to the phone?

I see you have something urgent.

# Me: Yes, it is possible.

As soon as I could reply, I got a call from Lieutenant Young So-jin.

I pressed the receive button and brought the phone to my ear.


- Yes, loyalty.

“What are you doing?”

“He said he was approved for a special promotion to sergeant. I want to celebrate that!

Oh, that was it.

It could be urgent enough for Lieutenant Young So-jin.

Because the members of his squad are not private or corporal, but are promoted to sergeant.

"thank you."

- It was said that mana was also manifested. Really?

"That's right."

- Awesome. Dojin continues to grow.

“Ha ha, no.”

The celebration went on for a long time.

When Dojin heard that he liked you because he was a member of my squad, his shoulders were shaking unknowingly.

― Shouldn’t we have a separate celebration instead of this?

"Fine. See you on Sunday.”

- That's it, this is this. Do you have time tomorrow? in the evening

"Tomorrow I have a promise... But aren't you being educated by Satan now?"

- In the evening, the time is fine. It'll be over around four or five o'clock.

“Oh, is that so?”

- Huh. So what about the day after tomorrow? Friday night!

“Even then, I have a promise. Why don't you just go to the troop and play with your squadmates? I will shoot them all.”

- What are you talking about, I should shoot. Well, I know. it's a shame.


- No, no. There's nothing you can do if it's a pre-order. But... Do Jin-ah

“Corrupt Do-Jin Choi.”

― That advance... Is Dakyung watching? Because we went on vacation together.

I pondered for a moment.

Should I say yes or no?

It can be misleading to see two hunters, male and female, even after going on vacation.

But the opponent is Lieutenant Young Sojin.

FM only in training, no touch in other areas.

And right now, we're just playing together, right?

"Yes. I decided to see Sgt. Da-kyung Seong.”

― Dakyung and I... seem to have gotten very close. Even after going on vacation, we play for a few days.

“Being in the same squad, we became closer than before.”

- That's right... But maybe...


- Oh, no, no. Then see you on Sunday.

The phone suddenly cuts off.


I think you were trying to say something at the end.



As soon as I got up, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Because my older sister came to work early, I didn't suffer from the baptism of Seong Da-kyung and any questions about what happened.

I was going to try to solve it with toast in the morning, but the breakfast table was always ready today as well.

covered with a tablecloth.

It was her mother's love.


You should be more filial

By the time I had a hearty breakfast, it was around 08:30.

It's early if it's early, but it's time for the troops to prepare for their daily routine.

Is it because I slept past midnight yesterday?

I overslept

I turned on the stretch and just washed my face.

And for training, I changed back to training clothes.

Originally, I was supposed to meet Seong Da-kyung in the morning, but I forced it to be in the afternoon yesterday.

Not because I wanted to train, but because I was worried about Seong.

If you move with that body yesterday and this morning, you might collapse.

The training site is, of course, that valley the other day.

It was also the place where the Mana Sensitivity skill was raised to Grade A, and there is no other place as rich in the spirit of nature as there in the first place.

If I go out now and take a taxi, it's about 08:45... I can do it for two or three hours.Because I was supposed to meet Seong Da-kyung at 13:00.

As soon as I arrived, I took the water out of my bag.

He simply rubbed his neck and sat cross-legged.

Of course, he has no intention of doing only mana training.


In this way, I was able to go beyond creation, rotation, and even manifestation.

I'll have to use it a bit more.


Both her hands glistened with mana.

She stopped and got her body up.

And she simply practiced her chess.



An afterimage remains where her fist passed.

it was mana

Mana was dripping.

Unfortunately, this is not a very good sign.

Because her cohesiveness means that the diagnosis has dropped that much.

She is the inevitable part.

She's not used to it yet.

She even reached level 5, but she's on the low side.

But she has to train hard.

[Experience of mana stat increases.]

[The cohesion of mana improves.]

Are you going up little by little?

It was when she repeated it for about an hour.

She had a pleasant notification popped up.

[Mana affects her physical abilities.]

[Her physical abilities are improved.]


It means that her physical abilities such as strength, agility, and stamina will increase.

The fact that she was able to blow Lieutenant Kwak Sang-gi's bamboo barrel last time is also a big influence.

Of course, the increase is not very large.

To get bigger, I have to absorb that mana fully as the mana circulates through her body.

It's not easy.

It also requires considerable proficiency in mana itself.

Well, it's the same as cohesion anyway.

If you train hard, you will get good results.

She resumed training again, chewing on a few beaks she had brought to quench her hunger.

It's strange how she feels every time she lifts her sword and uses her body like this.

Shall we switch to her physical skills at this time?

I chuckled.

It's not a rude sound.

A hunter should unconditionally handle a weapon, lest it be a physical monster like Hebukpanga in a martial arts field.

There is also the attack power of the weapon itself, and there is a synergy obtained by injecting mana into the weapon.

By the way, I need to train myself to inject.

What to do is Taesan.

I continued my training, thinking that we should solve the immediate problem.

[The proficiency of the Mana Response skill increases.]

[Increased understanding of mana.]

[The proficiency of mana increases.]

Notifications popping up one after another.

It is proof that you are growing.

But more than this, I want to experience it with my body.

how much has changed

I looked around and saw a large rock over there.

I think that would be enough.


I went and grabbed the rock with both hands.

and lifted it hard.


heard to hear

But it was soon put down.

