On the way out of the deputy commander's office.

What Second Lieutenant Young So-jin said earlier continues to ring in my ears.

very important...

A very important thing to say to me...


Also, where did the recruitment offer from the Hunter Special Forces Brigade come from?

It's not that I'm trying to appreciate me, it's the only way I can think of it.

Because Lieutenant Young So-jin's expression was very serious when he said that.

Oops, I don't know.

Scratching the back of her head, she went up to the dormitory.

Had I known this would be the case, I would have just asked a little more.

Then, a text message flew in.

# Seong Da-kyung: When does the seat with the deputy platoon leader end? Would you like to snack with me after it's over?


It's good.

Even when I ate until I was 30, I lived with sweets.

# Me: Good.

# Seong Da-kyung: Huh? It's finished?

# Me: Yes. You just called when it was over.

# Seong Da-kyung: I think it worked hahahaha I'm at the barracks cafe now. come here!

# Me: Yes. But who are you with?

# Seong Da-kyung: Alone! I'm bored, so come quickly.



I went upstairs to the barracks cafe.

“Dojin-san, here you are!”

As soon as you enter, Seong Da-kyung waves her hand.

I quickly looked around.

Fortunately, the only breeze is the breeze.

“Uh-huh, there’s no one here, but be careful. Who will listen?”

“I checked everything~ Eat this.”

Various sweets are spread on the table.

all the things i like

“How do you know exactly what I like?”

"sure. Of course, how much is it to hang out with Dojin-san?”

“Did we stick together that much?”

"Yes? If you say that, I'm sorry. We also went to the Five Colors Garden together! Even the zoo is furnished!”

"Hmm. Yes."

"Hmm? Did you think of it now?”

Seong Da-kyung's eyes narrowed.

I quickly opened my mouth again.

“I remembered it. When I was hospitalized at Hunter Hospital, I took a special leave and came to visit him.”

“Do you remember everything?”

“Because it is. Recently, I went to Da-kyung's house and had dinner together.”

"that's right."

Seong Da-kyung's lips go up.


“But what did the deputy platoon commander call you, Mr. Dojin?”


Squad Leader Suggestion.

The words came out of the battalion commander's mouth, so it's actually already decided, but I'm a bit cautious about bringing it up now.

But what

It's not anyone else, it's Seong Da-kyung, but it'll be okay.

When she tells the story, she is startled.

"really? So, can you put a squad leader on a corporal?”


Seong Da-kyung bends her index finger and touches the tip of her chin.

“It's not surprising when you think about it. Regardless of the circumstances of me and Sgt. Lee Dae-yong, Dojin-san’s skills are enough to be a squad leader.”

“Hey, you look so good.”

"no. Just what I've seen. It’s over just by catching the Lizardman the day before yesterday.”

It was the end, and the story of the Lizardman was just the beginning.

Various stories are popping up, such as catching hundreds of Red Counts and removing pillars during ATT.

It's all true, but it's a bit embarrassing to hear from other people.

Maybe it's because I haven't heard much about compliments before returning.


“Are you coughing in vain because of embarrassment?”

“What, how did you know?”

“You said it before. I see Dojin once or twice.”Seong Da-kyung bursts into laughter.

“Hey, you said you took a vacation on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays next week?”

"Yes. My sister is watching.”

“Didn’t you see my sister last time? Friendship is good.”

“What is friendship? Last time it was my birthday, so I had no choice but to go to college classmates this time.”

“Are you going to meet your older sister’s college classmates?”

"Yes. I want to go with you and save your life. Ugh.”

“Why are you cute?”

“If you see it in person, it won’t sound cute. A witch, a witch.”

Seeing me shaking her head, Seong Da-kyung smiles again for a long time.

and she asks

“When is that? A gathering of my older sister’s college classmates.”

“Next Saturday evening? Yes, it is then.”

“Then what do you do for the rest of the day?”

“Monday is my return day, so there won’t be anything… Oh, the deputy platoon commander will see you on Sunday.”

“Are you the deputy commander?”

Seong Da-kyung's face, who had been smiling all the time, hardened in an instant.


Did I see it wrong?


Having said that, I want to

You said we'd see each other because of a drinking incident, but I can't tell Seong Da-kyung about that.

what about



Was there any other reason besides that?

“You have something very important to say.”

“Are you going to say something very, very important?”


Seong Da-kyung hears my answer and mutters a little.

“If it’s something to say that is very important even if you look at it from the outside… is it not a mistake?”


“Eat this too. Very tasty.”

She suddenly turns her back.

this situation.

I think I went through it twice during the stage dungeon. I said, 'Yes?' So I said no.

The question could not be resolved.

It is because Seong Da-kyung brought up another word that made him forget the question.

“Do you remember the last time I told you about my friend at Five Color Garden? The man he likes said he would do well by making him like him. He gave up on that and just ran away. Then I fear that someone else will take it.”


Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa Papa ♬

Papa papa papa papa papa papa ♪

The next day, the wake-up trumpet sounds.

There are sounds of death everywhere.

it's everyday

At this point, I'm about to die.

However, when you wake up and take a big breath in the fresh air, your whole body is refreshed.

So another day began.

“Did you see this? The promotion exam schedule has been advanced.”

After roll call and breakfast.

Private Seo Jeong-ho mutters as he sees the newly uploaded message.

Sgt. Lee Dae-yong responds immediately.

“What is the schedule for the promotion exam? look."

“Look at this.”

“It’s true. Why was it all of a sudden?”

“That’s it.”

Both of them were interested.

it's bound to be

If you count hundreds of people, one or two pass the promotion test.

It's going to fall anyway, so I'm not interested.

But it's different for me.

My body is itchy already.

I don't mean to be arrogant.

