But the brothers and sisters did not choose this solution.

Even Zhang Wanzhi, a friend-making expert, chose to lurk in the outer sect of Xianchen Sect.

Then it means that this matter cannot be solved by discussion.

It means that in a certain matter, the neighbors and the great elders of Xianchen Sect have irreconcilable contradictions!

Li Xiuchang frowned and thought, and his consciousness kept scanning the information about Xianchen Sect, trying to find some clues.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration: the brothers and sisters may have tried to discuss with the top leaders of Xianchen Sect!

With the steady character of Brother Chen Changsheng, the good temper of Brother Luyang, and the social skills of Brother Zhang Wanzhi, how could they not try to resolve the conflict in a friendly way?

Maybe, they tried, and then failed...

That's why they resorted to this desperate measure, and decided to hide in Xianchen Sect.

The senior brothers and sisters started to hide in Xianchen Sect more than two thousand years ago.

What happened more than two thousand years ago?

Li Xiuchang recalled the history of Xianyin Realm that he had read. From two thousand years ago to three thousand years ago, and even before that, four thousand years ago and five thousand years ago, Xianyin Realm did not seem to have any major events that could be recorded in the history books.

He picked up a jade slip again, which recorded the history of Xianchen Sect.

Li Xiuchang focused on the history of more than two thousand years ago, and read it word by word until he read such a passage, and he was suddenly stunned.

"Two thousand two hundred years ago, two supreme elders of Xianchen Sect explored Xianyin, and since then they disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown."

Li Xiuchang read a huge amount of information from a simple passage!

As the top fighting force of Xianchen Sect, the supreme elders actually disappeared at one time. This is absolutely an unacceptable loss for Xianchen Sect.

But the question is, why let two supreme elders explore Xianyin?

The danger of Xianyin is well known, and the four major immortal sects have never stopped exploring Xianyin. There are countless powerful people from the four major immortal sects who have disappeared in Xianyin over the years.

If two elders are missing, Li Xiuchang thinks it is reasonable.

The disappearance of two supreme elders is unacceptable!

Most of the elders of the four major immortal sects go to explore Xianyin because they have little lifespan and want to make use of their remaining energy.

But the supreme elders are all immortals, and there is no such thing as insufficient lifespan.

And everyone knows that the higher the cultivation level, the more dangerous it is to enter Xianyin. Without special circumstances, the supreme elders will never be willing to enter Xianyin, let alone two at a time!

It is even possible that more than two people entered, but only two disappeared.

There must be something hidden in this!

It is very likely related to the neighbors.

Li Xiuchang finally found a clue for investigation, and he couldn't help but feel excited. Just this clue alone, this trip to Dengxian Pavilion was not in vain!

Seeing that he could not find any valuable clues from the intelligence, Li Xiuchang adjusted his state and continued to ascend the Heavenly Steps, charging towards the eighth floor.

At this time, the questions given to him no longer had any questions about alchemy and corpse-driving skills, and even questions about formations, talismans, and spiritual kitchens were gone.

This showed that his level in these questions was no longer enough to correspond to the question bank of this level.

The questions he was asked were mainly about spiritual plants, refining, cultivation, body refining, and enlightenment.

Li Xiuchang finally felt a little difficulty.

Not all questions can be answered without thinking, and you often have to think carefully.

Of course, it was only a little difficulty, not enough to stump him.

He finally understood why talent and understanding are extremely important in ascending the Heavenly Steps.

Just like many questions about spiritual plants, Li Xiuchang knew the answer as soon as they were asked.

You ask him why?

He will only think, isn't it the way it should be?

He doesn't need any theoretical analysis, he just knows that he should do it.

This is not luck, because you must let him do reverse deduction based on his own choice, and he can still speak clearly, analyze the reasons for his actions, and provide theoretical basis.

Li Xiuchang hopes to encounter more questions about spiritual plants, and he can answer them easily, but unfortunately there are still many other types of questions mixed in.

For example, he will be asked to summarize his experience in overcoming the heart demon tribulation.

Li Xiuchang thought to himself, is this to detect how many times he has overcome the heart demon tribulation?

However, Li Xiuchang is indeed experienced in overcoming the heart demon tribulation, and he talked about it eloquently, and finally emphasized the key point - do less bad things, and naturally have fewer heart demons.

They would also ask him all kinds of weird questions, such as what is the difference between entering the original world between the golden body and the Dharma? The original world understands the different experiences of different avenues, etc...

Li Xiuchang answered one by one, followed the good deeds, and climbed steadily.

Although I didn't have the opportunity to skip a level, I climbed up to the 90th level steadily.

Seeing the eighth floor approaching, he encountered this problem:

A brief discussion of the reasons behind the decline of Buddhism and Taoism.

