Then, the golden lion went to Dr. Indigo and Scarlet the orangutan with great interest, as well as his recently collected little brother, to discuss how to deal with the navy.

And Xia Nuo, also Shi Shiran, returned to the Chambord Islands from the sky, preparing for the coming of the big war.


As the time approached, the news of the war between the navy and Whitebeard also spread throughout the world in an instant.

The eyes of the entire sea were all on the headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fando.

Whitebeard, who has the title of the strongest man in the world, has long been promoted by the Navy as a demon.

Residents all over the world are praying for the final victory of the navy and the complete elimination of Whitebeard.

Some careerists with ulterior motives also wished that Whitebeard would be killed by the navy and remove this mountain that was pressing on the heads of many pirates.

All in all, as the time approaches, there is a sense of imminent storm all over the world.

Many people are not willing to work, waiting for the unfolding and final outcome of this war, and the future direction of this world.

“Han Cook, is she already planning to answer the call?”

In Shaki’s bar, Shano drank rum and got news about Hancock from Shaki.


Shaki smiled, holding the cigarette that Renly had bought her as a gift in one hand and pinching Renly’s nose in the other.

In the latter’s somewhat dry smile face, he smiled and said, “Little Han Cook heard that you are also going to participate in this meeting, so he also accepted the application.” ”


Xia Nuo played with the wine glass in his hand and recalled the scene when he and the three Hancock sisters were separated.

“I don’t know how they are doing now, and they will be able to meet soon~”

Xia Nuo chuckled, put down the wine glass in his hand, turned and walked towards the outside of the bar.

“Are you leaving, little Shano?”

“Yes, two days is the day of execution, although it does not take long to get from the Chambord Islands to the Holy Land Marijoya, but some things still have to be arranged in advance~”

“Is that so? Pay attention to safety during the war, little Xiano~”

“I will, Sister Xia Qi.”

“If you meet Whitebeard, help me give him a voice… It hurts, it hurts! ”

“Got it, Mr. Reilly~”

Stepping out of the bamboo bar, Xiano returned to the Blue Dragon on the shore.

Along with the overwhelming propaganda of the newspaper that did not want money, everyone on the ship also learned about this matter.

In particular, the Chambord Islands, as the main station for the projection broadcast of the war, are approaching with the time ~

Many newspaper reporters, as well as many famous pirates who wanted to watch the battle clearly, also came to this island.

It can be said that the current Chambord Islands are mixed, more than ten times more noisy and lively than in the past.

And the navy, in order to gather effective forces to deal with Whitebeard, simply did not have time to deal with the chaos on the island.

At most, it is to take the Draco people who live on the island away from Marin Fando.

On the Blue Dragon~

“The Navy is going to war with the Whitebeard Pirates?! Are you going to participate in Xiano too?!! ”

“Yes, this is the responsibility of the Seven Martial Seas, the world government has issued a compulsory summoning, if you do not participate, you will not only be deprived of the title, but also usher in the crazy encirclement and suppression of the navy afterwards.”

“How so…”

Seeing the shocked looks of the others, Xia Nuo couldn’t help but shake his head with some amusement.

“Don’t worry, the world government only said that I must participate in the war, but did not emphasize that I must do my best, when the time comes, I can just paddle, there will not be much danger.”

“Is that so?” Hearing Shano’s comfort, Nameusop and Choiba breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.


Solon looked at Xiano, a little eager to stop talking.

He has not forgotten that Xiano is aiming for the strongest in the world, and now the strongest in the world, Whitebeard, will appear in the top war, can Xiano be indifferent?

You must know that even though he could see the gap between himself and Hawkeye in the East China Sea, he resolutely challenged Hawkeye at that time.

He doubted very much, during the period of the war on the top, would Xiano really paddle as honestly as he said himself~?

“So is there anything we need to do during the war? Captain~”

Lafitte asked with a smile on his face.

“There’s really a little thing, but you don’t need too many people, Lafitte, Oka, Daz, Akin, and…”

Xia Nuo glanced at the skeleton sitting there, “Brooke, this matter, the five of you can do it, and I will notify you with the phone bug when the time comes.” ”

“Others can stay on this island, there will be a broadcast at that time, you can take a good look at the picture of the battle, and feel the style of the new world powerhouse in advance.”

“Huh? And me? ”

Brooke, who was named, was a little surprised, but since the captain had something for him to do, he naturally wouldn’t disobey.

“Lafitte, Akin…”

Robin, who has a sharper personality, noticed something a little.

That is the name of these people mentioned by Xiano, except for Brooke, who are more cold-blooded and shady crew.

“Is it something dark?”

Robin, who had lived in the dark for twenty years, speculated to himself.

She is not an eighteen-year-old innocent girl, and her perception of the world is black and white.

With so many people, there must be a different purpose.

“How, got it~”

Lafitte took off his hat slightly and bowed, and a sparkle flashed in his eyes.

Such people, as well as their personalities, sure enough~

Lafitte remembered the matter he had talked about with Xia Nuo before, about the Deep Sea Prison, and the corners of his blood-red mouth couldn’t help but outline a strange arc.

“Then please~”

Shano nodded at Rafitt.

The mind-reading perception of seeing and hearing made Xiano understand what Lafitte was thinking.

“A trip to the Great Prison of the Deep Sea? I will definitely go~”

He whispered in his heart, and there was a fire rising in his heart.

“If many vicious pirate criminals kill and touch the corpse, it will definitely improve my strength by leaps and bounds!!”

“At that time, even if you don’t use the ability of the Devil Fruit, based on the strength of your body alone, you will definitely not be inferior to those emperors on the sea!”

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