Everyone is waiting for what the Navy will do with Fire Fist Ace.

And what kind of reaction will the strongest man in the world, the Four Emperors, Whitebeard, who treats the crew as his sons!

Above the entire sea, gradually, a solemn atmosphere of wind and rain rises!

And Xia Nuo and his party, who were completely unaware of this, chose to continue towards the next destination, the Chambord Islands, after the banquet.

“I have nothing to thank, this is my mother’s life card, she is a sea thief in the new world, you guys hold it I think it should be of some use.”

On the occasion of their separation, Laura gave the role of her mother BIGMOM Charlotte Lingling’s life card to Xiano.

Then the group boarded the old pirate ship that French helped them repair, headed in the direction of the seven capitals of the water, and continued her marriage proposal.

Holding Charlotte Lingling’s life card, Xia Nuo, who may not know which day it will work, led the group towards the Chambord Islands.

During this period, I passed by a certain hot spring resort, took a temporary break, and saw the legendary rainbow sugar rain.

Later, he tackled several traffickers on the road, and did not encounter Dibaru, who looked exactly like a photo of Yamaji’s wanted warrant.

Well, because Sanji’s wanted warrant did not come down, maybe the latter was not affected, and he still lived a small life of authority and blessing in his countryside, without shame and shame~

Therefore, Xiano and they did not meet the fishman Kemi and the starfish Papagu, who may still be wandering in a certain sea in a daze, right?

Soon, with the Blue Dragon not slowing down, the Chambord Islands, with their rich bubble culture, were revealed in front of everyone.

“Finally back, Chambord Islands~”

Xia Nuo looked at the dreamlike familiar island in front of him, and sighed in his heart.

It’s been a long time since I set foot on this island again.

I don’t know Mr. Renly and Sister Xia Qi, are they doing okay now?

And Rowe, Hawkins, Kidd, they, too?

At the time of Xiano’s imagination, above the Chambord Islands.

Somewhere under a big tree, inside a bamboo bar.


The sound of tarot cards flipping sounded in the house.

Hawkins, who was maturing and becoming more stable, spread straw from his arm and attached his washed tarot cards to the top of the straw one by one.

“Are you divination? Little Hawkins~”

Inside the bar, Xia Qi Rouyin was holding a cigarette with that eternal smile on her face.

“Well, I’m divination, when will he arrive, captain.”

Hawkins whispered.

Hawkins, who first came to the Chambord Islands, rushed to this knock-off bar as promised before he had time to enjoy the beauty of Chambord Land.

As a result, after coming in, he found the hostess in this bar, and he couldn’t see through it.

You know, more than ten years ago, after Xia Nuo left him with six-style and domineering cultivation methods and benchmarking training equipment, he never slackened for a moment after he had a way to become stronger over the years.

At present, although his strength is not too strong, he has self-confidence, and it is not a problem to wrench the wrist with those four emperors’ general Xingfan captain.

Even winning is extremely likely, Hawkins, he already has a strength that is not weaker than the general star level!

You must know that he is only twenty-nine years old now, and it is already very incredible to have such strength at this age.

And Urki was forty-seven years old when he took out Snag, one of the weakest dessert four.

The dessert stars, currently Katakuri is forty-six years old and Keli is forty-three years old, or under the inclined cultivation of the rich resources of the Four Emperors Pirates, these three or four have emerged.

Hawkins came from the grassroots, just with the help of the cultivation manual, under the age of thirty all the way to practice, it is already very remarkable.

“Little Shano?” Listening to Hawkins’ words, Xia Qi smiled slightly.

“To be honest, I was quite surprised to hear that you are a crew force under Xiao Xiano.”

Xia Qi spat out a smoke ring, “After all, you are a supernova with a bounty worth 250 million Bailey, so you don’t have any other ideas?” ”

Xia Qi teased, “According to the information I have gathered about you, you are not such a rule-abiding person.” ”

“Well, I did have other ideas before.”

Hawkins generously admitted, “But when I concluded that the success rate of escape was 0, I knew that I had no other choice~”

“It seems that you believe in your divination ability.”

“That’s why I was discovered and valued by the captain.”

The two asked and answered, and suddenly~

“Jingle Bell.”

“Another guest is coming.”

Xia Qi flicked the soot, “It seems that I am particularly lively here today.” ”

“Is anyone there already?”

A slightly muffled voice sounded, and Luo, who was crying with a demon knife and a spotted hat on his head and a peculiar smoky makeup eyeshadow, pushed the door and walked in.

“Captain of the Heart Pirates, bounty amount, 240 million Bailey’s [Death Surgeon], Trafalgar Rowe.”

A flash of surprise flashed in Xia Qi’s eyes, “There are really some unexpected customers.” ”


Luo Wensheng glanced up at Xia Qi, and then his eyes froze.

Like Hawkins, he couldn’t see through the charming lady in front of him.

“You’re a step slower, Trafalgar Rowe.”

Hawkins, who was posting tarot cards, heard this, looked up, and then indifferently withdrew his gaze.

“It’s not too late to arrive before the captain arrives.”

Rona said casually in a magnetic voice, and then sat down at the bar.

Putting the ghost cry aside, he said to Shaki, who was looking at him in front of him, “Can you bring me a glass of rum?” ”

This was Corazon’s favorite drink during his lifetime.

“Okay, no problem.”

Shaki smiled and pulled away to open a bottle of wine from the counter behind him.

“Listen to you and little Hawkins, you all know each other?”

Xia Qi mixed the wine and asked with some curiosity.

“Well, more than ten years ago, when I was young, I followed the captain and met Hawkins.”

Luo explained briefly.

When Xiano traveled to the past and traveled to the North Sea, he took him with him to recruit Hawkins.

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