
I've had that heart for someone before, but I never thought once that someone would have that heart for me.

So it was even more interesting.

“That’s where you are now.”

“I am ashamed in front of the commander.”


Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil pointed to his rank insignia with one hand and clenched his fist with the other.

.“The only thing I am better than you is this insignia and strength. Other than that, you are ahead in every way.”

“Oh, no. Don’t say that.”

“Seriously. That’s what I think of you right now.”

He's smiling, but his voice is incredibly serious.

It went on and on.

“I have a feeling that this rank of rank and power will one day lead you even further.”

I've never received such a compliment like this in my life.

Memories before the return suddenly pass by.

He was a soldier for 10 years.

He was a soldier who wasn't particularly good at that.

I have been told that I can now become a higher rank than a lieutenant general.

For the lieutenant colonel himself.

“Thank you, Commander.”

All I could say was thank you.

Instead, I made a promise to myself.

Let's prove that Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil's eyes are not wrong.

* * *

Another month passed.

December 2044.

The selection of additional personnel for the Black Wing brigade was completed around that time.

“Loyalty! Hello!"

“Nice to meet you, Chief Choi!”

As no separate establishment ceremony was held, the reorganization had already been completed.

And they were already gathered in one place.

New hunters who will run with the Black Wing Brigade.

“Everyone is welcome. My name is Dojin Choi.”

“It is an honor to meet you!”

I heard the word glory right in front of my eyes, what should I say?

An indescribable emotion rises.

But it is an embarrassing feeling to express.

I just coughed and opened my mouth.

“I am honored to be with talented people like you.”

“We are honored.”

"Yes. The general manager is a hunter who is recognized all over the world, including in Korea.”

“What do the newcomers know?”

New members who almost support me.

And the existing members nodded behind them.

I coughed again for nothing and turned the story around.

“Let’s start by saying hello to each other.”

Everyone saw it once in the selection process.

But it was very brief.

Once again, it is necessary to formally introduce it.

Starting with your name, your age, your former unit, and your combat abilities.

We need to know each other so we can work together well, whether in training or in real life.

“I’m Han Min-tap. Everyone is welcome.”

“This is Kim Woo-jong.”

“This is Jeong Jin-guk. Let’s do well in the future.”

“My name is Park Sang-il.”

Han Min-tae, a sergeant.

Woojong Kim.

Jeong Jin-guk, a yarn.Park Sang-il.

Among the existing members, those four opened their mouths first.

Because they are each team leader.

The Black Wing Brigade, divided into four teams as scheduled.

“I wish you well.”

All four are very reliable.

No worries at all.

Even when they all left and conquered White Field, they continued to fight together from start to finish.

Of course, in the battle against the last Smoke.

Leadership ability to lead team members?

These are the people who led the soldiers from the previous unit to at least a dozen or as many as several dozen.

There's not much to worry about that part.

“We wish you well.”

After the new members introduced themselves one by one.

The deputy chief opened his mouth.

“My name is Young So-jin. Good luck everyone.”

It was Major Young So-jin.

“You are a Hong-il point.”

“Yeah, somehow it happened again.”

Hunter-kun is not significantly different between men and women.



And various stats, including stats and skills.

As a result, women are often more powerful than women.

It's pure coincidence that Black Wings are overrun with men.

whatever anyway

Thanks to this, Major Young So-jin became a mood maker just by standing still.

“The vice-captain is having fun.”

“You have a sense of humor.”

It even comes out with a sense of humor.

“Come on, let’s fight once in a while.”


50 Black Wing members.

They put their palms together and announced the departure.

"go for it!"

* * *

Whether it is a team or a brigade, only the size has changed, but the work to be done is the same as before.

Performing duties as a special forces unit.

But from my point of view, the change in size had a big impact.

At most, I was leading about 10 people, and then suddenly I was led by 50 people.

“I will divide it into teams and move on.”


“Team 1 will move to the rear, Teams 2 and 3 to the side, and Team 4 to the front with me.”


At first, I was a little confused as to what to do.

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil was right.

Even if he had 50 people, in the end the number was much smaller than the number he dealt with when he was a company commander.

Even if the target is changed to an executive, the tactical part does not change much.

In other words.

I just did what I was doing.

- I'll be in soon. Ready for each team?

― There is no more than one team! Just give me orders!

― Team 2 is also ready!

― Team 3 is ready and waiting!

A large dungeon created in Mt. Taebaek.

There, he led 50 members into the gap between the monsters.

The tactic was simple.

After me and the main force turned off the aggro, the rest of the team launched a pincer attack from the rear and the flanks.



The tactic worked well.

They were monsters of some sort, but they were swept away mercilessly.

On the other hand, our Black Wing's damage was zero.

Of course, the combat abilities of the members themselves were very outstanding.

To do this, I went through a selection process.

However, the tactical aspect also worked well.

A related notice was proof of that.

[The mastery of the command skill increases greatly!]

[The mastery of the command skill increases greatly!]

