I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 338 Return of 3005 Years of Life

Chapter 338 Gui Wuyan, who has a life span of 300.5 years

Li Xiuchang returned to Donggeng District. Senior Brother Gui had not returned yet, so he went straight to Danxianglou in the market.


Seeing Li Xiuchang coming in, the employees in Danxianglou saluted one after another.

Li Xiuchang nodded and went straight to the third floor.

Although he basically never came here, there was still an "office" reserved for him on the top floor.

Li Xiuchang took out the statues of the three Daozu gods used in the Asking Heaven Ceremony one by one, set up the tribute table, and respectfully offered the three statues.

Then he lit the incense and presented the new tribute.

In the future, his office will be used exclusively to worship the three Daozu.

It will definitely do no harm to build good relationships with these top bosses.

Li Xiuchang's own growth history is a living example. He can achieve today's achievements in just ten years. "Length plug-in" is indispensable, but the support of his neighbors is also crucial.

Make friends with top bosses and enjoy a life of winning without doing anything!

After placing the offerings, Li Xiuchang went downstairs and told Xiao Zhu to change the offerings regularly and ensure that the incense was kept burning.

The best incense should be used, and the offerings should all be top-grade spiritual fruits and monster heads.

The cost of maintaining this for a long time is staggering, and few people can afford it, but Li Xiuchang doesn't care.

He has so many spiritual stones that he doesn't know where to spend them. Now he can get closer to the three great Dao ancestors by spending some spiritual stones. There is nothing more cost-effective than this!

Before, Li Xiuchang was not sure whether the three great Dao ancestors were still alive.

It is very likely that they have died long ago like the Confucian saints.

But through this Heaven-asking Ceremony, Li Xiuchang confirmed that the three great Dao ancestors were still alive.

And he was not stupid. Of course, he knew that the three great Dao ancestors helped him in the Heaven-asking Ceremony, and it was definitely not just because of the good offerings he offered.

Those were the three great Dao ancestors!

What kind of good things have they not seen?

Although he didn't know why, it was obvious that the three great Dao ancestors were expressing their goodwill to him through this matter.

In order to return a favor, Li Xiuchang naturally had to show his sincerity.

The reason why he chose to worship the three great Dao ancestors in Danxianglou instead of the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce was, firstly, because Xiao Zhu was more meticulous in his work, and secondly, Wang Long was now the manager of the Four Immortals Chamber of Commerce...

If Wang Long saw Li Xiuchang was so wasteful, he would probably be so distressed that he would go crazy.

People who are used to living a hard life just can't stand seeing others spend lavishly and wastefully.


A few days later, good news came from Ye Yuqiu. She went to Yintian Sect to investigate the mysterious strong man who was outside the rules.

Although Chen Changsheng entrusted Ye Yuqiu to do this, Ye Yuqiu agreed not only to repay the favor, but she was also curious about the mysterious strong man.

This time, after discussing with Chen Changsheng, Ye Yuqiu adopted a frank strategy to investigate Yintian Sect.

Yintian Sect is a righteous sect, and the sect is full of fierce people who like to use the seal to hit people. Most of them are straightforward and generous, hate evil and hate evil, and have the same distinctive characteristics as the straightforward sword cultivators of Wenjian Sect.

Instead of beating around the bush with them, it is better to speak directly.

If there is really a problem within them, they will not be partial, but will take the initiative to check themselves.

Therefore, after Ye Yuqiu went there, he also got straight to the point and said directly that he had obtained the news through some channels that a strong man suspected to be from Yintian Sect appeared in the Moon Shadow Realm of the Lower Realm, and injured many people in succession, but he himself was not restricted by the rules of ascension.

Now the Zhanyue Xianchao is hunting this person in various worlds, and the news has spread in several worlds.

When the high-level officials of Yintian Sect learned of this news, they did not believe it at first.

Because the Xianyin Realm and the Moon Shadow Realm are too far away, they have never heard of the Moon Shadow Realm, and even the Huangtian Realm and Zhanyue Xianchao have never heard of it.

But they also attach great importance to Ye Yuqiu, knowing his identity and strength, so they will not speak nonsense.

Besides, regardless of whether this matter is true or not, Yintian Sect will not suffer any loss if Ye Yuqiu investigates it according to his wishes.

Even if it turns out that Ye Yuqiu made a mistake, he can still owe Ye Yuqiu a favor.

So, Yintian Sect directly handed Ye Yuqiu a list, which recorded all the missing persons in Yintian Sect in the past tens of thousands of years.

Including the time and place of disappearance, and whether the soul lamp is extinguished now...

