I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 57: The Deepest Affection in the Inner Sect

In this medicinal field area, each medicinal field is covered by a separate formation.

The main function of these formations is of course to prevent outsiders from entering, but they also have the effect of preventing prying eyes and can isolate the outside world's sight and consciousness.

When Li Xiuchang opened the formation covering the No. 52 medicinal field, he originally expected to see a bare medicinal field.

But in fact, what he saw was a sea of ​​flowers!

The flowers were in full bloom, and the scent of the flowers almost made Li Xiuchang drunk.

"This is……"

Li Xiuchang looked doubtfully at the senior brother guarding the medicine field next to him, but saw that he was also confused.

He spread his hands and said, "It should be left by the previous owner of the medicine field."

"Who was the previous owner of the medicine field?"

"It seems to be a senior fellow from the inner sect, but you don't need to worry about this. The sect must have informed him when the medicine field expired. He just threw it away before he came to deal with the flowers. Junior brother, you can handle it yourself."

Having said this, the senior brother couldn't help but swallow.

He could see that the flowers in this entire acre of land were all first-order spiritual plants called "Millennium Fragrance".

Although it is an ornamental spiritual plant, it has little practical value, and its price is much lower than that of a normal first-level spiritual plant, but it cannot support the large quantity!

If these flowers are sold casually, they can equal his income from guarding the medicine field for several years.

It’s really like drought leads to drought and waterlogging leads to death.

Li Xiuchang didn't expect such an unexpected harvest. He randomly pulled out a few thousand-year-old incense plants and gave them to the senior brother who was guarding the medicine field.

The senior brother suddenly beamed, these flowers could be sold for a few spiritual stones.

After sending away the senior brother guarding the medicine field, Li Xiuchang immediately used his identity token to send a message to his royal salesman Wang Long, asking him to rush to the medicine field.

These flowers must be disposed of, and selling them all will be worth a lot of spiritual stones. At this time, senior salesman Wang Long, the gold medal salesman, needs to take action.

As soon as Senior Brother Wang Long heard that he had earned spiritual stones, he was extremely quick to do so.

When he saw the "thousand-year-old incense" that covered the entire medicinal field, he was stunned for a moment and said:

"This is a first-order spiritual plant that lasts for thousands of years. Its fragrance lasts for several years. It is often used to express love. It means 'love is like the fragrance of flowers that lasts for thousands of years.' The fragrance made from it is also very popular among female cultivators. "

Li Xiuchang frowned and said, "What's wrong? Is it difficult to sell?"

"That's not true. I just suddenly remembered something. Did you just say that these flowers were left by an inner disciple?"

"Yes, I also heard what the senior brother guarding the medicine field said."

"That shouldn't be wrong. I probably know the origin of these flowers. There was a rumor in the outer sect last year that a senior brother from the inner sect confessed his love to a junior sister from the outer sect and sent thousands of thousand-year-old incense flowers. But...that The junior sister refused and the flowers were taken away."

Li Xiuchang blinked: "So, that senior brother's confession was rejected and he doesn't want these flowers? He is really rich!"

Wang Long smiled and said: "That inner disciple is not an ordinary person. It is said that he is also a famous figure among the inner disciples. He is even famous on the preaching list and is a strong contender for the top of this year's annual preaching list.

"For a person like him, his handwriting is naturally beyond our imagination."

"Huh?" Li Xiuchang was confused, "That senior brother fell off his horse?"

"What are you talking about?" Wang Long said he didn't understand.

"It's just that the vest has fallen off...it means that his true identity on the preaching list has been revealed."

"Haha, Junior Brother, your description is quite interesting. I don't know that Senior Brother, so I don't know why he was recognized. I only know that his title on the preaching list is 'The Most Affectionate in the Inner Sect'."

"It turns out to be that person." Li Xiuchang was a little impressed. "Then, should we still sell these flowers? Or should we give them back to that 'affectionate senior brother'?"

Wang Long also hesitated: "It's not a big problem for us to sell them directly. I'm afraid that person didn't take these flowers to heart, and even if he came later, it would be unreasonable for him, but he offended an inner sect brother for these flowers. , it may not be worth it, why don’t we ask someone to ask him?”

Li Xiuchang thought for a while and said, "Let me ask Senior Brother Song Yu. They are both inner disciples. Maybe they know each other."

He took out his identity token and sent a message to Senior Brother Song Yu to explain the situation.

Not long after, Senior Brother Song Yu sent a message and responded: "The person you are looking for should be Senior Brother Chu Ya. He is very wealthy, so he definitely doesn't want these flowers, but I still ask for you."

"Then I'll trouble you, senior brother." Li Xiuchang replied.

A few minutes later, another message came from Senior Brother Song Yu: "You can handle the flowers on your own, but by the way, I helped you get a job from Senior Brother Chu Ya. Do you want to take it?"

"What kind of job?" Li Xiuchang asked curiously.

"Senior Brother Chu Ya wants to find someone to help him plant ninety-nine 'Acacia Rose' plants. When they mature, he can take them away for fifty spiritual stones per plant, which is two to three percent higher than the market price. If you can plant them, It should make a fortune.”

Acacia rose...that is a second-level spiritual plant, but fortunately, like "Millennium Fragrance", they are both ornamental flower spiritual plants, which are relatively easy to plant and mature relatively quickly.

This is a good business. Li Xiuchang originally planned to focus on improving his skill level. Planting second-level Acacia roses can not only increase his proficiency but also earn spiritual stones. He has no reason to refuse.

The only thing he has to worry about is that his own spiritual planting skills have not reached the second level, so it is a bit difficult to plant them.

It was not insurmountable. He had planted second-level cold grass under the guidance of senior brother Motu before.

But why does Senior Brother Chu Ya want so many flowers again? Isn't it because he failed to confess his love once and is asking for the second time?

"Did Senior Brother Chu Ya say when he wants them?" Li Xiuchang was ready to ask clearly, and if there was no problem, he would take on the job.

Senior Brother Song Yu's answer was very subtle: "You can grow them to maturity within two years. Senior Brother Chu Ya will definitely use them to confess his love to another junior sister. Even if he can't use them next time, he will be able to use them sooner or later."

From what Senior Brother Song Yu said, Senior Brother Chu Ya often does this kind of thing?

And he always gets rejected when he confesses his love, so he has to confess again and again?

This Senior Brother Chu Ya is a genius in the inner sect after all. How ugly is he that he keeps getting rejected when he confesses his love!

Li Xiuchang was a little curious, but he didn't ask too much, so he just verbally agreed to the deal.

Senior Brother Chu Ya would pay a deposit of one thousand spirit stones in advance and put it with Senior Brother Song Yu, so that Li Xiuchang could go and get it when he was free.

Next, Li Xiuchang and Wang Long picked all the "Millennium Fragrance" in the entire medicinal field. Once picked, this kind of flower cannot be preserved for a long time and must be disposed of as soon as possible.

Li Xiuchang asked Brother Wang Long to sell as much as possible. The unsold ones can be used to refine fragrant dew, just as a practice of alchemy.

Li Xiuchang has planned the days ahead. He will farm, refine alchemy, cook, and save up length every day.

He is going to save a big wave, save more length, and add a lot of fun at once!

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