I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 315 Saint's Remains

Senior Brother Chen Changsheng has never mentioned this period of history, which shows that he is also unaware of it.

So where does this history come from? Is it true or false?

Li Xiuchang immediately took the book and found Senior Brother Chen.

After Chen Changsheng read the content in the book, he asked people in the village to ask and found out the reason.

These textbooks were compiled by knowledgeable elders in the village.

At present, the people in the village come from different tribes in different areas of the Demon Suppression Realm, and they have all been brought together by Chen Changsheng.

The histories handed down from each of their tribes are incomplete and pieced together to form a complement.

And this history of the death of the saint comes from one of the tribes.

The original leader of the tribe said: "This piece of history was seen by the ancestors of my tribe on the stone wall of a cave. There are not only texts on the stone wall, but also murals, recording that period of history."

Is the history derived from cave paintings credible?

Li Xiuchang was hesitant and discussed it with his two senior brothers.

Zhang Wan knew: "This story is too cliché and may have been imagined by future generations, but there may still be some real information in it."

Li Xiuchang analyzed: "The eruption of the magic well may symbolize the birth of the devil, that is, the terrifying existence sealed in the demon-suppressing world is about to break the seal. Maybe the saint died to prevent the terrifying existence from breaking the seal?"

"That's probably the case, but there are still doubts. The first is the identity of the saint. We only know that he was a top expert in Confucianism and Taoism. His specific identity is unknown. But no matter who he is, it is said that his death led to the severance of Confucianism and Taoism. , but it doesn’t make sense anyway.”

Chen Changsheng explained: "A cultivation system will not be directly affected by a person's life or death. Even if the ancestors of the Three Great Dao die, it is impossible to cut off the immortal path."

Zhang Wanzhi also agreed: "This part should be nonsense. Even if Confucianism and Taoism are not perfect, it is still a top avenue. The origin should have been rooted in the origin world long ago. Even if the deceased saint was the founder of Confucianism and Taoism, it will not affect the origin. The avenue in the world.

"Although it is true that the origin of Confucianism and Taoism cannot be found in the original world, it should be due to other reasons."

After discussion, the three came to the conclusion that this historical legend was half true and half false. The saint may have died to suppress the terrorist existence, but the severance of Confucianism and Taoism was not directly related to his death.

"I want to go to the cave where the murals were found." Chen Changsheng suspected that there might be other clues in the cave.

But asking the tribal leader can only give a rough direction.

It had been too long, and their tribe was constantly migrating, and they could not remember the specific location of the cave.

Chen Changsheng decided to search for the cave alone. Knowing the general direction, and cooperating with the powerful spiritual consciousness to cover the search, the hope of finding it was still very high.

Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi stayed in the village, giving the five-element pistols and talisman launchers they refined to the villagers and teaching them how to use them.

The villagers were extremely excited. With these magical weapons, they had a certain ability to protect themselves when they went out.

The number of the five-element pistols and talisman launchers refined by Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi was not large, and they were mainly used for emergency purposes.

The consumption of these two weapons is indeed not small. If they are fully armed and equipped with sufficient ammunition, allowing the villagers to fight against monsters, Li Xiuchang, a caring entrepreneur, cannot bear it.

And just relying on these two weapons is not enough to change the vulnerable situation of the people in the demon-suppressing world facing monsters.

There are only two ways to completely rid the people of the Demon Suppressing World from the threat. One is to completely eradicate the source of danger in the Demon Suppressing World and eliminate the monsters.

The second is to build a large-scale multi-person teleportation array and transfer all the people in the Demon Suppression World away.

However, Senior Brother Chen has not developed a multi-person cross-border teleportation array until now.

With the current single-person teleportation array, it is unrealistic to teleport away the people of the Demon Suppression World one by one.

One use of the teleportation array consumes a lot of money, and even if Li Xiuchang and the others can sustain the consumption if used multiple times in a row, the teleportation array can't bear it.

The key point is that the villagers in the village currently only account for a very small part of the surviving population of the entire Demon Suppression World. The Demon Suppression World is vast, and it is unknown how many survivors are hiding everywhere.

It is simply unrealistic to rely on a single teleportation array to transfer the population.

