“Look at this screen.”

May 3, 2024, around 4 am.

An emergency meeting was convened at the Hunter Headquarters in the United States.

Even though it was late in the morning, all the high-ranking staff had gathered.

Even the Chief of Staff, Captain Raybard, was present.

The reason why it had to be like that was appearing on the screen pointed to by the reporter.

A neighborhood on the Great Plains in the southern United States.

There, with a sudden roar, the sky was torn in half.

A huge fireball was created in it.

It was really huge.

Even just looking at it on the screen, my mouth was wide open.

Captain Raybird was no different.

He held his breath and he focused on the screen.


The fireball burned fiercely.

Like the breath of a red dragon.


The fireball, which grew bigger and bigger, suddenly fell down like lightning.

What would happen if dozens of bombs were dropped?

The surrounding area has turned into a chaos.

“… … .”

“… … .”

“… … .”

There was silence in the place.

everyone knew

If that fireball had fallen into the city center, it would have caused tremendous damage.

“What happened after that?”

At the question of Captain Raybird, the reporter immediately spoke up.

“They say it’s back to normal.”

“Is the sky closing?”


“Hey, what the hell is this?”

Captain Ray Bird shook his head and said.

“Has the investigation team been dispatched?”

"Yes. However, it seems difficult to check immediately as the heat has not cooled down yet.”

“It hurts my head in many ways. No casualties?”

"Yes. It is said that only the surrounding facilities were destroyed.”

“It’s unfortunate that you’re lucky.”

The screen was repeatedly playing the moment when the fireball was formed and fell.

All eyes continued to focus on it, whether it was unbelievable to see it.

“Isn’t it hard to see it as a simple anomaly?”

“All right. The size is too large to be viewed as a simple anomaly.”

“Isn’t there a possibility that a super high-ranking monster will appear?”

“Not enough. You have to be a dragon to shoot a fireball like that.”

“Then, is it possible that it is a real dragon?”

“Not enough.”

Captain Ray Bird mumbled, unable to take his eyes off the screen.

“Even if it’s not a dragon, it’s sure to come out that is comparable to that.”

* * *

― Around 2 am this morning, the sky suddenly cracked and a huge fireball appeared in the great plains of the southern United States… …

― The whole area was devastated by a huge fireball… …

― The U.S. Hunter Headquarters immediately convened an emergency meeting to discuss the matter… …

― U.S. Chief of Staff Hunter, Captain Ray Bird, said that this was not a simple anomaly, but something else… …― Countries around the world are also paying attention to this event… …

While continuing to train with the members as always.

Eventually that day had come.

"Wow… … What's going on with that?”

“I thought it was a fireball, so I was wondering, isn’t that almost the level of a dragon’s breath?”


It was the declaration of war that ‘they’ had thrown before the invasion.

“If I had fallen in the city center, I would have been upset… … .”

“It doesn’t end like a riot. It would have been utterly devastated, if it were such a big fireball.”

“But what kind of fireball is that fireball? Is it some kind of anomaly?”

“Isn’t the scale too large for an anomaly?”

“Then what is it?”

The fireball was a technology called Hell Fire, according to the 'them'.

At first, I wondered what the noise was, but after the identities of 'them' were revealed, I knew right away.

That's why they called it Hell Fire.

“Aren’t there separate gates or dungeons around me?”

"at all. It doesn’t look like anything.”

“Oh, that’s what a ghost is like to cry.”

“American hunters must be crazy. Especially those who do research on such things are going to explode.”

“Aren’t those people going to be free now?”


“The heat still hasn’t cooled down.”

“Hey, a fireball like that has fallen, but there’s no way the heat has already cooled down.”

The members talked for a while while watching TV.

So did I.

When I first saw the situation before returning, I only talked about it with my seniors for hours.

Now that I already know it, it's dull.

― We just got the news! It is said that the investigation team finally entered the spot where the huge fireball fell. The US Hunter Army has announced that it will identify the cause of this incident and the subsequent situation as soon as possible and report it on a large scale.

Around lunchtime, the investigation team finally entered.

But it's meaningless.

Nothing is found right now.

Even if it is found, it is the same that has no meaning.

The situation that occurs after that is not a situation that can be prevented by how to prevent it.

Of course, the story is different when the Allied Forces are formed as in the White Conquest.

However, at this point, there is no chance of that happening.

Forming an allied force is not an easy task, and there is no time for that in the first place.

Before that, ‘they’ appear.

A few days passed in confusion.

Indeed, as before the return, nothing was found separately from the point where the fireball fell.

A site devastated like a meteorite.

That was the only thing I had to find.

“Chief Choi.”

“Yes, Commander.”

“Did you hear the news from America? They say they have deployed a large number of troops at the point where the fireball fell.”

"I heard."

From the American standpoint, however, it was impossible to sit still, so an entire division was placed there.

It was to prepare for the unexpected large gate.

