strong sword.

A characteristic that increases the attack power of the sword.

The fact that they reacted together means that the effect is amplified no matter what skill is created.

[A new skill is being created... (25%)]

For a moment, I imagined this.

I must have continued to use the sword, could it be that the sword was upgraded?

[A new skill is being created... (50%)]

That's why... isn't that the way swords are made?

It's really something you never know.

[A new skill is being created... (75%)]

As I said before, if you think about the power when traits are combined with skills.



Let's not expect anything.

If something else comes out like this, the disappointment only grows.

[A new skill is being created... (100%)]

[Skill has been created.]

[Open the skill window to check the skill.]

Lieutenant Young So-jin, like me, was lying on the bed, exhausted.

So she could check her skill window without paying any attention to her.


What kind of skill is it?

Even if I try not to expect it, I swallow my saliva without realizing it.

[Name: True Sword Match]

As soon as I opened it, my expectations were blown away.

It is far from the name Gumgang.

But it got even more interesting.

Sword fight.

It's a name that seems to have something.

Whether or not to judge a skill by its name, there is nothing it can't do if you look at the case of impervious castle or majestic invincibility.

When you have checked the rest.

I knew I wasn't wrong.

[Class: A]

[Effect: When you use a sword to compete, the attack ability against that sword increases. The opponent's weapon does not have to be a sword as long as it has a blade.]

A grade of A.

In addition, the effect is an increase in the ‘attack ability against the sword’.

That is, an additional buff is added to all stats and skills related to the sword.

The restrictions aren't that hard.

Because if it's a bladed weapon, it also includes spears and axes.

it's totally awesome

He flashed his arms up.

There is one strange thing.

I think the mock battle with Lieutenant Young So-jin influenced the creation.

He fought only with a training sword the whole time.

The sword has never been used.

I don't know if it had an effect or not, but it was a training sword even in the preliminary round.

But how was the skill called 'True Sword Match' created?

Is it because of the strong sword trait?


It doesn't matter why it was created.

It doesn't matter how you use it from now on.

So... I glanced at Lieutenant Young So-jin.

Shall we do one more mock match?

oh no, that's it.

I'm so tired, how can I do more?

“Dojin-ah, would you like to try one last time?”


What is this?

"Yes! great!"

"what? Were you waiting?”


“Let’s go right away.”


I jumped up from my seat.

My stamina is already gone a lot.

I can't even get enough strength in my legs.

But it's worth doing one more time.

Lieutenant Young So-jin would have said so.

He slowly rolled up his sword and clenched it.

Then, he collected mana to the floor and activated his sword.

There was no need to activate the sword fighting skill separately.Kwajik!

The moment she faced Lieutenant Young So-jin, it was automatically activated.

[Swordsman match skill is activated.]

[The attack power against the sword increases.]

The effect was really great.

Lieutenant Young So-jin's sword and Lieutenant's body were pushed back.

Of course it was there.

Couldn't knock it down or do another attack.

But this alone was already a major development.

“Dojin is getting stronger every day.”

"thank you."

Lieutenant Young So-jin could feel it and tell it.

After that, he swung the sword for about 10 more minutes.

During that time, Lieutenant Young So-jin was pushed four more times.

Swordsmanship skill.

It was more deceptive than I expected.

* * *

that weekend.

Finally, the day of filming for the WBS public service advertisement has come.

If I did it on a weekday, I should have taken a vacation, but since I did it on the weekend, there was no need for that.

Of course, it must have been a free vacation because battalion commander Na Young-tae had said something.

Well, I guess I was just going to do it on a weekday.

“Lieutenant Choi! You came early!”

“Hello, PD.”

Saturday 13:00.

A set located within WBS.

All kinds of props were provided, from chroma key to make backgrounds and monsters.

The clothes were nothing to worry about.

You can just wear the battle uniform as it is.

The same goes for swords.

“Mr. Siyeon! Come on.”

“Hello, PD.”

Soon Siyeon Jeong also arrived.

A halo still flashes from head to toe.

