The overall size and size of the ship is similar to the original Luffy’s Saussen Sonny built on the Water Seven Capital.

The overall color of the hull is mainly cyan blue, mixed with dotted white, setting off the three themes of Wang Yang sea, blue sky and white flowing clouds.

There are also many well-equipped cabins, deck steps, protective railings, lookouts at the top of the mast…

There is no shortage of facilities, and you can see that the quality is definitely the best in the world!

After all, these facilities are made of Treasure Tree Adam as a raw material, and their robustness is absolutely guaranteed.

Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product!

The bow of the boat reflects the name of the Blue Dragon Treasure Ship, which is made of a lifelike turquoise dragon head.

The whole dragon head is made of the most precious materials in the world, and a pair of dragon whiskers exude extraordinary brilliance under the reflection of the sun.

Above the blue dragon’s head, there are two suspended spikes that stick straight forward, like the two dragon horns of the green dragon.

On both sides of the hull, there are dragon bodies that snake away, making the whole ship completely based on a dragon.

“This is also… It’s so cool!! ”

Solon and Nami both opened their mouths wide, unable to fit together.

This suddenly appeared unprecedented beautiful treasure ship, which really brought them an unparalleled impact, they had never seen such an atmospheric and majestic treasure ship before!

Wait a minute! Suddenly appeared?

The two seemed to have grasped the point, and their open mouths couldn’t help but close.

“Hey, Xiano, how did you conjure up this ship?!”

Solon felt shocked and puzzled, and he remembered that when he was at the execution ground, Xia Nuo also suddenly took out the Yun Ce famous knife.

This made Sauron’s heart rise to great curiosity.

“Hmm… Haha, have you heard of Devil Fruit? ”

Xiano, who was also shocked by the majesty of the ship, couldn’t help but smile to cover up his embarrassment when he heard Sauron’s question.

As the owner of a sea ship, he also saw it for the first time, and he did not expect that the hull would be beautiful to such an extent.

Awesome, my system!!

“Devil Fruit?”

Solon was lost in thought when he heard this.

“I heard someone talk about it in the bar, saying that there is a thing called Devil Fruit in this world, which can bring powerful strange power, and is called the secret treasure of the sea, but it has basically not appeared in the East China Sea, so people once doubted the authenticity of the news, but I didn’t expect it to be true?”

“Of course it’s true, the Devil Fruit not only exists, but also has many types, this kind of common-sense thing will be told to you in detail later, you just need to know that I did it with the ability of the Devil Fruit, in addition, in addition to myself, the opponent we will face next, Bucky the Clown, is also the ability of the Devil Fruit, and his immortal body is also from his Devil Fruit ability, especially for the swordsman.”

“Huh? Is that so? ”

Hearing about the swordsman, Sauron was immediately distracted and looked interested.

“If that’s the case, I want to meet him.”

And Nami on the side, after her mouth closed, her eyes stared at the Blue Dragon Treasure Ship tightly, and the light in her eyes became brighter and brighter.

“This ship, if you take it out and sell it, it can definitely sell for a good price!”

“The money from selling the ship, plus the income I have accumulated over the years, can definitely make up 100 million berry!!”

“Coco Yaxi Village, is it finally about to usher in the day of liberation?”

Nami’s heart trembled, but she soon regained her senses, glanced at Shano and Sauron who were talking without a trace, and her hands quietly clenched into fists.

“Can’t be in a hurry, must not be in a hurry! Victory is at hand, I have to calm down and find a suitable opportunity to abduct the ship! ”

She deeply understood that the hope of saving the village and town fell on this priceless treasure ship!

“It’s the first time I’ve taken such a luxurious and comfortable boat!”

After getting on the boat, Solon found the softest grass to lie down on, looking comfortable.

At this moment, he felt that it was a more correct choice to mix with Xia Nuo.

Nami looked around the ship, secretly valuing the ship while learning about the overall situation of the ship.

Lookout, kitchen, storage room, bedroom, study… It can be said that all the needs are available, and the style decoration is many times better than the so-called aristocratic luxury merchant ships she boarded!

“This can definitely sell for a sky-high price!”

Nami couldn’t contain her heart thumping.

Perhaps, the value of this ship alone is enough to buy the West Village of Cocoa.

“In this way, after buying the village, the money I have accumulated over the years can be retained and become my own private money!!”

Nami felt that happiness had come so suddenly, and Qian Jing and a bright future were constantly beckoning to her.

She looked at the two guys on the boat again, a green-headed swordsman who looked rather idiot, and a young and handsome novice who looked like Brother Gongzi had little travel adventure experience~

It looks very foolish!

“Ah~ what are you looking at?”

The grass seating area was too comfortable, Solon yawned, looked at Xiano, who was standing there looking up with his head up, and asked curiously.

“I’m thinking, it’s a pity not to hang a flag for such a beautiful treasure ship.”

Xia Nuo withdrew his gaze and said.

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