No, I dropped it.


very heavy

I shook my hand and listened again.

Of course it was this time.


Ugh, I almost fell on the instep.

It'll take me a while to deal with this freely.

I gave up and sat cross-legged.

Since I'm using mana, my stamina consumption is very heavy.

Even with stamina enhancement skills, it cannot be covered.


It's all due to lack of performance.

The answer, back and forth, was training again.


Tweet Tweet

Somewhere you can hear the chirping of birds.

I think I've been doing this for almost an hour.

I stopped getting up.

Now that you have rolled one lap of mana, it's time to use that mana again.


He raised his fist in the air.

His feet moved along the side where the martial arts went.

But it was strange.

body is light

It's normal to be tired and heavy.

With a little exaggeration, it feels like walking on a feather.


Did you lose your senses because it was hard?

It's not.

It's even harder when you lose your senses.


Not only that.

When you lift your fists and feet, you feel a heavy force.




If there was an entity in the air, it would have been crushed right away, such a power.

What the hell happened?

Maybe it's an effect of the strength of the bones?

No, no matter how efficient it was, it wouldn't even affect mana.

It was then that the notification sounded.

[Mana affects her physical abilities.]

This is a notification that has been popping up ever since.

But then it was different.

[A new skill “Mana Enhancement” has been created!]

[You can strengthen her body with mana.]

[Check the skill window for details.]

Strengthen your body with mana.

I've already experienced it.

I am still doing it now.

But making it a skill is a different story.

because it is more efficient.

And its efficiency gets better and better depending on what grade it is.

Swallowing his saliva, he opened the skill window.

The moment she checked the contents, her mouth opened spontaneously.

[Mana Enhancement (A): Cast mana on the body to strengthen all parts of her strength, stamina, agility, etc.]

[Active form]


It was A again after mana response and mana tuning.

Before her return, she had already achieved three grades that she had never seen in her dreams.

[The body is in very good harmony with mana.]

I wondered what kind of English it was, but again, it was thanks to the mana practice I did before the return.

This kind of harmony was created by only practicing mana.

He stood there for a while with a puzzled face.

Then I suddenly came to my senses.

Let's check it first.

How much power did she have.

Just looking at the body that has become too light and the strength that has become too heavy, there is nothing to check, but it is nonetheless.

I want to experience it for myself.

It's something to check. It's already entrenched over there.

large rock.

I strode towards it.

Then he grabbed her with both hands and lifted him up.

sh-I thought I missed it for a moment.

because it's so light




It was difficult to lift before, but now it is possible to lift it and shake it left and right.

It was also possible to move up and down like a dumbbell.

Of course, it wasn't difficult to pick up and run.

[Acceleration is added by the effect of mana enhancement.]

Then there's the acceleration.

In midsummer, as if drinking a glass of cool cold water, a thrill spreads throughout the body.

I ran around like a madman for a while.


that day

Seong Da-kyung started the day with a text message, ‘Huh… I’m awake ㅠㅠ’ only after 12 o’clock.

I watched it around 14 o'clock because I wanted to be short on time, and he said there was no problem and stuck to 13 o'clock.

And the results were unfolding right before my eyes.

“Dojin-san, Dojin-san!”

He jumps like a relay at an athletic meet.

You can see the breath on his face.

Did you run from home?

His hair was short-haired, so it's a shame, otherwise it would have been sporadic.

“Walk! I will fall!”

"it's okay!"

He didn't know how to stop even at my cry.

So, I kept my promise at 13:00.


“Heh heh, heh. Aren't I late?"

“I’ll see you at 14.”

"No. I want to see you soon.”

Seong Da-kyung gasps for his breath and says: My cheeks are burning because I can't recall.

You really ran out of the house.

“Did you come here from home?”

"no. He ran in front of me.”

That's a lie.

If it's true, I'm afraid I'll ask why.

Seong Da-kyung takes out a hand mirror and checks her face.

Then, suddenly, he turns around.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"I don't think I'm going to show you... Wait a minute..."

To be honest, I was a little annoyed. I want to say something like this.

However, when I see her fixing her makeup, saying that she is not a fool to show off, that anger runs away.

That's how much you think of me.

I looked at Seong Da-kyung.

After looking at his back for a while, at some point his face appeared.

The flushed face has calmed down.

And some colors are painted on it.

Since the background is so good, in fact, she is a pretty person no matter what she paints.

Those long eyelashes were all my own.

Unlike yesterday, the tint is not a soft pale pink, but a steamy red.

The neatly shining eyes are looking at me and blinking.

It seems that way I keep watching.

Suddenly her heart races.

"why...? Is it still weird...?”

“It’s not strange.”

Seong Da-kyung, who was hurriedly pulling out a hand mirror again, pauses and is relieved at my words.

Without realizing it, a smile forms on my lips.

“I’m going to take the bus today too!”


Even on the way to the bus, when we arrived, we were spending our time, and when it came time to come back in the evening, it was like that all the time.

keeps smiling

It's not just because it's pretty.

A woman named Sung Da-kyung, she told me that she had become a completely different person than she had ever been before.

“Mr. Da-kyung.”


“You told me to report back by tomorrow.”

“Uh… yes… have you already decided…? If you're going to say no, don't tell me now! But I want to see you until tomorrow!”

I shook my head.

"no. I think it will suffice until today.”

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