What Li Xiuchang can do now is to develop weapons that are more powerful and less expensive to enhance the fighting power of the villagers.

Chen Changsheng's clones are still searching for survivors, and more people will gather in the village later.

When there are more people, the demand for firepower naturally rises.

After that, Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi began to study the original magic power, and found that the most powerful thing about the original magic power is that it encompasses everything!

No energy can restrain it because it can blend with any energy.

Even the energy of Buddhism can be integrated with the original magic power and be "demonized".

After the two people's research, Zhang Wanzhi guessed that if you want to restrain the original magic power, you need at least the same level of energy as it.

To be precise, such as Buddhism, Confucianism, or Immortal Pure Yang, Lei Fa, etc., this kind of energy that is naturally in conflict with the devil needs to reach the same level as the original magic power in order to repel the original magic power and not be fused with it. .

Other energies that are not incompatible with magic must be at least one level higher than the original magic power in order to restrain the original magic power.

The problem is that the level of the original magic power itself is already very high.

Li Xiuchang summoned a trace of his magic power from the Void Refining Stage, and it was instantly fused with the original magic power.

Not to mention Li Xiuchang, even Zhang Wanzhi's magic power could not resist the fusion of original magic power.

However, unlike the stereotype of magic power, this original magic power can be regarded as a special wild energy between heaven and earth. Even if absorbed, it does not seem to have any negative impact on people.

It is even very mild, and there is no discomfort when absorbed into the body.

It will only make the magic power of the body more magical.

Having said that, Li Xiuchang does not want to really make his magic power more magical, then he will really become a complete magic cultivator, and he will never be able to wash it off.

As long as you do not actively absorb the original magic power, these ownerless original magic powers will not automatically drill into the body.

Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi discussed how to use the original magic power reasonably.

Zhang Wanzhi proposed an idea:

"When this original magic power is fused with any magic power, it will expand instantly and become more powerful. At the moment of expansion, it will explode with great power. If the original magic power is integrated into our five-element pistol and talisman bullet launcher, it will be enough to raise the power to a higher level!"

"Brother, you have a good idea, but how to integrate it?"

"The five-element pistol is very simple. Make a bead with the original magic power wrapped inside, convert the spiritual power of the spirit stone into the five-element spiritual power, and drive the bead to shoot. The moment it hits the enemy, the bead will break, the original magic power will explode, and the fusion with the five-element spiritual power will be completed, and the power will explode."

Li Xiuchang understood that it was actually to make the original magic bullet, and then use the five-element spiritual energy to drive the original magic bullet to shoot.

But he thought about it and had a more whimsical idea.

"Brother, since this original magic power is so pure and gentle, and it does not harm the body, why not let the people of the demon-suppressing world directly absorb the original magic power to practice?"

Zhang Wanzhi was stunned when he heard this, and had to admit that Li Xiuchang was more daring than him.

Why can't the people of the Demon Suppression Realm practice?

Because there is no spiritual energy.

Unless a large number of spiritual stones are directly supplied for them to practice.

But firstly, not relying on external spiritual energy, but only absorbing the spiritual energy from the spiritual stones for practice, the consumption is huge. Even with Li Xiuchang's financial resources, he can only focus on cultivating a small group of geniuses.

Secondly, it is unknown how many years it will take for these geniuses to succeed in practice and have a certain combat power.

No matter how talented a genius is, it usually takes at least 20 to 30 years to practice to the foundation building stage.

But the foundation building combat power can't change anything in the Demon Suppression Realm.

With that time, it is better to hope that Brother Chen's multi-person teleportation array research will be successful.

But if the people of the Demon Suppression Realm can absorb the original magic power, it will be different.

The original magic power itself is of a very high level. As long as it can be absorbed successfully, combined with weapons such as the Five Elements Pistol, using the explosive power after the fusion of the original magic power and other energies, it will soon have a good combat power.

The biggest problem is how to continuously obtain the original magic power.

Just like the spiritual stones, the Demon Suppression Realm does not produce spiritual stones, and it depends on Li Xiuchang and others to supply them.

This original magic power also requires Li Xiuchang and others to kill monsters to obtain it.

However, relying on the five-element pistol and the talisman bullet launcher, and with the monks who master the original magic power, they should be able to hunt some low-level monsters, which is enough for them to continue to obtain the original magic power.