The sergeant had already taken pictures before he returned.

You have to fall, you can't fall

so it's sad

If it wasn't for the step-by-step promotion rules, I would have been wearing four sticks right away.

Luckily, I got a corporal as a special promotion.


Come to think of it, if a sergeant gets a special promotion, there is no need to take the promotion test.

You can look forward to it once.

There are also achievements in the past.

“Have you all seen it? Has the promotion exam schedule been advanced? We are training for that today.”


Sgt. Dae-Yong Lee is briefing about his daily routine.

“Are you doing it all at once?”

“No, the privates and the corporals should do it separately.”

"all right."

have no choice but to share

Because there is a difference in skills between privates and corporals.

At around 08:50, I moved to the training room with the squad corporals.

Soon the officers arrived.

Training was no different.

In line with the promotion test, training was conducted to improve combat abilities.

At the end of the day, the company commander said at the gathering of all the corporals and corporals.

“Raise your hands from these guys who later become officers and non-commissioned officers.”

it costs all

without missing a single one.

If you don't, it's not because you're noticing.

There is no one who wants to finish the hunter job that has already started, only as a soldier.

I was also raising my hand right away.

“It’s all right. good posture by the way Executives aren't going to just improve their fighting skills."

Something flashed on Lieutenant Kwak Sang-gi's hand.

And soon it burns like a flame.

it was mana

“You have to be able to handle this mana. Of course, even if you can't handle it, you can pass the promotion test. But what's next? It would be difficult to maintain a so-called position, let alone a lieutenant. The same goes for the sergeant.”

That's right.

This is because even monsters such as trolls and ogres do not have simple combat abilities.

Mana must be there.

“So from now on, I hope you will continue to do mana training. Do you understand?”


“Today’s training is over.”

I am already doing it consistently.

Since I reacted with herbs during dungeon vacation, I haven't missed a single day.

But that's it.

It's still just a reaction, nothing else.

If it is connected with ‘create’, I would do anything.


let's not be greedy

Before the return, you couldn't even react, so you couldn't even start, right?


That evening.

I sat cross-legged in the training room.

Something deep inside my stomach keeps wriggling.

If you control this and rotate it around your body, that is the creation of mana.

[Mana is reacting!]

[Mana is reacting!]

[Mana is reacting!]

Since the Mana Sensitivity skill has risen to Grade A, the reaction speed is very fast.

Keep repeating the pose.

As usual.

Then there was a moment.

[Mana begins to flow!]


[Mana starts flowing!]

[Mana begins to flow!]

[Mana begins to flow!]

I thought it was wrong for a moment, but it wasn't.

It was really flowing.


in my body.


It remains to be seen.

If it had flowed completely, it would have led to creation, and the body could not be this calm.

But nonetheless.

It means that the stage of only reacting has passed.


done.I clenched my fists and continued to practice mana.


“Dojin-san, Dojin-san.”

that weekend.

I was watching a movie with my squadmates in the movie room, and something stabbed me in the forearm.

Seong Da-kyung whispers quietly.

“After this, would you like to go to the autumn leaves with me?”

“Is it the maple road?”

"Yes. behind the barracks. She was very pretty.”

Buzzing... that's right.

Very pretty.

The problem is that I watched it until I got tired of it before returning.

But I couldn't refuse.

“Oh, that’s good.”

“I’ll see you from the side door then.”


Seong Da-kyung's expression was, 'If you say you don't go, I'll cry here!'

How can you say no to that?

But actually, I've only seen it from afar, but I've only seen it up close a few times.

I think it would be nice to feel a little autumn feeling after a while.

“Wow, how did you get to this place?”

“So. good."

After leaving the movie room, I went behind Seong Da-kyung and the barracks.

Maple trees are lined up on either side.


When you come here, you can feel the autumn feeling all over your body.

The fragrant smell is also felt in the reddish leaves.

“I have to take pictures in a place like this. it's a shame."

“Can I take a picture?”

“Um, then, Dojin-san, won’t you be disciplined? Here, too, a unit is a unit.”

“They said they had no choice but to say that if the senior didn’t film, they wouldn’t let it go.”

"Yes? When am I?”

Seong Da-kyung taps my back.

“Wow, look at this. even violence.”

"really! I can’t win.”


After a long laugh, I walked down the maple road again.

Then I stopped for a moment in front of a large tree.

Da-kyung Seong suddenly stood tall there, rather than wanting to go and see it once because she was particularly big.

"pretty. right?”

"Yes. It should be a real photograph.”

“Look, that’s how I was before.”

“Shall we ignore the punishment and take pictures secretly?”

“Baby, I can’t.”

Just like before, there were ordinary jokes, and after that, ordinary conversations continued.

But Seong Da-kyung is a bit strange.

Eyes twitch slightly.

Her hands tremble as if anxiously.

where are you sick?

She's worried and is about to ask, but she stares at me as if she's made up her mind.

His pupils stopped shaking and his hand tightened and clenched his fist.

“You know, Dojin-san…”


“I have something to say to Dojin-san...! I'm serious, so please listen carefully...!"

There was no more water leaking.

Seong Da-kyung's lips continued to speak slowly and muttering.

“When I lay down to sleep, I keep thinking of you…”


“Even when I’m training and resting, I keep looking at you…”


"It's fun to be with you, and I keep smiling without realizing it... Just looking at you makes me tremble here..."

Seong Da-kyung puts her hand on her chest.

still looking at me

“I’ve never felt this kind of feeling in my life… I thought it was only in a drama…”

“Uh… no, that…”

“Mr. Dojin.”

At the same time as those words, a trembling body was held in my arms.

He tried to cover it with his eyes and hands, but his body was still trembling.

A very tense voice pierced through.

"I... I like Dojin-san."

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