After checking the list, Ye Yuqiu found that there were about three to five hundred disciples and followers of Yintian Sect who disappeared in the past tens of thousands of years, and most of them disappeared when exploring Xianyin.

Excluding some of those who did not meet the conditions, and then excluding those whose soul lamps were extinguished and confirmed dead, there were not many left.

Ye Yuqiu originally planned to investigate one by one. If someone was not dead and successfully escaped from Xianyin, even if he did not know why he did not want to return to Yintian Sect, he was still likely to be in contact with relatives and friends.

She thought that this investigation would take some effort.

But she did not expect that there would be progress soon...

Because she suddenly remembered that Chen Changsheng also gave her the portrait of the mysterious strong man.

Ye Yuqiu didn't take the portrait seriously.

Everyone could guess that the mysterious strong man was probably disguised.

A disguised face couldn't provide any clues.

Even Chen Changsheng himself didn't take the portrait seriously. He just told Ye Yuqiu all the information in detail out of his usual carefulness.

But what he didn't expect was that when Ye Yuqiu took out the portrait, all the high-level officials of Yintian Sect were stunned.

"This... Isn't this Elder Lou!"

"Elder Lou? I was wondering why he looked familiar!"

"It's really Little Lou. Except for the dressing style and temperament, they look 80% alike!"

Ye Yuqiu was stunned at the time and asked uncertainly: "You all know him?"

"Of course I know him. Elder Lou is an elder of our Yintian Sect."

"Then where is this Elder Lou?"

The high-level leaders of Yintian Sect looked at each other, and then someone shook his head and said: "It's just that he looks alike. It can't be Elder Lou. He has been in charge of important matters in the sect in recent years and has never been out."

"Yes, they look very similar, but if you look closely, there are still many differences. If the portrait is not drawn wrong, it should just look like Elder Lou. "

Ye Yuqiu didn't think so: "The mysterious strong man is suspected to be from Yintian Sect, and now he looks so similar to Elder Lou of your sect. This is definitely not a coincidence."

Someone remembered something and asked: "If I remember correctly, did the Lou family have more than one elder?"

"That's natural. The talented disciples of the Lou family all worshipped in our Yintian Sect and provided a large number of talents for our Yintian Sect. The Lou family also contributed to the fact that our Yintian Sect can be what it is today."

His words opened everyone's minds and thought of something. They scanned the missing list with their spiritual consciousness.

Soon, everyone locked on a name: Lou Yu!

This person is also a member of the Lou family and was once an elder of the Yintian Sect.

About three thousand years ago, when his life was about to end, he entered Xianyin with the cultivation of the Hedao period and never returned. He was considered missing.

To this day, the soul lamp is still on.

Calculated, Lou Yu should be the great-great-grandfather of the current Yintian Sect's Lou Elder.

Ye Yuqiu asked: "Does your sect have a portrait of this Lou Yu?"

A supreme elder of Yintian Sect nodded and said: "Yes, I met Lou Yu a few times in the past, and he does look a bit like the portrait."

Soon, Lou Yu's portrait was delivered, and a comparison revealed that the two portraits looked like two people at first glance.

But in terms of facial features, eyebrows and eyes, and even temperament, they are all very similar.

This is getting closer to the truth.

The mysterious strong man is probably Lou Yu!

He disappeared in Xianyin and finally came out alive.

Did Lou Yu deliberately disguise himself as his junior to cause trouble for his junior?

The supreme elders of Yintian Sect denied this speculation, because when Lou Yu disappeared, the current Elder Lou was not yet born.

Lou Yu should have never seen his great-great-grandson.

And it doesn't make sense logically, Lou Yu has no reason to do so.

Lou Yu probably just did some simple disguises, changing some key parts of his face, but his foundation remained the same.

But he didn't expect that this change would make him look so much like his great-great-grandson!

Blood is sometimes so magical, and after several generations, there are still many similarities.

Lou Yu probably didn't expect that his disguise would be ineffective and his identity would be exposed.


When Li Xiuchang learned all this from Senior Brother Chen, he was not surprised by the way Lou Yu was exposed.

For some people with strong bloodlines, it is not uncommon for three generations of grandparents to share the same face.

For example, a general in the previous life.

However, they did not expect that Ye Yuqiu would quickly investigate the identity of the mysterious strongman in such a dramatic way.

Of course, it is still impossible to make a final conclusion now, after all, there is no direct evidence.

It is also possible that the mysterious strongman deliberately disguised himself like that to mislead others.

Assuming that their guess is true, the mysterious man is Lou Yu, but there are still many things that cannot be explained.

For example, how did Lou Yu successfully escape after disappearing in Xianyin?

Why didn't he go back to the Lou family or Yintian Sect, but hid in the lower world alone?