“How do you think Director Choi sees it? Do you think a large gate will appear there?”

“I think so.”

“Huh, okay? Considering the foresight that General Choi showed at Cambly's Tower, I don't know if this is something that should be given to the American Hunters right away."

"haha… … Everyone thinks so, except me.”

I think so, but I wouldn't expect at all that 'they', not monsters, would pop out of that large gate.

“Relevant scholars are also warning about large gates.”

“It should be.”

in the commander's office.

The TV on one wall was still broadcasting reports about America.

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil looked at the screen and said.

“Didn’t the number of fortresses and gates and dungeons be created drastically? If anything is created, it may generate a lot of things that have been pushed back.”

“It could be.”

In a sense, Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil is right.

Gates aren't created all the time, but the enemy forces come rushing in.

It really is like a swarm of ants.

“It seems that the U.S. side has already requested support from the Hunter Headquarters in each country for that reason.”

“A request for assistance?”

“If you have a car, come right away and ask for help. Director Choi knows it well, right? If one large gate goes wrong, not only the area but the whole country will be in ruins.”


He felt it many times.

Operation to retake Jeju Island.

Berton's case.

Conquer the White Fields.

in that series of tasks.

“If I go out for support, there is a high chance that the Black Wing of general manager Choi will also be selected. No, I will definitely be selected. That kind of support is based only on skills.”

“If I go, I will make sure that no one is on the commander’s face.”

“Haha, thank you. But what's the big deal? Even if there's nothing special about it, it's not another country, it's America, America. Even if I don’t receive support, I’ll be able to block it well.”

at all.

The United States, along with Russia, is considered to be the strongest country in hunter power, but it was not good enough for 'them'.

Because ‘they’ also had the most powerful power where they were.

“Is the fortress training going well?”

“It’s going well.”

“If that’s the case with Director Choi, you can rest assured. Don't push yourself too hard. Take it easy, take it easy.”


“Then we’ll talk later.”

Lieutenant General Yoo Kyung-pil's face was just relaxed.

It was not because the current situation in the United States had nothing to do with him.

It was just because I thought that there was really no big deal.

But now there is only one day left.

May 15, 2045.

After declaring war with Hell Fire, “they” appeared in person.

* * *

The great plains of the southern United States.

Numerous hunters were stationed at the point where the fireball fell.

There was one reason.

'Cause I don't know what's going to happen

The investigation had not yet been properly completed, so we had to maintain this posture until everything was revealed.

“I will report the situation. The slight vibration that started around 7 am today has continued until 4 pm today.”

“You mean at the point where the fireball fell?”

"That's right."

“What do you really want to come? … If you want to come, I want you to show up.”

Major General Kellinger, who leads the US 1st Hunter Division, said confidently.

“Sweep it right away.”

“So it is. No matter what monsters appear, I have the confidence to catch them all.”

“Even if a dragon appears, there will be no problem. If it’s the power of our 1st Hunter Division.”

The 1st Hunter Division also played a great role in the dragon attack that struck the American city half a year ago.

Against three, not one.

That's why Director Kalinger was so proud of himself.


That was then.

A major hastily knocked on the command post door.

“I think you should see it with me!”It's finally here.

Colonel Kellinger stood up immediately. Then, following his major, he jumped out of the command post.

The staff also rushed out.

"I knew it. Was it the gate?”

A gate was forming over the point where the fireball fell.

number is only one.

But the size was enormous.

As expected, it was a large gate.

“Prepare all the battles!”


Hunters started to surround the gate with their weapons.

It takes 5 minutes, no matter how fast, for a gate to be created and a monster to jump out of it.

There was enough time to spare.

But something was strange.

“For a gate… … Isn't the shape a little different?"

“I usually draw a flame shape, but that one is an arch shape.”

This was also the case with General Kellinger.

Although the form was different, it was very different.

“Commander! The vibrations are getting bigger!”

“Prepare for the monsters that will appear!”


unidentified vibration.

And a strangely shaped gate.

I don't know what's going on, but one thing is certain.

That you have to catch the monster that comes out of there.


It wasn't.

The creature that came out of it wasn't a monster.

“… … ?!”

“… … Are you human?”

were humans

They were humans armed with such armor and swords that only appear in a fantasy movie.

“Kill them all!”

It was the first language I had ever heard, but an interpreter was installed, so I immediately understood it.

Kill them all!

They recognized the 1st Hunter Division as an enemy.

I didn't really know what was going on or how, but General Kellinger ordered it.

“We will figure out the situation later! Attack!”


It was difficult for me to stand still any longer.


Because mana was oozing from their blades.

Life was gleaming in his eyes.

What the hell is the real thing?

Are they monsters that look like humans?

What was more surprising was something else.

From the gate, additional people in robes and wands walked out.

The staff shook with an unknown spell.





The fireball, which was the cause of all this, started to form in the sky again.

This time it wasn't just one.

There were seven.

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