Moreover, the original magic power is very gentle. Although the people of the Demon Suppression Realm have no cultivation, they don’t have to worry about their bodies being unable to withstand it when they practice from the beginning.

"Isn't this a bit risky?" Zhang Wanzhi hesitated.

Li Xiuchang said: "I have thought about it. The most troublesome thing about the original magic power is that it can be fused with various energies, and after fusion, it will expand violently.

"But the people of the Demon Suppression Realm, their bodies are clean, without any magic power and spiritual energy. The original magic power cannot produce any reaction when it enters their bodies, just like the golden needle mushrooms eaten into the stomach, how it goes in must come out the same way. "

"This... seems to make sense. "

Zhang Wanzhi thought about it and found that Li Xiuchang was not talking nonsense.

"And after the people of the Demon Realm master the original magic power, they can use the original magic power to drive our five elements pistols, which directly completes the fusion of the five elements spiritual power and the original magic power, and the power is increased dramatically, and it is very convenient. "

Li Xiuchang paused: "Of course, whether they accept it or not depends on themselves. I just proposed such a possibility and asked for their opinions. If anyone wants to try it, they can give it a try. "

To put it bluntly, this is to conduct human experiments.

There are certainly risks, but if the people of the Demon Realm want to gain strength, this step must be taken.

Zhang Wanzhi thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

They found several village elders and asked for their opinions.

As a result, when they heard that it was possible to master the same powerful power as the monsters, everyone without exception expressed their willingness to take the risk.

When they spread the news to the village, men, women, young and old, all rushed to sign up and volunteer.

For countless years, they have been displaced from generation to generation, surviving in the cracks, and have been suppressed for too long.

As long as they can gain strength and compete with the monsters, they are willing to take any risk.

In the end , the village selected two old men as "volunteers".

If you want to absorb the original magic power, you must first have a matching technique.

This is not a difficult task. The two old men have no cultivation skills. As long as they create a Qi training technique, Li Xiuchang can do it easily.

In fact, with the level of Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi, plus the mild characteristics of the original magic power, absorbing the original magic power itself will not be dangerous.

Soon, the two improved a simple Qi training technique based on the magic cultivation technique.

The main feature of this technique is a simple, fool-proof practice.

Because the original magic power itself is already very strong, there is no need to do anything complicated. As long as the original magic power can be successfully absorbed and refined, it is enough.

But the problem soon arose. The original magic power could not be refined!

These two old men, including all the other people in the Demon Realm, had no foundation for cultivation, and the original magic power level was too high. The Qi training period's exercises could not refine the original magic power into their own magic power.

In addition, they did not have any magic power and spiritual energy in their bodies. As long as there was a trace of magic power, they could still rely on fusion to accept the original magic power.

In desperation, Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi modified the exercises, and as a second choice, they omitted the step of refining the original magic power.

After repeated changes, they failed again and again.

In the end, it could no longer be called a cultivation method.

Because it had lost the most basic function of strengthening oneself in the cultivation method.

It was at this time that the exercise experiment finally succeeded!

The two old men successfully took the original magic power into their bodies, and also successfully used the original magic power to drive the Five Elements Pistol!

It's just that the two old men's cultivation did not improve. To be precise, they had no cultivation at all.

They just used themselves as vessels to contain the original magic power. The skills gave them the ability to absorb and use the original magic power, but that was all.

But the two old men were so excited that they burst into tears.

Not only the two of them, but also the other people who watched the experiment were eager.

Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi looked at each other and nodded with satisfaction. It was not easy to achieve this step.

Their goal has been achieved, allowing the people of the Demon Suppression Realm to have the ability to use the original magic power.

In the future, their overall combat capability will soar, and they will reduce their dependence on spirit stones.

Although the original magic power is difficult to obtain, at least it can be obtained in the Demon Suppression Realm.

Spirit stones are something that the Demon Suppression Realm does not have at all, and can only rely on outsiders like Li Xiuchang to send them.

For the people of the Demon Suppression Realm, this is the difference between "asking others" and "asking themselves". Li Xiuchang and others help them get on the right track, and then they can continue to develop on their own.

