I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 1: Start a new mission

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task successfully]

[Please ask if you would like to start the next world task]


[A new task will be started for you soon]

[Task loading...]

[Vacation task - please open a hotel in the doomsday]


𝟔𝟗Book Bar →𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

After a dazzling light, Xia Yan stepped firmly on the sticky ground.

[Please name the hotel]

She rubbed her uncomfortable eyes and whispered: "Let's call it a holiday hotel. ”


[Holiday Hotel: Level 1, Number of Rooms: Two Single Rooms, One Double Room]

[Upgrade Condition: 500 Points]

[After upgrading, the number of rooms increases by five, and there are also private rooms for the owner and breakfast rooms]

[The mall is open, please check]

A series of messages popped up in front of her, and after Xia Yan clicked on them one by one, her eyes finally became bright again.

She could clearly see where she was now - she was standing in a hall with an area of ​​about 15 square meters, and there was a glass door in front of her, but it was covered with yellow and black unknown objects, and it was difficult for sunlight to penetrate, making the room extremely dark.

The wall was yellow and peeling, and the floor tiles were covered with dust.

Behind her was a one-meter-long There was a simple cashier counter, with a narrow half-meter wide bed and a linted chair next to it.

The bedsheets were black and yellow, and looked like they hadn't been washed for many years.

There was an aisle on the right side of the cashier counter, and Xia Yan walked over to check out the rooms on both sides.

The room number 101 could barely be seen on the vermilion door panel with peeling paint.

The opposite door was 102, and further inside was the double room numbered 202.

Xia Yan muttered as he opened the door and checked the furnishings inside.

A simple wooden bed, sloppy bedding, a wooden table and a tattered blue plastic stool.

The same was true for the other room.

The fishy smell came over, and Xia Yan took a step back and stretched out his hand to fan the air in front of his nose.

"System, will anyone live in such a shabby place?"

This room hadn't been opened for an unknown period of time. There was a musty smell mixed with an unknown strange smell, which was very unpleasant.

[Yes, after all, this is one of the rare safe places]

"What is a safe place? "

Xia Yan was too lazy to look at the double room at the back, so she turned back to the hall, opened the glass door, and planned to get some fresh air.

The sunshine outside was as good as she imagined, with a clear blue sky.

Well, it was good weather.

However, it was okay to ignore the zombies with twisted limbs, rotten bodies, and flies flying around them not far away.

Xia Yan frowned and forced her eyes away from the pile of zombies.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she saw a faint black air on the zombies?

It seemed that the air above them was turbid.

It must be poisonous.

She took a few steps forward and saw that the zombies were a little restless.

Oh no, the zombies are coming.

Xia Yan retracted her feet and stared at them.

She just wanted to go out to see if there was a sign for this store, but she didn't want to provoke them.

The zombies seemed to smell something, and their two empty nostrils sniffed deeply in the air, and roared at her. , stumbling and rushing over.

Xia Yan could still tolerate one or two, but there were about 10 of them, right?

Xia Yan's scalp tingled, and he turned around and rushed into the store, slamming the door shut, dragging the cash register against the door, and looking for weapons to defend himself.

Not far outside the door, the zombies roared loudly, and Xia Yan's palms were full of sweat and his heart was pounding.

[A safe house is an absolutely safe existence that cannot be threatened by zombies, natural disasters, and man-made disasters. The owner recognized by the safe house has absolute supreme power in the safe house]

Does it mean that the safe house is like a turtle shell?

Then this mission seems a little easier.

Xia Yan silently became alert. There are unspeakable secrets behind the seemingly easy missions.

This cheating system, don't do anything behind the scenes.

[You think too much, your last mission completion degree was SSS, this time it is a special reward for you-vacation in this world]

"? ”

Why don’t you send her to a scenic seaside city for vacation? Send her to a pile of zombies. Who can feel happy about vacation when seeing her dirty face?!

[So there is no punishment for completing the task this time. Please enjoy the joy of playing badly.]

No punishment?

This is good.

Xia Yan, who was satisfied with the result, heard no movement outside the door. Recalling the safe house mentioned by the system just now, she felt relieved.

After moving the cash register away, she opened the door a crack and looked out.

The zombie group really stopped, swaying from side to side, opening and closing its big mouth, and rotten meat fell from time to time with the movement.

Xia Yan stood up, pushed the door open, and vigilantly observed the movements of the zombies. Seeing that they really did not react, she was completely relieved.

The long-lost sunlight shone on the blackened floor in the room.

"System, how big is the area of ​​the safe house? "

[The first-level safe house only includes the area of ​​the store + one meter around it]

It means that the area can be expanded later, yes.

Xia Yan pulled out a stool from the corner and sat in the sun, basking in the sun.

"Where do I live?"

[After upgrading, there will be a private bedroom for the owner]

What do you mean, she has no place to live now?

"Then how do I eat?" I can't go out hunting, right? There's nothing to hunt now, right?

[Lunch machine can be exchanged in the mall]

Wuhu, she forgot that there was a mall.

Clicking on the mall, she found the lunch machine in it, which was sold for 150 points.

There are also breakfast machines, takeaway machines, etc. You only need to put the points in, and the lunch box will be ready in a few seconds and come out from the delivery port below.

Xia Yan noticed that her name and balance were displayed at the bottom, 1562 points.

"Is this my points?"

[Yes, it was left by the previous owner]

"The previous owner? Am I taking over her mess?" Xia Yan's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

[The previous owner drew a direct ticket and went home]

"How do I draw a direct ticket?" Xia Yan calmed down. She wanted to try her luck, maybe she could draw a direct ticket.

[Your balance is insufficient]

A bad thought came.

"How many points do you need to draw once?"

[Advanced Lucky Wheel requires 1999 points to draw once, accumulating 1% of luck each time, and a mysterious gift after 100%]

Very good, she knew it wouldn't be that easy.

Ex, you're so cruel.

"So after she left, this store started from scratch?"


Xia Yan sighed and couldn't say anything.

"Since there are so many points, please upgrade to level 2 directly!"

[No, private accounts cannot be used for upgrades]

Xia Yan:...

She touched her rumbling stomach and happily ordered a lunch machine and a water dispenser in the mall.

The two machines instantly appeared in the store and were placed in the corner according to her wishes.

Xia Yan set herself as the only manager according to the instructions.

She ordered a cumin duck leg fried rice from the lunch machine. She put the stool in front of the cashier and opened the lunch box. The aroma of cumin and slightly spicy rice hit her face. The round and plump rice was wrapped in a dark sauce, and large pieces of duck legs and purple onions were mixed in. It was delicious.

She opened the disposable chopsticks, rubbed them, picked up a large piece of rice, and stuffed it into her mouth.

Mmm~ Satisfied!

She sat in front of the cashier in the store, and Shashasha ate happily.

Outside the store, a group of zombies tried hard to smell the smell in the air.

They are hungry too.

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