You can tell just by looking at this dungeon now how much effort the Hunter Headquarters is putting into the operation to retake Jeju Island.

Numerous monsters in front of you.

All of them were forcibly pulled out of the monster's pocket.

‘It must have taken a long time to prepare.’

It is admirable for the hard work you put into preparation.

If that's the case, then I'll have to make that hard work meaningful. Catch those monsters as best you can.



The inside was already a battlefield.

With a thunderous cry, the crew was facing the monsters.

Of course I was.

He raised his sword high and stopped them.

No, I knocked it down.

All skills were activated right from the start.

Here you have to use your power at any moment.

Only then can you catch monsters.

and i can live

“Keep moving forward!”


The situation itself is similar to that of the first joint training.

It's enough to go around each area and catch monsters.

But the way you catch it is different.

At that time, groups were divided and fought in small groups, but now the entire battalion is moving.

In terms of staff, about 1,000 people.

As I said repeatedly, all of them are at least a lieutenant or sergeant.


Thanks to this, a picturesque landscape was created when viewed from a distance.

Fireworks of swordsmanship exploding from all directions.

After closing and opening my eyes a few times, the body was piled up in a pile.

Of course, it was the corpses of monsters.

All crew members were fine.

No matter how high the difficulty, if I had already been able to beat it, I would not have come this far in the first place.

He probably didn't even pass the preliminary round.

But injuries could not be avoided.



Some crew members grabbed their limbs and fell backwards.

There was also a person who had a big cut in the chest.

Each time, the medical officers clinged to him and treated him urgently.

It will be like this in practice.

If you get hurt, get treatment right away.

being put back in

However, if this phenomenon continues, the battle time will be delayed.

There is a long way to go, but I can't afford to be treated leisurely.

Whether or not he was concerned about that, someone broke out.

“What are you going to do with these skills?”

Director Kwan-Young Jeon.

He was in charge of our battalion command.

The crew were alerted to his words.

‘Director Jeon Kwan-young… … It has a lot to do with me.’

It's not just because he's the division commander of the 7th Hunter Division, which I belong to.

He has had a one-on-one solo session like Commander Gyungpil Yoo before.

Even then, he had several offers.

He is now being directed, not offered.

‘It’s not even a riot.’

The battlefield was still dizzy.

Even the word riot was not enough.

The monsters are literally rushing in like a wave.

Nor are they normal monsters.

To some extent, the troll is running around almost like a goblin.

There are dozens and hundreds of them.

'It seems like yesterday that I went through life and death because of the troll.'

So I'm holding a troll.

He grabbed the body of one of them and thrust his sword into it.“Keeek!”

the guy screams

Mana explodes and his body is torn apart.

The feeling is new.

Isn't it that within a few months, the trolls have become strong enough to catch them so quickly?

'Oh, not a few months. It's been almost half a year now.'

half a year.

It's been a month since the first joint training, and the time goes by quickly.

Perhaps it will be more so after completing this second joint training now.

Because this goes on for two months.

‘Then it must be almost September. If the operation to retake Jeju Island is completed there... … It went too far.’

Breaking away from his distractions, he swung his sword again.

And that moment.

He could realize one thing.


The fact that there is no problem at all in catching a troll while thinking about it.

There were already dozens of troll corpses piled up behind me.

[One point attack skill is being applied.]

[The continuous slash skill is being applied.]

[The Iron Ong Castle skill is being applied.]

[Solid physical skills are being applied.]

[The sword fighting skill is being applied.]

It wasn't just because of the skill.

Combat ability as a whole was raised.

Does sweating hard during the first joint training work in this way?

I hope it was good

You just need to be able to catch it.

“Sew it!”



It wasn't just the corpses that were piled up on the ground.

Unidentified screams also piled up everywhere.

At the apex was Director Jeon Kwan-young.

Perhaps one side has collapsed.

Maybe that's why he was standing up and building up the collapsed camp himself.


A strong gust of wind blew.

It wasn't the real wind, but Director Jeon Kwan-young was creating such an environment.

His arrogance was that great.

At one time of his attack, the monsters were falling like reeds.

That's not even a sword.

more than black

'I haven't mastered swordsmanship yet.'

Of course, I can't be bothered to compare in the first place.

General Kwang-Young Jeon is literally the lieutenant general, and I am only a lieutenant now.

‘Someday I’ll be like that too.’

With a swollen dream, I looked at Director Jeon Gwan-young again.

My side was in a situation where things were being organized, so I had a little spare time.



In front of Warden Jeon Gwan-young, the monsters were still dying.

Not because it's a troll.

They are many times stronger than trolls.

Even the grade is black, not normal or red.

There were also several bosses.

It was truly a jaw-dropping sight.

‘Chief Kwang-Young Jeon is in good shape, but how is Commander Kyung-Pil Yoo?’

Perhaps it will be revealed in this Jeju Island recapture operation.

Commander Kyung-pil Yoo is participating as the general commander.

However, it is better that Commander Gyungpil Yoo is not too directly involved in the incident.

Because it means that the charter has become unfavorable to us.

“Take a break!”


After annihilating thousands of monsters.

I was given a moment to catch my breath.

Of course, it was very, very brief.

Wherever I went to Jeju Island, there was a series of battles, so I had to adjust the rest time accordingly.

“Hey, Lieutenant Choi~”

Then, a familiar face approached me.

Lieutenant Sung-Hoon Koh.

He was the one who worked on a special project together before.

“My skills have improved more than when I was in the special. I saw earlier that the trolls were just slicing like a radish?”

“Haha, thank you. By the way, it’s been a while, Lieutenant Go.”

