After receiving the deputy director’s signal, considering the ferocity of the pirate prisoner and Luffy’s safety, Domino thought about it and changed Luffy with a handcuff with a weak sea floor stone.

After all, it is the grandson of Lieutenant General Karp, and if something happens, it will not be very good~

Then, Luffy was directly thrown by her to the first floor where the most ordinary prisoners were held, the Red Lotus Hell.

The crimes of the prisoners in this layer are less serious, the prisoners in captivity cannot defeat the blue orangutan, and there is a large forest-like area outside the cell, and the tree is a “sword tree” with leaves as sharp as the blade of a knife.

Grass is a “needle grass” that can pierce the human body like a needle, and prisoners will run back and forth because of the chase of poisonous spiders and jailers, and finally be tortured by the blood of these leaves and grass cuts.

The result is such an environment that simply cannot stop Luffy’s pursuit of One Piece.

When Domino received a hurried report from the jailers, he went to find Luffy in shock.

It was found that he had knocked out all the blue orangutan jailer beasts on the first layer, and also roasted one to eat meat.


In the whistle blowing encouragement and praise of the surrounding imprisoned pirates, watching the excitement and not thinking of a big deal, Domino directly threw Luffy into the second layer of beast hell.

This layer places a variety of different fierce beast monsters, including chicken snakes, human face lions, poisonous scorpions, etc., the boss is the Sphinx, the prisoners on this floor know that sooner or later they will become the food of the beasts, and they don’t even have the strength to be afraid.

But under Domino’s close attention, the identities of predators and predators suddenly changed.

Luffy, who became a jailer, is not the pirate Luffy who later invaded the prison, he now has a formal staff.

Therefore, he did not avoid the pursuit by just looking for a way down, as he had done before.

Instead, he directly worked with the fierce beast guards on the floor.

The final result, naturally, was that the boss of the layer, Sphinx, was killed by Luffy.

As a result, Luffy successfully became the boss of the first to second floors of the propulsion city.

The speechless Domino reported this news to Hannibal, who was only slightly startled and waved his hand carelessly.

“Then throw him to the third or fourth layer, let the Minoan koala bear those jailer beasts, come and teach him some lessons, don’t bother me to study how to become the director.”

In Hannibal’s opinion, Luffy can penetrate the hell of the first or second layers, and it will be the top of the sky, and he will not be able to take down the jailer beasts of the animal system who are stronger than his deputy director and have awakened their abilities.

Domino thought about it, thinking back to the strength that Luffy had displayed, and felt that it made sense.

So he threw Luffy directly into the fourth floor, scorching hell, and let the prison commander there Sarudes treat Luffy well.

As for informing Magellan?

I’m sorry, but the head of the propulsion city is busy drinking poisonous soup and diarrhea to go to the toilet, and has no time to take care of Luffy’s affairs.

And just as Hannibal thought, Luffy couldn’t do anything about the four powerful jailer beasts.

After struggling and challenging several times, he failed.

Unwillingly, Luffy’s protagonist aura finally exploded.

Fighting to support the battle and breaking through in battle, Luffy successfully opened the second and third gears.

Luffy, who finally had the strength to fight back, challenged the jailer beast again.

And when he noticed the progress of Luffy’s strength and the jailer beast began to beat him with four heads together, Luffy successfully awakened the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing!

Finally, after more than a month of hard training and hard fighting, Luffy successfully overturned all the jailer beasts on the fourth layer!

You must know that in the original Luffy only cares about sailing and adventuring on the Great Voyage, and only fights when danger comes.

Like now, not only has he been cultivating hard for more than a month, but he is also fighting and fighting anytime and anywhere.

His strength is stronger than this time of the original, but it is more than one step stronger.

After taking down all the guarding jailer beasts on the fourth floor in a row and taking them all as younger brothers, he finally alarmed the administrator Magellan.

Because Magellan’s office is also on this floor.

After seeing the scene of Luffy’s battle, he saw the joy of the hunter and sighed that Magellan, who was worthy of Lieutenant General Karp’s grandson, called Luffy to the office.

And in the presence of Hannibal, Domino, Saludes and others, Luffy was promoted to become the new acting chief caretaker.

Why is it a deputy, because although the original caretaker is now detained on the sixth basement floor, his position has not been revoked~

And Luffy is destined to be taken out by Karp to become a navy, so the current agent who cannot be turned positive is just right.

Arranging Luffy as the acting caretaker can increase the power of the advancing city, and can also completely separate the identities of Luffy and the pirates, give Karp an explanation, and then pull into the relationship between the advancing city and Karp~

This is simply killing three birds with one stone, and Magellan is very complacent about this wise and magical decision.

As for what kind of reaction Luffy has to this, he doesn’t care~

Anyway, they are already advancing into the city here, and the Sun Monkey who has become his palm is destined to not be able to climb out of the Five Finger Mountain, and Magellan does not consider Luffy’s opinions and thoughts at all.

What One Piece to be? Wake up kid, you’re only seventeen years old, doesn’t he smell good as the chief guard?!

If Karp hadn’t just thrown Luffy here to hone his temperament, he would have been destined to take him out as a navy in the future.

A somewhat regretful Magellan really wanted to keep Luffy and really become the chief caretaker.

He also values Luffy’s potential and talent, and in time when he retires, he will be able to take over his class and become the new director of the Propulsion City.

It’s a pity, I still have to follow Mr. Karp as a navy in the future.

Therefore, when Magellan didn’t care much about Luffy’s feelings, and even sighed a little.

Luffy, who was arranged in place, was extremely reluctant to do so.

But his personal opinion is not important at all, otherwise he would not be advancing into the city here.

He tried to resist, but he couldn’t do Magellan.

A breath of poison blew him down.

Then he was directly put on his neck by the latter, and a layer of new sea building stone collar was added.

Suddenly, Luffy wilted.

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