In the eyes of the people in the Demon Realm, Li Xiuchang and others are no different from gods who have come down to earth, giving them all kinds of help.

But the people in the Demon Realm always feel uneasy, maybe one day the gods will return to heaven and never come back.

Nothing is more reliable than mastering the power yourself.

After observation, the two old men who absorbed the original magic power did not have any abnormal conditions.

The two of them simply acted as a vessel. The original magic power entered their bodies and came out again, just like enoki mushrooms, leaving nothing behind and taking nothing away.

The two did not gain any benefits from absorbing the original magic power.

Their lifespans did not increase, and their bodies did not get better.

After consuming all the original magic power in their bodies, the two were still ordinary people, and they could even start practicing other skills from scratch.

This is also good, at least there is no need to worry about any hidden dangers in the future after absorbing the original magic power.

Li Xiuchang taught the two old men and let them learn some magic spells.

They can use the original magic power in their bodies to cast some spells, and the power is surprisingly good.

However, the most powerful way to use the original magic is to mix it with energy of other attributes.

So it is best to use it with the five-element pistol or other attack talismans of other attributes.

More and more villagers want to learn to master the original magic, but the amount of original magic is not enough, so Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi have to take some villagers out to hunt monsters.

By the way, let them practice using treasures such as the five-element pistol and talismans in actual combat.

With Li Xiuchang, Zhang Wanzhi and Wenwen, it is not difficult to deal with these monsters. It took a few days to easily kill a large number of monsters and collect a large amount of original magic.

Soon, a team of original magic warriors was formed in the village. The team was composed of young and strong people who mastered the original magic, and each person was equipped with a five-element pistol.

Li Xiuchang had too many talismans on him to use, so he also stuffed a large number of low-level talismans to them.

This team already has the ability to easily hunt low-level monsters and can obtain more original magic on their own.

However, Li Xiuchang still reminded them not to absorb other energies besides the original magic power, such as the spiritual energy in the spirit stone, which may cause unknown risks.

The original magic team has two special disciplinary officers to strictly control the spirit stones in each person's hands and supervise them not to absorb other energies.

With the help of Li Xiuchang and others, the villagers have initially gained the strength to fight against monsters, at least they have the ability to survive in this demon-suppressing world full of monsters.

Li Xiuchang still has a lot of strange ideas about the original magic power, but his intuition tells him that it may be dangerous.

This energy is not as harmless as it seems on the surface, which can be seen from the magic cultivators in the upper world.

After being mixed with other energies, the trend of the original magic power is generally towards evil, viciousness, and violence.

Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the original magic power from merging with other energies in the body.

However, Li Xiuchang still collected some original magic power for future research.

After Senior Brother Chen Changsheng left for more than a month, good news finally came, and it seemed that the cave was found!

Li Xiuchang and Zhang Wanzhi took Wenwen with them and immediately rushed over to meet up with Chen Changsheng.

After they met, Chen Changsheng pointed to a mountain not far away and said, "The cave is on the mountainside. I went in once and saw the murals they mentioned. The contents of the murals are basically the same as what they described.

"However, from the content and signature, we can see that the murals and texts in the cave were left by the saint's disciples. The saint had twelve disciples in total, and the one who left the murals was his second disciple."

"Brother, do you think that the saint's disciples might have deliberately beautified the saint?" Li Xiuchang asked.

Chen Changsheng nodded. It was normal for a disciple to protect the master's reputation. Not to mention distorting the facts, at least some exaggeration and beautification were reasonable.

"There is more than one cave on that mountain, but it has been so long that many have collapsed."

"I found one of the caves that is relatively intact. There are also words on the stone wall inside the cave. It was left by another disciple of the saint. It said that the saint's remains are buried under this mountain!"

"By the way, there is a monument without words in the two caves I found. In one of the caves, I also found a few broken bones and felt a very weak remnant of the great spirit. If it is not the saint's bones, it should be one of his disciples."

Chen Changsheng's words instantly aroused the curiosity of the three evil people. Li Xiuchang, Zhang Wanzhi, Wenwen and the turtle all had bright eyes.

When Chen Changsheng saw the expressions of Li Xiuchang and the other three, he thought that I really didn't make a mistake. Birds of a feather flock together.

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