As if the training instructor was talking to himself, he added one more word.

It's unbelievable.

“Hey, this is the first time I’ve seen something like that.”

Even after announcing the results of the other shows, he burst into laughter.

Then he settled the situation later.

“Shooter, sergeant, sergeant.”

“Own position!”

“Wait a minute.”

The training instructor comes out of the command room and walks around.

it was mine


“Lee Byung Choi Do-jin!”

“What did you do?”

The trainer's gaze was on my target, which was pulled right in front of the road.

Vomits exploded like firecrackers.

In fact, it was difficult to call it a target any more.

“I aimed hard and shot!”

“You know that. I know, but this isn't really easy to get full bloom, is it? How accurate is the zero point? all body fit. So I blow it up like that.”

If you can explain, you can explain.

It's because I'm back

But I really want to make it clear.

And can you hear more than crazy? If you say you have returned from the future to the past.

I pretended not to know and scratched the back of my head.

The trainer taps me on the shoulder.

“Considering that you only hit three shots at the time, it seems that luck was a bit too strong for you... I can't shoot like that."

“Lee Byung Choi Do-jin! thank you!"

“Yes, yes. Keep this feeling right now.”

It has already been maintained since yesterday.

Not only the feeling, but also the power.

“Clean up and return to the barracks!”


To put it in order, it is enough to pack firearms and check equipment.

It's an automated system, so the rest is taken care of.

“Wow, did you see it? It’s full bloom, it’s full bloom.”

“It’s also really great to have a vomit.”

“What happened here today? Corporal Oh-cheol Kim got 17 hits, and all 20 of the weaving shots.”

“If you shoot in full bloom, won’t you get a reward? I’m jealous.”

“Even if you bring horse-gun hunters, you won’t be able to shoot like that.”

On the way to the shooting range.

I hear voices calling me from all over the place.

If it wasn't for moving by squad, I would have been surrounded by them right away.

Of course, our squad has been bombarding us with questions since before.

“Oh, the youngest. I was completely exhausted.”

“Lee Byung Choi Do-jin! thank you."

“But if you aim really hard and shoot, you become like you, right? I shot like that too, so why 13 shots?”

“That’s me, so…”

"I know, I know. I’m saying it because it’s exciting, because it’s exciting.”

Squad leaders and other privates asked difficult questions, but most ended with compliments.

And, in fact, it would be like me.

The previous record was second, and 3 months after moving in, the second-class hunter was not in full bloom, so he even blew up the vomit, how can we not be surprised?

But even considering that, Oh-cheol Kim's reaction made his fists simmer.

“You bastard, isn’t this something you fabricated?”

"Operation?"“It’s strange, the guy who got hit three times last time suddenly became like this.”

“The training instructor also said that he had a bit of luck.”

“Luck also requires some skill. From my point of view, this bastard must have done something. Or did he use a shortcut? I am sure.”

“What kind of facility is this, is it possible to do such a thing? And how many eyes did you see?”

Fortunately, the squad leader quickly made the snout shut.

Of course, I didn't even open my mouth, because if I sympathize with you, I can get caught in that direction for nothing.

Oh-cheol Kim said while snoring his nose.

“Yeah, if you’re lucky enough to do that, next time you won’t even hit ten shots, right? What are ten feet, maybe three more? Let’s see.”

That's not going to happen.

And... there's nothing left to see.

By the time the next shooting training comes, my rank will be higher than that of Kim Oh-cheol.


“Go in, pay your guns, rest for a while, and then eat lunch.”


“Ah, the afternoon routine is fortifications behind the barracks.”

"Yes?! Are you serious again?”

“Where else are you in the construction site? We check it regularly.”

“Isn’t that cycle too short…”

“Mothers, I am also doing this under instructions, instructions. Please don't gossip and get back here by 12:50."


in front of the barracks.

At the command of the platoon commander, sighs erupted everywhere.

Everyone answers yes, but their faces are full of dissatisfaction.

That's right, the construction company said to install a protective wall against monsters, but in reality, it's more like carrying and building the protective wall all day long.

Can't you use a professional worker?

Of course not.

The protective wall, also called magic brick, is mixed with a lot of special substances including magical power, so if an ordinary person touches it, it will immediately become sick.

When the platoon commander left, the complaints that he had endured finally erupted.

Of course, only from the mouths of sergeants and sergeants.

“Periodic inspections are crap. I’m rolling because I don’t have a job.”

“I want to live in a unit without work…”

“Hey, it’s still early summer, and I’m already getting a lot of salt on my back.”

In fact, I have a positive view of Jinji Construction.

I agree with the part about rolling because there's no work, but it's training anyway.

Especially when it comes to physical abilities.


‘I think there must have been an item from the fort behind the barracks. If we do well, we can take care of that together.’

In addition to physical abilities, there may be one more thing to pick out.

I returned to the dormitory with a smile.

“Today's menu is all good.”

“Hey, let’s eat some food soon.”

“Did it turn out well for serious construction? Last supper.”

After eating lunch, when I came back up to the dormitory, it was just past 12:15.

I just brushed my teeth and got ready right away.

Ready to go to the training room.

And politely sought the position of the squad leader.

“Hey, can I go to the training room?”

“Training room? Sleep, why?”