Why could he avoid the rules of ascension?

These are what Li Xiuchang and his friends are interested in, but the only way to solve these puzzles is to catch Lou Yu.

It is not difficult to see that if everything is true, then Lou Yu must be hiding a big secret!

"Why hasn't Lao Gui come back yet! Now we have to wait for him to figure out the whereabouts of Lou Yu so that we can catch him!" Zhang Wanzhi seemed a little anxious.

Even Lu Yang, who has always been calm, was a little anxious: "Why don't we go and catch him first?"

Chen Changsheng advised: "Wait a little longer."

Li Xiuchang looked at several brothers and found some abnormalities.

It seems that the brothers have no doubt that the mysterious man is Lou Yu.

It seems that they have determined the identity of the other party, and the enthusiasm they show is very strange.

Even if the other party has a big secret, it seems that it has nothing to do with them directly. Even Yintian Sect didn't care so much when they learned about it.

"Is it because of Xianyin that the senior brothers pay special attention to Lou Yu?"

This is the only thing Li Xiuchang could think of, because Lou Yu's abnormality is obviously related to Xianyin.

And the senior brothers have always paid special attention to Xianyin.

Just as the senior brothers were discussing how to catch Lou Yu, an old man with white hair walked in silently like a ghost.

"Lao Gui, you are finally back!"

As soon as they saw Gui Wuyan appear, everyone finally suppressed the anxiety that was about to overflow, as if they had a backbone.

Among the crowd, the most reliable one might be Chen Changsheng.

But the only one who can guide everyone in the general direction is Gui Wuyan, only his hexagram technique!

All along, Lao Gui's guidance has never been missed.

As long as it was Gui Wuyan who said it, they would not doubt it, just do it!

Even if Gui Wuyan asked Chen Changsheng to throw his immortal weapon into the Broken Immortal Cliff a hundred years ago, Chen Changsheng did it without frowning, and never looked for his immortal weapon in the past hundred years.

Even if Gui Wuyan asked them to hide their cultivation and identity, stay in this Donggeng District, and wait for more than two thousand years! Just for a glimmer of hope!

Even if Gui Wuyan only hinted that Li Xiuchang might be that glimmer of hope, they would spare no effort to help Li Xiuchang grow.

Gui Wuyan himself may not be so reliable, but his divination has never disappointed people.

No matter big or small, it is right to listen to him.

Or it can be said that there is no small matter that can be instructed by him.

When Li Xiuchang joined Donggeng District, it was just a small matter in the eyes of the neighbors and brothers, but now Li Xiuchang has become an indispensable member of them.

"Old Gui, what should we do this time?" Chen Changsheng saw that the others were impatient and asked first.

Zhang Wan knew: "What to do? Of course, go catch that guy! Old Gui, you quickly figure out where that guy is hiding!"

Gui Wuyan didn't say anything, but words appeared on his head: "Make up for life first."

Only half of his black hair was left on his head, swaying in the wind, and it was particularly conspicuous among his white hair.

Li Xiuchang handed over a round longevity pill at the right time.

Gui Wuyan took the longevity pill, took a look, and his face was normal.

Li Xiuchang couldn't read any information from Senior Brother Gui's face, and didn't know if Senior Brother Gui saw anything.

Xia Sijun glanced at the longevity pill and frowned slightly.

As a pill she made by herself, she clearly felt that this longevity pill was not the one she made, but after careful observation, there was no difference. It was indeed a genuine longevity pill.

Could it be that Li Xiuchang had another longevity pill on him?

But this longevity pill was too round, wasn't it? It was round and smooth, and more shiny than the one she made.

How could she know that this was the Wanshou Pill carefully polished by Li Xiuchang.

Xia Sijun noticed something wrong, but didn't say anything.

She knew that since Gui Wuyan insisted on Li Xiuchang to keep the Wanshou Pill for him, there must be a deep meaning behind it.

The fortune teller never plays idle chess!

This time, Gui Wuyan rarely refused, nor was he reluctant to give up the Wanshou Pill. He raised his head and swallowed the pill.

In an instant, a tuft of hair on his head quickly turned from white to black!

It was the first time that Li Xiuchang saw Brother Gui with so many black hairs and a lifespan of hundreds of years.

The neighbors' brothers and sisters were also all brightened up, and saw the strong self-confidence in Gui Wuyan's eyes!

It was as if they saw the former Gui Wuyan who could speak, answer every question, was full of vigor and vigor, and was like two different people now.

He regained his vigor and was no longer submissive and evasive.

That man is back!

Gui Wuyan, who has a lifespan of 300.5 years, is so terrifying!

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