I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 16 It finally rained

A thunderous sound came, purple lightning streaked across the sky, raindrops connected into lines, and hit the ground directly, making a dull sound.

After a while, the rain became denser, rain mist appeared in the air, and the sky and the earth were gray.

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"The rain finally fell."

Seeing the rain line slanting into the store, wetting the white floor tiles, Xia Yan hurriedly stepped forward to close the door and turned on the light.

When she turned around, she saw Xiongxiong walking over with a mop in his arms.

Xia Yan hurriedly made way.

It was her blessing to have such a dedicated employee as Xiongxiong.

She returned to the cashier and found that it was only 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Several customers were in their rooms and probably would not come downstairs.

She ran back to her room, took out the small milky white round table in the living room, put it in the hall, and took a thin blanket.

She ordered a pot of hot flower tea and a low-calorie cake in the food city.

Xia Yan lay in the rocking chair, covered her legs with a thin blanket, and drank a sip of hot tea comfortably to drive away the discomfort caused by the humid air.

The weather in this doomsday is so hot when it is hot, and so cold when it rains.

When she was a little younger, her legs were soaked by heavy rain. Since then, every time it rains, her right ankle feels like it is soaked in cold water and swells and feels uncomfortable.

Xia Yan likes rainy days very much. Whether it is the dripping sound of raindrops or the slightly fishy smell of soil, it makes her feel peaceful.

She picked up the cake on the small plate, scooped a spoonful and put it in her mouth. The cream was delicate and the sweetness was just right. The round blueberries with a little white frost burst between the lips and teeth with a light bite.

This is what Li Ru saw when she walked to the hall.

She rubbed her eyes, and it was unbelievable that the female boss was eating cake!

She looked about the same age as her, but she had such a supernatural power.

How could there really be God's favorite in the world?

Countless people broke their heads and bled, or even sacrificed their lives for a bite of food, while she lay comfortably with countless supplies in her hands?

It's really unfair!

Li Ru looked down and saw her tattered clothes and shoes, and bit her lower lip in embarrassment.

She had originally planned to ask the female boss if she had any clean clothes for sale, but after a blow, she wanted to go back to lick her wounds...

Xia Yan looked at Li Ru's reflection in the glass, sipped her hot tea, and was a little curious about why she, an ordinary person, didn't stay in the room and ran here.

After taking in her expression, Xia Yan was a little amused. This girl has a lot of thoughts.

In the end, Li Ru didn't say anything, turned back angrily, and walked heavy steps.

Xia Yan retracted her gaze, lowered her eyes, and her long eyelashes covered the look in her eyes.

After eating the last bite of cake, she lay down again and covered the blanket to her neck.

Lying down with a warm body and watching the rain scene for a while, the monotonous sound of raindrops was the best hypnotic music.

She was a little sleepy.

Yawning, the night was getting darker, and the rain was not getting lighter. It was so dark that only the occasional purple lightning could illuminate the sky.

"Xiongxiong, I'm going to sleep. Thank you for your hard work in guarding the door."

Xiongxiong stood by the wall, and it was hard to tell where his black eyes were focused.

Xia Yan instructed Xiongxiong to fold the blanket and put the recliner and the small round table aside. She took out the U-shaped long lock and walked to the door, ready to lock it.

A pale hand grasped the door handle.

"Wait." The voice was extremely hoarse, as if it had been smoked by fire.

Xia Yan looked in the direction, and the person who came was a woman.

She was wearing a worn black sportswear, which was soaked by the heavy rain and wrapped tightly around her body. Her ear-length short hair was clinging to her cheeks.

Her lips were pale from lack of blood, tightly pressed together, and her overly thin face made her cheekbones protrude high.

But her eyes were firm and sharp.

At this time, she was staring at Xia Yan without blinking.

Xia Yan paused, put on a standard smile again, removed the door lock, and opened the door to welcome guests.

"Please come in, guests."

The woman quickly glanced at Xiong Xiong standing beside her, with deep vigilance in her eyes.

There was no way. She couldn't find a suitable place to stay outside. Suddenly, she saw the signboard here was on. She tried her best to escape and had to take a gamble.

Xia Yan saw her standing at the door without moving, with a circle of strange dark color on the soles of her feet. She understood a little.

"Please rest assured, the store is absolutely safe."

The woman nodded and walked in with a bit of stiffness.

Xia Yan took her to the cashier and motioned her to look at the sign above. All the rules were clearly written on it.

She didn't put the sign for decoration.

After waiting patiently for 5 minutes, the woman took out the second-level crystal core from her pocket and exchanged it for points.

"Guest, this is the room card for room 103. If you haven't eaten yet, you can buy a box lunch at the lunch machine at the back. There is also a water dispenser next to it, which provides hot and cold water, and one point for each cup."

The woman still had that expressionless look, but it was obvious that her feet were weak when she walked.

Xia Yan stood behind the cashier counter and saw that she had taken three boxes of lunch and was about to take more. He frowned slightly and reminded her, "Guest, just enough for tonight. Breakfast will be provided on the second floor tomorrow morning, and the lunch machine has box lunches for sale all day."

The woman paused for a few seconds after hearing this, but her hands did not stop and took away two more boxes of lunch.

She said stiffly, "I have a big appetite."

Xia Yan smiled playfully, "Guest, there will be a penalty for wasting. I don't think you would like to experience a one-day trip in a pile of level 5 zombies."

The woman's breathing became heavier after hearing this, and she looked directly at Xia Yan and said very seriously, "I'm very hungry. I can finish these and won't waste them."

Xia Yan looked back calmly.


The woman's expression was clear and firm, without a trace of lies.

After a while, Xia Yan retracted his edge and restored his kind smile.

"I hope the guests will be comfortable in our hotel."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief, her tense body relaxed, and the wound on her leg felt a faint sting.

She had to replenish her energy and repair her wound quickly, because there was a superpower who was good at tracking in the other team.

She couldn't continue to be exposed.

She tried to pull up the corners of her mouth to express her kindness, but after running around in dire straits for a long time, she had forgotten what a smile was.

The woman quickly gave up, restored her paralyzed face, and said in a hoarse voice, "Stay for a week first."

"Okay." Xia Yan asked her to make up the room fee for 6 days. "Go into the corridor, there is a bathroom on the left, you can wash."

The woman walking in the corridor turned her head slightly and nodded in thanks, with a straight and upturned nose on her pale face.

Xia Yan sat behind the cashier and waited patiently for a while. Seeing that no other guests were staying, she quickly locked the door and turned off the lights.

The lights in the corridor would be on all night, because there was no private bathroom in the single room on the first floor, so it was necessary to walk through the corridor to the public bathroom.

Xia Yan heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom and went to take a look.

It turned out that Li Ru was washing her dirty clothes in the sink.

She was wearing a vest and shorts, rubbing her coat and pants over and over again, and the originally clear water turned black in an instant.

Xia Yan silently watched the white sink become full of stains and frowned tightly.

But she said nothing and turned back to her room.

"System, is there a cheaper washing machine?"

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