[The mastery of the command skill increases greatly!]

If I hadn't led the members properly, I wouldn't have received this kind of notification.

And there was again.

[The rank of the command skill has been improved by one stage.]

[Before enhancement: C]

[After enhancement: B]

rating has gone up.

It must have been that the proficiency he had accumulated from the past exploded while catching high-ranking monsters, but that's still the case.

It means a lot.

Now, the command skill can also look at A, right?

[The combat ability of those who respond to the command skill is greatly increased.]

[It also increases morale.]

If it becomes A, how much more will this effect be amplified?

Waiting for that day to come, the battle ended.

All the monsters had already become corpses and were lying on the floor.

There are quite a few by-products, so maybe related people will come in separately.

I'd be fine with some money.

Oh, and one of the advantages of special forces is that they can take more by-products than normal units.

Relatively few countries or units are ripped off (?).

But it's hard, so I take good care of it.

After all, nothing is free in the world.

“Everyone worked hard. It feels good to finish the first mission well. Thank you."

“We should be grateful.”

“Yeah, if it wasn’t for the general manager, I would still be fighting there.”

After escaping from the dungeon. I enjoy victory with the members, and everyone turns the ball to me.

“Everyone would have done well without me.”

It's something everyone does together.

One person may have done well, but it cannot be said that one person won because of one person.

“You are returning to the unit.”


December 21, 2044.

It was ten days before the new year.

* * *

After successfully completing the first mission, the second mission was carried out about a week later.

It also produced good results.

A few people were injured, but not enough to be hospitalized.

“This is why I really like Director Choi. If you leave it to me, it will take care of everything.”

“It’s overrated.”

In the love of Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil, the long and long year of 2044 has passed.

“Happy New Year, Chief.”

“We wish our members the best of luck.”

And the new year has dawned.


I am now 25 years old.

He reached the age of so-called half fifty.

If it was your first time experiencing this, you might be thinking, ‘Am I now half and fifty years old? … .' I must have been a little shaky, but it's the second time I'm experiencing it, so I'm not very impressed.

Just say so and you're done.

The regression is all good, but I think it's a bit flawed to get rid of my sensibility (?).

“Everyone, I have good news.”

“Is that good news?”

“Our Black Wings have received a commendation from Chief of Staff Hunter.”“Is that really?!”

"Yes. I just heard from the commander.”

"Oh oh!"

In the new year, Black Wing continued its activities.

By January, three gates and five dungeons had been removed.

All of them had great grades.

A few times I was sent abroad.

And, as in the Berton crisis, he saved people in danger.

The result was the Hunter Chief of Staff commendation.

“A commendation from the Chief of Staff! Heh, as soon as I receive it, I will frame it and hang it on the wall.”

“I will leave it as a family heirloom.”

Seeing the members happy made me feel better.

A very good start to the year.

It seemed to be filled with only laughter.

But in February, things changed.

“Chief, did you hear the news? About an unidentified tower on the Dobongsan side.”

“Yes, I heard.”


An unidentified tower with a total of 7 floors, each with a stage like that of a game.

I already knew.

Because before the return, all kinds of media were talking about the tower.

It was also noted by foreign media.

“As a result of investigation by the search department, it is said that there is a limit on the number of people who can enter.”

“How many?”

“A total of 60 people.”

“It’s 60 people… … If it is small, it is small, but if it is large, it is a number that can be seen as a lot.”

“If we were to use Black Wing as a standard, it would be the latter. Rain can fill ten with medical officers, etc.”

Even if you listen up to this point, it is clear what Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil will say next.

“So, I would like Black Wing to take over the tower.”

I knew it.

But it doesn't feel bad.

That's why Black Wing is so reliable that it's entrusted to you.

Rather, it is something to be grateful for.

“How is it?”

"I'll do it."

“The answer is quick. But, you don't have to be polite to say it's a matter of concern. It's okay to think and answer enough. Let’s discuss it with the members.”

“The members will definitely do it.”

“How do you know that?”

“Actually, we talked about the tower a few times.”

“Oh, did you?”

"Yes. Everyone was positive back then.”

“Then it’s fine.”

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil said with a satisfied smile, but at the same time showing a worried look.

“How did you get to the first floor, and if you look at the gate, it’s almost 11-star level.”

The gate you entered during the Berton incident was 10 stars, so it is one step higher than that.

However, it should be noted that this is the first floor.

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil also mentioned that part.

“If the first floor is an 11-star level, I can’t tell what level the upper floors are. The last seventh floor is even more so.”

Therefore, the form itself is similar to a white field.

because it's getting more difficult.

However, as I said earlier, the tower is composed of stages just like in the game.

It's not just about getting rid of monsters and traps.

“Actually, you are doing seven missions. It is also a difficult task for all of them. It's dangerous, but I'll give it a try."

“Just leave it to me.”

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil is a difficult task to even bring up the fact that it is directly dangerous.

But nothing to worry about that much.


Because you already know.

How is the stage of that tower made up?

and what is

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