I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 67: First-level talisman fire goes out of the circle

Is it a wolf or a dog?

Li Xiuchang didn't care.

As long as the dog soul is obedient.

He thought for a while and said, "Give you a name. From now on, you will be called Wangcai."

With the intelligence and knowledge of the dog soul, it obviously didn't know that "Wangcai" was a dog name. It even felt that this name was inexplicably suitable for itself, and its tail turned into a fan to show its agreement.

Li Xiuchang saw that he had conquered this dog with his strong personality charm, so he made the soul seal to strengthen his control over the ghost.

The soul seal is a means for the soul master to control the ghost, but it is not as stable as the blood contract of the beast master to control the spirit beast.

After all, the gap between the flesh and blood life of the ghost and the spirit beast is still quite large.

"Wangcai, you have a keen sense of smell. Smell if there is any smell of monster beasts here." Li Xiuchang ordered.

He was not sure whether the dog demon still had the strong sense of smell talent in his life after losing his body and only having the soul.

Wangcai sniffed around on the ground and suddenly pulled out a half-long black hair from the grass.

"Very good, it looks like a black pig." Li Xiuchang praised, and his spiritual sense swept over the black hair, sensing a faint demonic aura.

He ordered Wangcai to track the aura, and Wangcai walked and stopped along the way, sniffing the smell, heading towards the mountain, his speed was a bit slow.

Li Xiuchang was not in a hurry, and followed Wangcai leisurely, taking in the scenery.

They walked and walked like this, and it was dark, but they still hadn't reached it.

It seemed that the pig demon's nest was quite far away.

There was no movement from the others, and it was obvious that they had not gained anything.

Suddenly, Wangcai's movements became agile, and his speed increased sharply, as if the smell became obvious all of a sudden.

Li Xiuchang also realized something, guessing that he might be close to the pig demon's nest, and hurriedly followed him.

After running for a while, Li Xiuchang suddenly stopped.

The mountain at night was already quiet and gloomy, and if a cemetery appeared, it would be doubly gloomy.

Li Xiuchang looked at the scattered dozen graves and noticed that some of them didn't even have tombstones, some of them were broken and damaged, and even those with tombstones were overgrown with weeds, which showed that no one had been paying respects or cleaning for a long time.

Li Xiuchang stopped not because he was afraid, of course. He and Wangcai were ghost catchers and one was a ghost himself, so there was no reason to be afraid.

Li Xiuchang even hoped that a few ghosts would jump out of here so that he could catch them and work for them.

He stopped because he noticed that one of the dozen graves was particularly conspicuous.

There was not a single weed on the grave, and the tombstone was wiped clean.

The words on the inscription were crooked, and it read: Tomb of Mr. Su Qingchun of Baiyun Academy.

There were a few lines of crooked small words at the bottom of the tombstone, recording the life of Mr. Su Qingchun.

Li Xiuchang had lived in Baiyun City for half a year, and he had some understanding of Baiyun City. He also had an impression of Baiyun Academy, but he had never heard of Mr. Su Qingchun, who had been dead for who knows how many years.

The tombstone also does not record when Su Qingchun was born or when he died.

But from the small characters at the bottom of the tombstone, we can learn that Mr. Su Qingchun was a scholar who failed the imperial examination many times. Later, he taught at Baiyun Academy. He never married and had no children.

Li Xiuchang glanced at the tomb and did not see anything unusual about it, so he asked Wangcai to continue to follow the smell.

But after walking for a while, Wangcai stopped.

"Are we there?"

Li Xiuchang looked around and saw a cave not far ahead.

"Is this the lair of the pig demon?"

Li Xiuchang did not rush in. Although he could easily deal with a first-level early pig demon with his strength, why should he fight alone if he could fight in a group?

He took out a first-level talisman fire bomb talisman and injected mana into it. The talisman ignited without fire, forming a ball of fire that shot straight into the sky and exploded like fireworks.

The noise outside seemed to have alarmed the pig demon inside. Soon, a black calf-sized thing rushed out of the cave. It didn't even look at Li Xiuchang and tried to escape from the side.

Li Xiuchang naturally couldn't let it run away, so he ordered Wangcai to intercept it.

Wangcai was a mid-level ghost, and the pig demon looked only at the early level. Wangcai might be able to take it down alone.

But who knew that when the pig demon saw Wangcai blocking his way, he actually spit out a handful of talismans.

Those talismans were activated at the same time, turning into various attacks, including wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and smashed towards Wangcai.

Wangcai was smashed so hard that he kept screaming and retreating.

Li Xiuchang was stunned. What kind of operation was this? Pigs can also fight with talismans?

Have the first-level talismans been so rampant now?

They are all popular!

He came to his senses and immediately rushed to support Wangcai, but when the pig demon saw that he was fighting two people at once, he turned around and ran back to the cave.

Li Xiuchang did not chase him in. This pig demon was cunning. Who knew if there were any traps in the cave?

He just had to make sure that the pig demon did not escape and wait for Pang Yuanfu and others to come to support him.

Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui came very quickly. Li Xiuchang did not wait for a while before the two of them arrived in a flying boat.

"This pig demon is hiding in the cave and not coming out. What I mean is that we don't need to go into the cave to catch it. This cave is narrow. If it rushes in after entering, we will have nowhere to hide." Li Xiuchang said.

Pang Yuanfu agreed and nodded repeatedly. Their cultivators have fragile bodies and should always remember to protect themselves and not give the monsters the opportunity to hit them head-on.

"Then what should we do according to Brother Li's opinion?"

Li Xiuchang had a plan in advance, and ordered: "Brother Pang, you and Wangcai guard the two sides of the cave entrance to prevent the pig monster from escaping. Junior Sister Chi, you fly up and observe carefully to see if there are other exits from the cave."

"How to observe?" Chi Hui was puzzled.

"You will understand in a moment, and leave the rest to me."

Li Xiuchang saw that Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui were already in place, so he took out a talisman, which was a first-level hurricane talisman.

He held the hurricane talisman in his left hand, and black charcoal-attributed magic power emerged from the palm of his right hand.

The next moment, the charcoal-attributed magic power in his palm burned and emitted flames.

What followed was thick smoke that was much larger than the flames.

He activated the hurricane talisman in his left hand, and a gust of wind came from behind him, blowing all the thick smoke into the cave.

The solution Li Xiuchang came up with was smoke.

Let the thick smoke fill the entire cave, and then the pig monster will either be forced out or be poisoned by the smoke in the cave.

As Li Xiuchang's cultivation level increased, the smoke generated by the charcoal-attributed magic power became more and more toxic, enough to knock down a first-stage monster.

Thick smoke was continuously poured into the cave, and Chi Hui, who was flying in the sky, suddenly found that there was smoke coming out from a place on the top of the mountain.

This means that there is another exit of this cave on the top of the mountain.

"Brother Pang, Junior Sister Chi, you two go to guard the exit on the top of the mountain, and leave this to me."

Pang Yuanfu and Chi Hui immediately flew to the top of the mountain, while Li Xiuchang continued to pour smoke.

A moment later, he suddenly heard the sound of fighting coming from the top of the mountain.

"Did the pig monster break out from another exit?"

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