Because you are a real learner.

“Lieutenant Choi is here.”

"Yes. Hello."

Say hello first, just like in a meeting.

even shake hands.

Is it really because I'm in the right class for Jeong Si-yeon?

I feel weird.

“Let’s start shooting!”

After several rehearsals, filming began.

During the meeting, I practiced a bit in advance, and I had enough rehearsals until just now, so there wasn't much of a problem.

At least Siyeon Jeong.

But I was the problem.

“Lieutenant Choi, I will be back!”


"Fine. I'll be back!”

This guy's tension was the problem.

I came here and sat down with the tension I didn't feel during the preliminary round.

Damn it.

Just in case this happens, I also ate Woohwang Cheongsimhwan.

“Lieutenant Choi, you were very nervous. Feel free to do whatever you want.”


Fortunately, Siyeon Jeong is beside me and cheers me on.

I think it was like this at the meeting.


Do it right, do it right.

“Quickly step back!”

"Yes Yes!"

The shooting continued.

This time, I was able to type properly.

After that, all you have to do is run to the point where the monster is CG processed and swing your sword.

“Hunters are always on standby to kill monsters, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care about everyone.”

After all, it was the end.

Standing side by side with Jeong Si-yeon decorated the finale.

“If a monster appears, run away immediately. And report it. That’s the way to protect yourself and your family.”

The last line came out even louder.

It was all thanks to Siyeon Jeong's help from my side earlier.

“Cut! great! You have worked hard!”

As soon as PD Lee Pan-ho's autograph fell, the sound of his breath exploded out of his mouth.

It was a sigh of relief.

The body loses strength.

Yesterday, when I played a mock match with Lieutenant Young So-jin for several hours, it wasn't like this.

I feel once again that standing in front of the camera is not really something anyone does.

“You worked hard, Lieutenant Choi.”

“Jung Si-yeon also worked hard.”

“Lieutenant Choi did a good job, so what could be finished in two days ended in one day.”

“Hey, what do you say?”

It was all thanks to Siyeon Jeong that finished it quickly.

Seventy percent of the scenes were for Siyeon Jeong, and I finished most of them without making any mistakes.

“Siyeon Jeong did a good job, so I was able to finish it quickly. thank you."

You can tell just by looking at the reaction of PD Lee Pan-ho.

“That’s what I used to do, and Lieutenant Choi did it well.”

Siyeon Jeong smiles and says.

“Haha, yes. Lieutenant Choi did a good job too. Even though this seems simple, it is not easy.”


“How can we have dinner if you have time? To commemorate the successful completion of filming.”

“I like it.”

Siyeon Jeong answers right away.

If I don't cover it, I can't go without it.

“I like it too.”

After leaving Siyeon Jeong, I don't usually fall for this kind of position.

No matter how important it is to prepare for the Jeju Island recapture operation, there is no reason to be embarrassed by a few hours of dinner.


Dinner and dinner party.

Jeong Si-yeon's appearance was completely different from what my sister told me there too.

She kept smiling.

She was also kind to answer any questions anyone asked.

It wasn't just that I fit her class, it was just her personality.

“Lieutenant Choi, I’ll see you later when I have a chance.”

“Good. It is my honor.”

My sister got it wrong.

And in the first place, she didn't even see her sister herself.

From whom did you tell?

No one could have heard it from anyone else.

“You did a great job today, Lieutenant Choi.”

“You did a great job too, Siyeon.”

“Then go in carefully.”


filming an advertisement.

It was her status as a hunter, her position in her army, and what she accepted to earn her money.

But when I finally finished it, I got something better.

People have to see and judge for themselves.

It wasn't just me who felt that way.

‘It’s completely different from what Siyeon Jeong heard.’

‘Are you all kind to the youngest children?’

'Why are there rumors that people are judged by class? I'm sorry for nothing.'

The staff I worked with also said that throughout the entire seat.


I have to say something to my sister.

Jeong Si-yeon is not that kind of person.

