More powerful than before, pouring out from the depths of the body!

“91.5% body strength? Finally broken through the 90% limit!! ”

After killing and picking up Moria, before waking Perona, Shano went to a house where the boundaries of Oz were stored, and unleashed his ability to touch Oz.

Not only did he get the giant race’s trick [Hegemony], but he also obtained some increase.

Now coupled with Ryoma’s 1.8%, it has successfully raised Xiano’s strength to another level and crossed the threshold of 90!

Xia Nuo feels that now himself, even if he does not use fruit ability, with his physical fitness and physical skills alone, he can have a good fight with the emperor on the sea and the three major generals.

And Ryoma was able to have a strength of 1.8%, six times the strength of Moria, which made Xiano a little surprised.

But when I think about it later, it’s actually more reasonable.

When Wano Country was once known as the “Land of Gold”, it was Ryoma who stopped countless pirates and world nobles from coming, letting the world know that “Wano Country has samurai”.

No matter who the opponent is, he will cut down the opponent in a flash, and he is a great sword hero who has never tasted defeat in his life.

Ryoma has many legends, and the flying dragon that once slaughtered the sky above the capital is one of them.

It can be said that it was Ryoma who brought the name [Samurai] to the world, and his strength in his previous life can be seen.

There are many powerful samurai in Wano Country, such as Sleeper Death, that is, Denjiro, Drought Jack, who can fight with one of the three disasters of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, and the Asura boy who can fight back and forth.

And this is still the embarrassing situation that Wano Country has declined, and there are only two or three big cats.

It is conceivable that in the case of the strong people of Wano Country everywhere, Ryoma can be worshipped as the god of swords, especially in the heyday of the “golden age” of Wano Country.

How powerful he should be, the title of Sword God is full of gold!

Xia Nuo estimated that the strength of Ryoma in its heyday had to at least surpass Jiutian Maru, which was the level of Emperor and Deputy Marco and Katakuri. Even if you have already touched the threshold of the emperor level, it is possible to step into it with one foot.

It is reasonable to have such an increase in intensity.

However, when Xia Nuo’s physical strength broke through 90%, he had a hunch that the next improvement would be extremely difficult.


After joining Sauron and them, Xiano and the others returned to the Blue Dragon along the same road, followed by Laura and his party.

Because they said that they could also figure out where some of the island’s material reserves and gold and silver treasures were stored.

Shano thought that Nami might be very interested, so she simply asked them to come with her.

Not long after, Xia Nuo and his party came to the periphery of the terrifying three-masted galleon.

“What a spectacular dragon head ship!!”

At the first sight of the Blue Dragon, Laura and her party were full of praise.

The focus of the likes of Shano and Lafitte is the number of people on board.

“It seems like two more guys.”

Under the domineering perception of seeing and smelling, he could clearly perceive the life breath of two more people on the ship.

When Xiano and Lafitte and others returned to the Blue Dragon, they saw such a strange scene:

Sanji sat on top of the last of the three weirdos he had never met, Absalom.

On the deck of the Blue Dragon, there is also a skeleton trapped by greenery and with an explosive head.

Lafitte’s gaze couldn’t help but glance at the skeleton’s body a few more times.

It is obviously a white bone skeleton, but it feels the breath of life from the body, which is really amazing.

Xia Nuo naturally also saw Brooke on the ground, and couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

“You’re finally back ah Captain Shano!!”

Just as he was about to ask a question, Sanji, who was sitting on Absalom, stood up abruptly.

At an almost teleportation speed, he came to Xiano.

Rubbing his hands, with a fleshy sycophantic tone in his mouth, he shouted a rare word to Captain Xiano.

His gesture made Lafitte and Robin all quietly move away from him.

Even Perona behind Xiano staggered away from Sanji.

And Sanji, who has always paid special attention to ladies, did not even notice Perona’s arrival at this moment, and did not greet Robin who returned.

This couldn’t help but surprise Sauron.

“What kind of sex has this smelly cook turned today?”

However, in the face of Sauron’s unfriendly complaint, Sanji actually just turned his face to glare at him and stopped talking.

Continuing to look at Xiano with a flattering smile on his face surprised Solon even more.

He couldn’t help but look at the others on the side with a question mark on his head, in exchange for the helpless sigh of others spreading their hands.

“I see, you want the ability in this person, right?”

Looking at the state of Absalom and Sanji, one only has to think about it to understand what Sanji’s intentions are.

Xia Nuo couldn’t help but smile dumbly.

“Yes, yes, that’s it!”

At this moment, Sanji is like a chicken pecking at a grain of rice, and his head is fast.

At the same time, after ordering, he turned his face and looked at the other Dazusop von Clay and his party with a somewhat wary and dangerous gaze.

“This ability is mine, none of you can grab it with me!!”

“Who wants to rob with you!!”

Several people were so angry by Sanji’s eyes that they shouted back at the same time.

“I see~” Xia Nuo smiled at the group of people who played treasure, “I will help you transfer your ability, but before that…”

Xiano pointed to the living skeletons on the ground that were lying on their stomachs.

“Can you explain to me what the situation is?”

“Yo roar, what a faux pas.”

The skeleton man lying on the ground trapped by the green star grass, that is, Brooke, laughed very optimistically.

Seeing Sanji’s captain address to Xiano, Brooke knew that the Lord had arrived.

When you want to introduce yourself properly and express your gratitude for the liberation of the shadow.

Suddenly, he saw Robin standing behind Xiano, and his soul was immediately hooked away and blurted out:

“Ah, this beautiful young lady, can you let me see your fat times?”


As soon as his voice fell, he was punched heavily in the head.

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