I rely on length to cultivate immortality

Chapter 77 The flowers in the medicinal field are blooming

This time, Li Xiuchang finally paid the spiritual stones according to the market price for entrusting Zhang Wanzhi to help refine the soul flag magic weapon.

Zhang Wanzhi knew that Li Xiuchang was now well-off, so he did not refuse.

As for the flying sword, because it was not so urgent, Li Xiuchang did not entrust Zhang Wanzhi to help refine it.

Not long after Li Xiuchang left Zhang Wanzhi, he received a message from Senior Brother Song Yu.

Senior Brother Song Yu first thanked Li Xiuchang for his great contribution in the task of eliminating the pig monster. It seems that Pang Yuanfu did not forget his credit.

Then Senior Brother Song Yu asked Li Xiuchang whether the second-level spiritual plant Acacia rose that he had entrusted him to plant had bloomed?

As the best ornamental flower among the second-level spiritual plants, the growth cycle of Acacia rose is relatively short. In addition, Li Xiuchang often uses charcoal-attribute magic to ripen it, so it grows very quickly.

It just bloomed not long ago.

"It has bloomed." Li Xiuchang replied.

"That's perfect. Senior Brother Chu Ya asked me about it today. Since it's ripe, he will go to get the flowers tomorrow."

The next day...

Li Xiuchang waited for Senior Brother Chu Ya in the medicinal field.

Senior Brother Chu Ya was dressed in white and had an extraordinary demeanor. Although he might be nearly a hundred years old, he still had the vigor of a young man.

This is probably why he is keen on emotional matters.

After all, people who believe in love are young.

Senior Brother Chu Ya's image is completely different from what Li Xiuchang imagined.

Li Xiuchang had heard before that Senior Brother Chu Ya often confessed to female disciples, and seemed to be rejected frequently. He thought he was so ugly.

But now, Senior Brother Chu Ya is not ugly at all. Although he can't compare with him, he is also a little handsome.

Then the question is, Senior Brother Chu Ya is a genius inner disciple with a clean appearance. It is said that his family background is also quite good. Why is he rejected frequently when he confesses?

Why is he so keen on confessing after repeated failures?

Li Xiuchang couldn't figure it out.

"Is this the acacia rose that Junior Brother helped me plant? Not bad, not bad!" Chu Ya looked at the ninety-nine acacia roses in full bloom in the medicine field and praised with a smile.

"As long as you are satisfied, Senior Brother." Li Xiuchang said with a smile.

"Junior Brother, there is not even a helper in this medicine field. It must have taken a lot of effort to help me plant these flowers. Here are the agreed spiritual stones. Junior Brother, please count them." Chu Ya took a large bag of spiritual stones and handed it to Li Xiuchang.

Li Xiuchang had already put all the ghosts into the gourd magic weapon in advance, so it seemed that he was the only one taking care of the medicine field.

He knew the number of spiritual stones with a sweep of his spiritual consciousness, put them away, and smiled:

"I will pick all the flowers now, Senior Brother, wait a moment."

Picking spiritual plants still needs to be done by professional spiritual planters. Li Xiuchang spent some time picking all ninety-nine acacia roses and handed them to Senior Brother Chu Ya.

Senior Brother Chu Ya put away the Acacia Rose and said, "Junior Brother, are you willing to help me plant another 200 Yirenxiang?"

Yirenxiang is also a second-level spiritual plant flower similar to the Acacia Rose.

"Of course no problem."

Li Xiuchang would certainly not refuse such a good thing, as he could earn spiritual stones and practice spiritual plant skills.

So Senior Brother Chu Ya paid another deposit in advance and ordered 200 second-level flower Yirenxiang from Li Xiuchang.


Li Xiuchang looked at Senior Brother Chu Ya's leaving back and thought to himself.

Senior Brother Chu Ya had just taken 99 Acacia Roses to confess his love, and it seemed that he had already known that this confession would fail, and had already reserved more spiritual flowers for the next confession.

"Forget it, it has nothing to do with me."

Li Xiuchang didn't think much about it, and went to buy Yirenxiang seeds that day, and spent a few days planting them in the medicinal field.

His success rate in planting second-level spiritual plants is not low now, especially for this kind of flower spiritual plants, the probability of failure in planting is no more than 30%.

I feel that if I practice more, I can become a second-level spiritual plant husband within a year or two.

Li Xiuchang is not in a hurry to improve his spiritual plant skills.

With his talent, it will be a natural thing.

But in terms of alchemy skills, he feels that he has to work harder and get started as soon as possible.

Having a master of alchemy like Zhao Yuansi as a technician also brings some invisible pressure to Li Xiuchang.

But Li Xiuchang has more important things to worry about next.

That is foundation building!

He is now at the seventh level of Qi training, and foundation building seems a bit far away.

But in fact, for him, it is just a matter of a few inches.

So it’s time to make plans for foundation building now.

If you need foundation building pills, you should plan ahead.

But he is not sure whether he needs the assistance of foundation building pills.

Generally speaking, only a small number of geniuses with excellent talents can complete foundation building without foundation building pills, and Li Xiuchang is definitely not among them.

But he is a cheat after all, and who can say for sure if he doesn’t try it himself?

In addition, he also needs to consider the problem of the technique after building the foundation.

The "Fire-burning Technique" he is currently practicing only has the Qi training chapter. Once the foundation is successfully built, he will either switch to other techniques or find a way to obtain the subsequent techniques of "Fire-burning Technique".

The charcoal attribute mana is too easy to use, and it feels that there is still a lot of potential that has not been developed. Li Xiuchang definitely does not want to switch to other techniques.

However, the subsequent techniques of "Fire-burning Technique" do not exist at all, unless he can find the sect elder who created this technique and let him continue with the latter part.

It is not easy to make eunuchs reborn.

There are thousands of eunuchs in the world, how many can grow back?

Especially if they are habitual offenders.

They have long been accustomed to cutting, cutting quickly, cleanly, painlessly, and only practice makes them so.

Occasionally, they will give you hope, making you think that they have really cut off the roots and reborn, but in the end you will find that you have been deceived again - it is just the hyperplasia of the scar at the cut.

Do you believe that the old eunuch will grow out?

It is better to believe that Wangcai is a wolf.

Li Xiuchang did not hold out hope for this, so he could only try to ask for help from others to help him create the follow-up exercises of "Fire Burning Skill".

He immediately thought of the preaching list.

Li Xiuchang also thought of asking for help from his neighbors, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was a bit inappropriate.

First, he was still unsure whether his senior brothers had the ability. He only knew that they were very strong, but he didn't know how strong they were.

Second, the skills were very important. The skills he got directly from his senior brothers always felt that there was a lack of protection, unlike the preaching list, which could guarantee that there was no problem with the skills.

Third, although he already knew that his senior brothers had problems, there was still a layer of window paper that had not been broken.

If he went directly to ask for the skills, it would be a bit like breaking the window paper.

So he still placed his hopes on the preaching list.

In the days that followed, Li Xiuchang practiced his skills to accumulate length, and went to the preaching list every now and then to try his luck, to see if there were any seniors in the sect who were willing to help him create the follow-up skills of "Fire Burning Skill".

Until this day, he received a message from Senior Brother Zhang Wanzhi, saying that the Soul Banner magic weapon had been refined and asked him to go and get it.

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