“I can’t sleep…”

"okay? okay. It's a meeting by 50 minutes, so come on time."

"Yes, I understand."

“What do you think will change if you train? The one with the lowest physical ability.”

Kim Oh-cheol is lying on his back, raising his head slightly and looking at me.

Normally, I wouldn't stop there and do other things, such as running errands, but I didn't say anything more because the squad leader had already allowed it.

“Then I will go.”

I quickly left the dormitory.

And I went to the training room.

Because time is time, what to do now is...

‘It’s iron.’

I picked up all kinds of exercise equipment.

It is laid out in stages according to the weight, but now with my strength, stage 4 is the maximum.

I listened to step 5 just in case, but instead of getting it, my arm is about to fall off.

‘I didn’t hear Step 5 before the return, so it’s only natural that I can’t take it now.’

you have to grow

So, not just step 5, but even more.

‘I want to add more… but I have to go.’

After exercising until 12:43, I quickly returned to the dormitory.

Five minutes before the meeting, the seniors had to be woken up.

“Sergeant Oh-cheol Kim, five minutes before the meeting.”

“Damn, how does the time go by so fast? I just closed my eyes Go to work or go early. Fuck you.”

Oh-cheol Kim gets up from his seat, pouring out six characters.

Be grateful that you slept even for 30 minutes.

After a while, it will be difficult to sleep even for 3 minutes, let alone 30 minutes.

I went down to the front of the barracks first, leaving Oh Chul Kim behind.

This is because you have to pack your work tools in advance from the warehouse next door.

When I went back to the barracks with my hands full, the platoon members were already busy.

I passed the tools one by one to our seniors.

Soon the platoon commander appeared.

“It won’t take long since it’s only repairs.”


“If you finish early, you will get the job done right away, so do your best.”

"Five! Yes, I understand!"

“Look at the growing response. Anyway, guys.”

A total of three squads.

A fairly large number of people follow the platoon leader and start climbing the mountain behind the barracks.

Our squad was assigned a center position.

Magical bricks are stacked around the circular shield.

When put together, it becomes a barrier in one word.

I've seen it a lot, but every time I see it, I'm amazed.

How could people build all that?

I think you can see why it was said that dungeons can be moved from here to there with just one word from the division commander.

The era is the era, but it is difficult to get a machine in because the pressure from dungeons and gates is particularly strong in these mountainous areas.

Is it just the machine?

All modern cultures cannot withstand the pressure.

That's why Hunters exist.

“Then start working.”

Under the direction of the platoon commander, work began in earnest.

Nothing difficult at all now.

'Cause I have eyes to watch

“Kim Oh-cheol, don’t cheat and do it quickly.”

“Sergeant Kim Oh-cheol. We are working hard.”

Now, yes, I'm working anyway, even if I only move one when I move five or six.

But how long will you go?

You'll probably notice it and fall for it soon.

“I’m going to be down for work for a while after looking around other camps, so I’m continuing to help out like that. Come check it out when it's over."


“Kim Oh-cheol, don’t just order your successors to eat.”

“Oh, I work really hard.”

If the platoon leader leaves his seat like this, he notices and leaves immediately.

Since I'm on duty today, the squad leader is already gone.Oh-cheol Kim throws the tools right away because I don't know.

Then he climbed into the camp and stretched out his fingers here and there.

“Not there, there. You bastard, over there.”


“What else are you doing? Why did it explode so slow? Aren't you going to bring it?"


At Kim Oh-cheol's fingers, his successors begin to move frantically.

me too

There is no time to rest for a moment.

“Okay, from this side on, build up one layer at a time.”

Even after moving all the magic bricks, Kim Oh-cheol's fingers did not stop.

Only his fingers did, of course.

His body didn't even move.

“Are you wrong there? Don't you know that it doesn't work properly if it's wrong?


“I told you to do it quickly. If you finish later than the rest of the squad, I think you will be just as bad as if you finished late.”


I don't know if I do it together.

But since then, I haven't really moved.

One is already missing because of the squad leader.

‘I want to do something with that snout.’

Magical bricks, as the name suggests, have young magic.

If yes, it hurts quite a bit.

‘Are you going to throw it away?’


No, no.

You have to be patient for the sake of the cause.

It's not a lot of work anyway.

If you hurry, you might finish it later than other squads, but it seems like you can finish it earlier than the usual time.


And exercise is good too, right?

how long has it been

The light begins to flash from the fort.

It was the result of the old magic bricks falling out and new magic bricks being piled up.

“How are you doing?”

Around that time, the platoon commander came back to the camp.

Kim Oh-cheol, who was quick-witted, was pretending to work with a tool right from the start.

“Yes, I was working hard with my squadmates.”

“Kim Oh-cheol, are you too?”

“Ah, why are you like this? You know I'm sincere."

“I don’t know who knows. Anyway, build up to that side and come down there.”


As the platoon leader moves to the next squad, Kim Oh-cheol throws the tool again.

Anyway, that bastard is real.

The work was still almost finished.

Oh-cheol Kim said, scanning the camp here and there.

“Well, I did finish it rather quickly. I'll take a look at what's going on."

Aigoo, thank you.

Thank you so much, I don't know where to put my body.

That was the moment to finish the work.


inside the fort.

There was a strange stone embedded in it.


I opened my eyes.

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