“Lieutenant Choi joins the operation again.”

next day.

He returned to his main job under the direction of Colonel Son Jeong-dae.

body is the best

It was because his treatment ended immediately, and after that, he took two more days off.

“From today onwards, we will move by platoon as usual.”


For three days, the crew had cleared most of the gates and monsters in Jeju University and other areas, especially in the jungle.

There was no longer any need for guerrilla tactics.

“Everyone, please check the equipment again.”


I've already checked a few times last night, but I still need to check again.

Equipment is your lifeline.

I pulled out my sword and gun and looked carefully here and there.

Of course, I also brought magic bombs and potions.

Then open the status window.

[Strength: Lv.63]

[Health: Lv.61]

[Agility: Lv.60]

[Vitality: Lv.40]

[Mana: Lv.40]

The three basic stats were level 63, level 61, and level 60, respectively, and vitality stats and mana stats were level 40.

There is no need to go until the joint training, and compared to the time when I came here to Jeju Island, it is truly one-of-a-kind.

I've been completely wrong all along.

It's not that the experience points don't go up as you get higher levels, it's a matter of how you do it.

And it's still not over.

What will happen if you take over Jeju University and go up to Mt. Halla?

It's still in order, but if you go up to Mt. Halla... … I was immersed in happy thoughts and immediately shook my head.

You never know what might happen during the operation.

Right now, this is the case with Kwak Sang-gi.

If I made a mistake, I could almost lose my life at all, whether it was an operation or something.

Yes, don't be fussy and be careful in everything.

Even if you catch a goblin, never be vigilant or conceited.

“What about Lieutenant Choi and Lieutenant Young?”

I clench my fists and make a promise, but first lieutenant Ko Seong-hoon, who has been in contact with me since the time of the special project, approaches.

I said with a sword and a gun.

“They say we have to wait and see, but if nothing special happens, we will join soon.”

This is not my personal opinion, but the opinion of the medical officer.

And since I have a strong will, I will unconditionally do it unless something really special happens.

"okay? It's fine."


“Let’s do our best until Lieutenant Young returns.”

Lieutenant Ko Seong-hoon raised his fist, and I also held out his fist.

Two fists clash lightly.


Preparations were soon over.

Under the command of Colonel Son Jeong-dae, the members of the 1st Platoon set foot toward Jeju National University.

The jungle area had already been restored, so there was nothing to catch on that side.

It was straight forward.


“Let’s get it done quickly!”

Occasionally, monsters appeared.

there were very few

In an instant, it turned into a lump of meat and fell to the ground.

“Keep moving forward!”


Other platoons and other companies were still attacking this area, so there were no more monsters to catch.

The gate was, of course, the same.

However, when we got out of the jungle area, to be more precise, when we entered the building of Jeju National University, the story changed.



A large number of giant monsters appeared.Being bigger doesn't necessarily mean you're stronger, but there's something basic about strength.

I thought to be careful and jumped forward.

The sword was already burning with the sword.

Then when he swings his sword.

The feeling was conveyed right away.

No one was more than Kwak Sang-gi.


‘Certainly, Kwak Sang-gi was strong.’

You can tell that I have grown a lot in that I overcame such a guy.

Well, you can tell just by looking at the stats.

I swam for an hour amidst the pouring monsters.

As a commemoration of rejoining the group, I wore a stiff new combat uniform, but it's all gone.

If I had known it would be like this, I would just wear what I was wearing.

Oh, that's because of Kwak Sang-sang, he doesn't have a right arm.

“Squad 1 marks you!”

“Squad 2 moves towards the front door!”

“Squad 3 must block the rear!”

Fighting in a platoon unit, I had a lot of spare time.

I didn't have to worry about blind spots or the rear, I just had to do my job.

If you go like this, you're a loser.

The reality was not so easy.

“It’s Kelio!”

“There’s a picky guy out there.”


The man who killed Kwak Sang-gi appeared in front of the crew.

It's also very herd.




From the outside, it's easier than the ones I've caught so far.

I am 183 cm tall, about the same height as me.

The weapon is a spear.

just a lizardman

But when you see them in person, it's a different story.



The lieutenants were no match at all.

Instead of attacking them, there were cases where the body was stabbed while being swung back and forth by their spears.

Some eventually got seriously injured and left the front lines.

It was different from Lizardman.


So, I was a little nervous as well.


It was refreshing.

It wasn't meant to sting, but after swiping the sword a few times, the spear that could easily break the crew's defense skills was split in two.

I pushed myself in with a hand-to-hand battle, but that was rather a boon for me.

After sneaking away, he thrust the sword into his chest.


Blood soaks the air beautifully.

It also smells fragrant.

We had a fight, and I think I'm going crazy too.

But this kind of mental state is always welcome.

It's ok because it's simple.

He swung his sword at random and caught six more.

seven in total.

It took only 30 minutes until then.

“Good, Lieutenant Choi!”

“Lieutenant Choi’s arrival gives me energy!”

It's hard for me to say things like this with my mouth.

Lieutenants, of course, hold me better than most captains.