This question is a bit broad, there are too many things to talk about, and there is no standard answer.

Moreover, Li Xiuchang didn't know the most fundamental reason and couldn't answer it at all.

Let alone him, even the neighbor brothers and even Brother Gui probably don’t know the specific reason.

I probably don’t know the answer to the Confucian and Taoist treasure of Dengxian Pavilion.

Therefore, for this question, you only need to give some reasonable opinions, and it is not necessary to answer the truth.

Taking Buddhism in the Immortal Shadow World as an example, one can also name a number of reasons for its decline, including the insufficient resources suitable for Buddhist practice in the Immortal Shadow World and the limited development of Buddhist practice.

And when fighting against demons, Buddhism was the most radical, damaging a large number of elite Buddhist practices, seriously affecting the development and inheritance of Buddhism, etc...

These are ordinary people's answers to questions.

But Li Xiuchang was someone who had seen other worlds, had contact with Buddhist cultivators outside, understood some high-level inside stories, and vaguely knew some hidden secrets.

He replied: "Compared with Confucianism and Taoism, Buddhism and Taoism are not really in decline. They are only declining in the Immortal Shadow Realm. But in other worlds, such as the Zen Mind Realm and the Pure Land Realm, Buddhism and Taoism are still the mainstream practice system."

Li Xiuchang believes that there must be knowledge about other worlds in Dengxian Pavilion. He has not seen it now, just because that knowledge may be on the eighth or even ninth level.

For example, the existence of the "Zen Mind Realm" must be recorded in the Dengxian Pavilion.

But the "Pure Land Realm" must be new knowledge that is not available in Dengxian Pavilion!

Therefore, he found the right opportunity and talked about the Pure Land Realm.

But this does not count as answering the question directly. Even if you are contributing new knowledge, you must at least answer the question normally.

Li Xiuchang didn't wait for Dengxian Pavilion's reaction and continued to express his point of view:

"I think that although Buddhism is still strong in a few worlds, there must be problems at the higher levels. This can be seen from the number of high-level Buddhist cultivators in the Pure Land.

"So the overall decline of Buddhism and Taoism is also inevitable. As for its fundamental reason, I suspect it is related to the origin of Taoism. The reason for this speculation is because of Confucianism and Taoism.

“In the original world, the existence of the origin of Confucianism and Taoism cannot be found, and Confucianism and Taoism have been completely cut off, so there is reason to suspect that the end of Confucianism and Taoism is because the origin of Taoism has been destroyed.

"Although the origin of Buddhism and Taoism is still in the original world, there is probably something wrong, but it is not as serious as the origin of Confucianism and Taoism. There may be opportunities to remedy it.

"As for why there is a problem with the origins of Confucianism and Buddhism? I have reason to suspect that it has something to do with the demon-suppressing world at the bottom. Legend has it that a terrifying existence is sealed there. Maybe Buddhism and Confucianism were destroyed in the hands of that terrifying existence."

Li Xiuchang expressed his guesses. He didn't know if his guesses were correct, but at least they were well-founded and not fabricated out of thin air.

Of course, there is no basis for the statement that the terrifying existence of the demon-suppressing world destroys the origin of Confucianism and Buddhism. It is simply Li Xiuchang taking the opportunity to add more new knowledge.

Li Xiuchang revealed a lot of information in his answer, so much so that Dengxian Pavilion fell into a long silence again, seemingly processing the information given by Li Xiuchang.

The question itself may not be that deep, but Li Xiuchang's answer forced the question to a very high level.

For example, if you ask him to calculate 1+1, he will directly figure out Goldbach's conjecture.

After a while, information appeared in Li Xiuchang's mind, asking him to add information related to the "Pure Land Realm" and "Demon Suppression Realm".

Li Xiuchang gave a general introduction to the knowledge about the Pure Land Realm and the Demon Suppressing Realm.

Then came the long wait.

Li Xiuchang also knew that his answer this time revealed a lot of information and was extremely valuable.

He was looking forward to it, not knowing what kind of reward Dengxian Pavilion would give him.

He was only a few steps away from the eighth floor, so it was appropriate to enter the eighth floor.

The reason why he answered so many high-level messages was to get more opportunities for enlightenment as a reward.

Suddenly, a ray of green light rose from Li Xiuchang's feet, carrying him straight up into the blue clouds, reaching the eighth floor in an instant!

The green light doesn't stop and continues to rise!

Across one level, ten levels, twenty levels, thirty levels...sixty levels...eighty levels...

Li Xiuchang was shocked.

Still not stopping?

It wasn't until he was sent to the ninth floor in one breath that the green light stopped.

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