* * *

WBS public service advertisements are said to be broadcast in mid or late May after undergoing additional editing and CG work.

By then, I'll probably be in joint training.

In the 77th Special Task Force.

A few days passed quickly.

In May.

It feels like yesterday that spring has come, the snow has disappeared, and the cherry blossoms have bloomed.

That time has passed and it is already May.

Looking back, there is nothing that goes faster than time.

“It’s been a while since joint training. Train harder.”

The head of the headquarters operations division has been saying these words since the selection campaign ended.

to train more diligently.

It's almost piercing my ears, but I can understand the position of the chief of operations department.

Because it's that important.

“Take over the handover in advance.”

"all right."

I got some other things to do.

While we were in the joint drills and the operation to retake Jeju Island, we had to hand over to those who would take over our positions.

Kwak Sang-gi does a big job.

Lieutenant Young So-jin does the operation and work.

I do platoon work.

“You only need to pay attention to this part.”

"Yes."“You are suffering because of me.”

"no. It's nice to have a vacation like this. There are also bonuses.”

My platoon commander was an officer dispatched from the unit next door.

He has a bubbly personality, so he seems to take good care of the platoon members.

But the platoon members were about to die.

“Huh, platoon leader, how long have you not seen me?”

"Well. It will probably take a while.”

"one month?"

“It’s not that hard.”

“Then two months?”

“Would it be like that?”

“Does it take that long?”

“Because work is work.”

“Haaah, we are ruined. How would you go about life without the platoon commander?”

I'm sorry for the platoon members, but I'm rather happy at this moment.

Isn't that proof that you trust me and follow me?

In the midst of preparations and handover, the day to finally depart for the 77th Special Task Force has arrived.

Now, there will be joint training with those who have passed the preliminary round.

"I get along well. I will be back."

“Damn, yes. Oh, and as long as you go, please do your best. We will be cheering for you.”

“Ha ha, yes. Thank you."

I greeted the platoon members first, and then I found a woman.

“Dakyung-ah, I’m leaving now.”

“I really want to send it, so I can’t send it…”


"It's dangerous... What if I go and get hurt?”

“I won’t hurt you. It might hurt a little.”

“Hey, what does that mean!”

“I mean, be as careful as possible.”

“Haha, you really have to be as careful as possible, okay?”

As I nodded my head, Seong Da-kyung held me in my arms.

“Aren’t we very blind?”

“The schedule is very tight, but there will be a day or two of rest in between.”

"okay? Then I'll pack my lunch and go."

"lunch box?"

“Isn’t it a bit odd to go out even on a day off? Let's eat there with me."

“Haha, okay.”

Seong Da-kyung escapes from my arms just then.

his eyes are moist

“Cry? Anyone who sees it will know that I am going to die.”

“It’s because I’m worried!”

Finally, she bursts into tears.

He approached me quietly and wiped my eyes.

“I will never create a situation that will cause you to worry. If you make it, it will be a grave sin of plaster, I.”

“What a gypsum mortal sin.”

Seong Da-kyung lets out a small laugh.

Tears still welling up in the corners of his eyes.

“I heard that when you cry and laugh, his ass grows horns. Take a look at your ass later.”

“Is it time to make fun of me?”

Small fists pound his forearms.

Seeing you smile all the time seems to make you feel better.

This is, of course, an understandable response.

The country would have been

If your girlfriend is going to do a dangerous job like the operation to retake Jeju Island.

“I have to go, now.”

"Huh! Be careful, and don't forget to be careful!"


“Don’t forget what I think!”

“I’ll think about it for a bit.”

"Ah really!"


I was wondering what to do if we broke up crying, but luckily we were able to part with a smile.

Seong Da-kyung waves his hand.

“Go and be careful!”

"uh. I'll contact you."

Facing her, waving her hand and leaving her seat.

And she got into a car.

“Dojin-ah, did you leave something behind?”


“Let’s go.”

Lieutenant Young So-jin was sitting on the tower.

Kwak Sang-gi is said to depart separately.

It was the beginning of joint training.

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