Kelio or any other monster.

So it seems to make a sound of vitality.

To be honest, I wanted to celebrate by saying, 'Oh, have you seen one?'

let's not be vigilant

Let's not be conceited.

I only responded with battle.

He poured all his energy into catching monsters.



The gate was also removed from visible footsteps.

Monsters may be scary right now, but in the end, all hell comes from the gate.

So you have to deal with the culprit.

“Let’s make it a little harder!”


What started at sunrise continued until sunset.


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tired.

This is because the battle was repeated even while eating or resting in between meals.

However, hopefully this area will be completely occupied by the end of today.

Thinking like that gave me strength.

And to fight like this, it must have been hard work during joint training.

“Screw up so we can fight!”


When the gates were cleared up to the inside of the Jeju National University building, Colonel Son Jeong-dae ordered to tear them apart again.

The number of monsters was decreasing, and the terrain was open, so it would have been much better than fighting as a group.


Was it because of Kwak Sang-gi that there was something related?

Kelio kept appearing in front of me.

Of course, it was now simpler than a single meal.

When a critical hit occurred, she died in a single shot.


at that time.

A long hole suddenly appeared in front of me.

At the beginning of the operation, it was a special gate that pulled out the Red Ogre from Jeju Airport.

Eventually, Kelios twice as large as the Kelios they had seen so far poured out.

Giant Kellio.

The troublesome guy came out.

Colonel Son Jeong-dae shouted.

“It’s Giant Kelio! All the lieutenants are gone, only the captains step up!”

"all right!"

The lieutenants are all gone.


It means that even those with good skills like Song Hyeong-gi should drop out if the rank is a lieutenant.

But this time, only my name was called separately.

“Lieutenant Choi, follow me!”

“Lieutenant Dojin Choi! Yes!"

A situation similar to catching a stone golem.

But then, if we were all going to catch that one guy together, now we have to catch that one by ourselves.

That's Giant Kelio.


As it has doubled in size, attack power and defense might have increased, but movement speed and reaction speed would have slowed down.

If you think so, you are very much mistaken.

Giant Kellio's combat ability is not affected by its size at all.


It was in front of me in the blink of an eye, breaking the wind.


The sword and the spear met.


Compared to that of regular Kellio, it is almost doubled.

It was so powerful.

In addition, the skill to handle the spear was of a high level.

Where did you train?

I clenched my teeth and stretched out my sword.

But the next moment.

I realized that I didn't even need to clench it.

“… … Kieek?”

The guy was being pushed back.

What was enough to be 400 cm was pushed back by 183 cm.He also bled because it was not enough.


There was a big hole in his leg.

The bastard swung his spear in a crooked posture.

A good attack could not come out of such a posture.

He evaded, then stabbed the sword again.

This time it didn't end with a hole.

His leg ruptured altogether.

All his bones and muscles could be seen.

Ooh, it hurts.


He screamed and fell on the spot.

Now it's at the right eye level.

I swung my sword again.

The target for this time is the head.

Since he was defenseless, he could not respond to the attack. All I had to do was close the window.

He cut the black spear and cut off what was next.

Something tumbled and fell to my feet.

It was the guy's head.

[You have killed Giant Kelio!]

It was a battle that could not have been better than this.

* * *

Giant Kelio has given me many gifts.

Stats, skills, and the blessing of restoring his exhausted stamina and stamina was also given.

But his best gift was something else.

“With this, Jeju National University is our land again!”


It completely occupied Jeju University.

The surroundings were of course.

Apparently, it was important to catch the Giant Kelios well at the end of the day.

When the boss level collapsed, the monsters below it couldn't use their power.

“A lot of hard work! Rest until the next battle!”


A dream-like break was given.

Also, I'm sure I'll be busy with guard duty in the middle and maintenance of equipment here and there.

Still, it's more relaxed than just fighting.

I have time to call my family and Seong Da-kyung.

“Then are you joining us right away?!”

"Huh! The medical officer also allowed it.”


Good things come one after another.

Lieutenant Young So-jin also joined the team again from the next battle.

I wondered if I was overdoing it, but if the medical officer also gave me permission, I'd be relieved.

“Let’s do well, Dojin-ah.”

"haha. Yes."

When I went out shouting fighting with Lieutenant Young So-jin, the moonlight was shining in the dark.

Tomorrow I will only see the color of blood, so it seems like yesterday that I said let's focus only on the moonlight today.

He has already reached Jeju National University.

Hallasan and the final king of the Black King remain... … Still, some adversity has passed.

Good good.

“Captain Choi!”

Then a loud voice rang out from behind.

It was Colonel Son Jeong-dae.

I tilted my head.

Did any of our platoon captains have the surname Choi?

Once I heard the sound, I turned around and saw Colonel Son Jeong-dae's gaze on me.


Did I call you wrong?

“Hey, did you call me?”

“Yes, Captain Choi.”

I didn't call it wrong.

They also refer to me as 'Captain'.

Colonel Son Jeong-dae said to me, puzzled.

“The wartime promotion order has been issued from the superior. You are the captain of your current time.”

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