“His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas is a pirate legally recognized by the world government, because it has extraordinary strength and influence, and can deter pirates who go to sea, and the hawk-eyed Mihawk who slashed Sauron and fought with Captain Xiano is one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty.”

“Among those members of the Seven Martial Seas, there is a leader of the Fishman Pirate Group, called Shenping. And the pirate who was very peaceful, who once burned and looted with all his might, was the fishman Along! ”

Listening to Zangao giving science to others with a serious and solemn face, and Usopp fussing and shouting “There are seven monsters like Hawkeye”, Xiano wanted to laugh a little.

Although the seven martial seas of His Majesty are all monsters, the seven martial seas with the strength of the four emperors like Hawkeye are just him!

The reason why Nanabukai can become one of the three major forces that balance the four emperors of the new world is mostly because of Hawkeye’s force, and Mingo’s deal with Kaido and BIGMOM.

As for the role of others, well, don’t mention it~

And to say that Along and Shenping go hand in hand, it is simply ridiculous.

After Shenping took over the position of captain of the Sun Pirates from Fisher Tiger, there was a fierce conflict with the navy.

At the head was the current vice admiral, then Rear Admiral Stoloberg.

He faced Shen Ping with little ability to fight back, was severely injured, and was covered in bandages.

Reported the situation to his boss, Porusalino, who was still a lieutenant general at the time, and said:

“Shenping is an out-and-out monster on the ocean, and the Along we arrested is a soldier who doesn’t need to care~”

In a word, the gap between Shenping and Along is high.

It was precisely because of this evaluation, and considering the correctness of racial peace, that the world government issued an invitation to Shihei Shichibuhai.

Jinping, who was also committed to Princess Otohime’s dream, accepted it without hesitation, which made him quarrel with Along, an extreme faction released by the navy in view of the face of Shinpei Shichibukai.

Extreme racists, Aaron, who is extremely disgusted with humans, took away a group of people from the same extremist group of the Sun Pirates and came to the East China Sea to establish their own portal.

And considering that they were all comrades-in-arms who had fought together, they didn’t do much to embarrass themselves.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, the leader Along, who split from the Sun Pirate Group and brought a cadre of people, seemed to be on par with Shenping.

But what the real strength is, then the benevolent and the wise see the wise.

“Is the bounty only 20 million? That Admiral Creek is already seventeen million Berry, or it was easily solved by Xia Nuo, then it must be no problem to solve Aaron! ”

Usopp is full of confidence and taste.


Nami glanced at Xia Nuo slightly, and then lowered her head without a trace.

Why didn’t she think like Usopp? I want Xiano to help her rescue the village of Kokoyasi.

But Nami, who has lived in the shadow of the fishman since she was a child and has seen the power of the fishman, is still very hesitant in her heart.

“Let’s take a look first, I have saved enough 100 million berry now, and I should be able to buy the village…”

She could only comfort herself in her heart like this.

“Twenty million, that is the amount of reward when Aaron returned from the Great Voyage, and it was several years ago, his strength is definitely more than that!”

Zan raised his heart-shaped glasses and said emphatically.

“Huh? Years ago? Why didn’t I add any more amounts? Didn’t he already rule over more than twenty villages and towns? Is the Navy ignoring this ?! ”

“I’m afraid it’s because the navy is also in the same stream with Aaron and cooperates together~”

Xia Nuo stroked his chin and told the truth of the matter.

“Along commands the villages and towns, gives a part of the proceeds to the navy, and the navy covers up the fact of the crime for him, and he can naturally be free and happy.”

“And the wrist strength of the fish people is ten times that of ordinary people, and in the sea is their world, and the residents of the ruled villages and towns cannot escape their claws, so it has been so many years for Along and his gang to be so wanton.”

With the precedent of Monca in the town of Shields, Sauron showed a clear look.

The collusion of officials and bandits is almost accustomed to this sea.

“So are we going to go there?” Usopp was a little frightened.

“Go, why not go?”

Xia Nuo chuckled and said lightly:

“As Zangao said, there is also a mermaid pirate group led by Shenping of the Seven Martial Seas active on the Great Voyage, so the Ah Long and his group of fishmen who came to the East China Sea are just the residue eliminated from the Fishman Pirate Group on the Great Voyage.”

“Choosing to come to the weakest East China Sea, ruling twenty villages, and making dirty deals with the navy, if they really had the ability, they would have regrouped and returned to the great voyage again~”

“And the fish people in the area are not as powerful and terrifying as people imagine, and there is only one famous fish man on the sea, which is enough to explain the problem.”

Xia Nuo said so, apparently he had already hit the fish man Along.

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