“So that’s it. I was busy, so I couldn't see you."

During the special project, I was in contact with people until recently.

As Lieutenant Koh Sung-hoon said, we didn't see each other often because we were so busy.

Oh, except for that one.

“What are you so fussy about how well you did?”

Hyungki Song.

Not much has changed from that time, until the sullen face and the conversation with other people.

“It’s fussy. And I think I did better than that.”


“Did I say something wrong?”

Someone frowns at Song Hyeong-gi like that.

It was Lieutenant Young So-jin.

“The narrowness of the inside hasn’t changed at all from back then.”

“What, what?”

He did everything I wanted to say.

That’s right, even back then, you gave Song Hyeong-gi a proper bite.

‘Thank you, Operation Officer.’

'What. And you don't have to be nice to a person like that.'

Lieutenant Young So-jin made eye contact and smiled.

It didn't end there.

Others also chimed in.

“It is true that Lieutenant Choi did better than Lieutenant Song. You can tell just by looking at the number of trolls you have caught.”

“Anyway, that yangban doesn’t know how to admit it, he knows how to.”

“No matter what happens, are you just trusting your father and talking about it?”

There is even a mockery of his father's back.

Song Hyung-ki smirked alone and then quickly went to another place.

I could barely hold back a burst of laughter.

But this is a real relationship.

Lieutenant Young So-jin, they were tied together because they were in the same unit, but I didn't know that people would be tied together during the special project.

After work, when should we eat?

“Dojin-ah, did you drink the potion?”

“Oh, I haven’t drank yet.”

“Let’s drink together.”

A commotion passed, and Lieutenant Young So-jin sat on the grass and drank the potion.

It stings and bumps.

“Looks like you’re drinking.”

“We don’t drink very well, so let’s pretend with this.”


Such a sweet break passed.


“Go ahead!”

I went back to the forest of monsters.

* * *

The 2nd joint training was repeated like the 1st joint training.

The same routine continued every day.

When you open your eyes, simply unwind, then enter the dungeon and hunt.

After eating, enter the dungeon again and hunt.

I didn't even sleep properly.

It was a preparation for the monsters appearing in Jeju Island at any time.

Of course, if you really want to prepare properly, you have to fight in reality rather than in a dungeon.

Because Jeju Island has been devastated by a large number of gate explosions.

In other words, the task of the special forces on Jeju Island is not to remove the dungeon, but to reclaim the base that was stolen by the monsters.

That's why the operation name is Retake Jeju Island.

“Is it very difficult?”

"Nope. worth doing.”

“It says it’s hard on my face… … .”

“Great.”About 20 days after the 2nd joint training started, there was a short time to return to daily life.

Then she met Sung Da-kyung.

She tried to pretend it wasn't hard and went out as far as she could, but she didn't expect to notice it right away.

“I can’t. Let’s go eat Samgyetang.”


“You have to take care of yourself.”

June is already passing.

I am also jealous, there is no better health care than samgyetang.

She hurriedly followed.

“Eat a lot of Dakyung too.”

“Yes, mother.”

Her family was also present in her place.

Originally, I was going to watch it separately, but Seong Da-kyung said it was okay, so I ended up like this.

It was a bit embarrassing because her mother and Sung Da-kyung acted like a father-in-law, but it was nice to see.

Even before we started dating, I greeted Seong Da-kyung's parents.

“I don’t want to let go… … . Can't you just run away?"

“You want me to be disciplined? No, I'm glad it ends with disciplinary action. She might lose her hunter job.”

Time to go back to the Hunter Headquarters.

Seong Da-kyung is fighting.

However, she must also have the thought, 'Can't you just quit right now because it's dangerous?'

I am so grateful that her feelings were conveyed.

So she hugged her tightly.

"I get along well. I hope to see you one more time before I go to Jeju Island.”

"Huh! Be careful with your training!”


She said goodbye to Sung Da-kyung and she returned to the Hunter headquarters.

She ate all day and moved around and she's a little tired, but she just can't sleep.

She went to the training room alone.

And she honed various skills, including swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

To be more active in Jeju Island.

* * *

She trained a lot.

From large-scale battles to continuous battles with boss-level monsters, and to adapting to various abnormalities.

Not knowing anything else, there was nothing to worry about about adapting to abnormal conditions.

[Unfortunately, non-compliance is being applied.]

Most of the state abnormalities are caused by gas or toxic substances, but if it is a toxic substance, it is all solved in one shot.

It was to the point that I didn't even have to wear a protective suit.

“What kind of skills do you have that make it happen?”

“Wow, are you just moving like you normally do?”

The crew could not help but be astonished to see such a day. It was even more so because the lieutenant colonel-level officers were also in trouble.

But it won't be that happy.

No matter how troublesome the status ailment is, it can be resolved with a few protective suits and special shields.

What matters is whether you can catch monsters in it.


black is good

Mana continued to increase, and swordsmanship proficiency increased a lot.

You can tell just by looking at the amount and concentration of mana on the sword.

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

Tang Tang!

The problem is the gun.

I still haven't fully loaded the mana into the bullet.

“Keep firing!”

On the vast land, numerous bullets are poured out at the monsters.

I was struggling alone in it.

How can I fully load mana into the bullet?

know how

I listened to Lieutenant Young So-jin to get nails pierced in my ears.

Thanks to you, it has paid off to some extent.

Because mana is loaded.

That's because it's not fully loaded.

‘Do I have to start all over again? Or is it a lack of training?’

That's when you find out what the problem is.

Suddenly there was a strange sensation in the finger pulling the trigger.

The moment he felt it, a sudden brilliance arose in the muzzle.

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