The first branch of the resort hotel closed on time.

Xiaowan left behind a set of dim lights and continued to sit in the hall on the first floor as usual. It was different tonight. The wind was hanging in the air, fresh snowflakes were floating softly in the air, and the people guarding the central square in the distance were People huddled together like penguins with their heads lowered.

Why don't you go to the corridor to take shelter from the wind?

Xiaowan played with the water flow and was confused.

Soon she saw a halo floating in the central square, gradually expanding from a round ball into an oval, and the people surrounding it started to move.

At this moment, a foot covered with ice slowly stepped out from inside, followed by stiff trouser legs, a squeaking coat, and finally a face covered with ice and snow.

Two people ran out of the crowd, one squatted down, and the other helped carry the almost frozen man on his back, and ran to the only simple hospital without saying a word.

Then the second person fell out of the halo, the third person, the fourth person...

Two strong men took the initiative to stand on both sides of the halo, taking up the task of transferring the teleported people to the backs of their teammates.

At this time, the situation suddenly occurred. In addition to the survivors who passed through the halo, a much more severe wind and snow than here hit. The strong wind passed through the narrow passage. The wind force did not decrease but increased, and the people outside were unable to stand. Stop.

The cold snow flakes hurt my face, my eyelids were so cold that I could hardly open them, and the hat on my head looked like paper. A cool breeze blew, and my forehead was so cold that I wanted to cry.

Even the two strong men were so blown that their feet slipped. They bent over and protected their fragile eyes with one arm, trying to find the location of the survivors.

How could the weak survivors be opponents? The first ones could still walk out of the door, but almost all the ones behind were "pushed" over. Their feet were faster than their bodies, and their whole bodies were tilted backwards. If they lost balance, they would fall to the ground. It also caused headaches for the outside responders.


Xiao Wan was just watching the excitement when she heard a group of well-trained teams running past outside the door. General Chu, who was standing at the head of the team, looked sideways at her. At the end of the stairs behind him, a strange color flashed in his eyes. When he looked back ahead, It has returned to its cold and ready look.

Xiaowan didn't know what he meant, but it didn't stop her from continuing to watch.

When the team arrived at the central square, several wind power users stepped out of the queue and worked together to apply their powers to control the wind speed. The agile ones took the opportunity to penetrate the wind and send survivors out of the wind.

The two strong men had time to breathe. They covered their heads and walked to the side and squatted down. They felt that the pain inside was unbearable, as if they were being stabbed by thousands of iron nails.

After being bombarded by strong winds within the halo, the wind here is simply a little sister.

Except for the ten teams who stood still and stood still, the remaining teams replaced everyone on the field who was exhausted to the limit.

Ten minutes later, those who walked out of the halo again were no longer ordinary survivors, but their most familiar comrades and family members.

Everyone was in high spirits, even the first group of people who were breathing heavily came closer, their eager eyes scanning the red faces.


Neither is this one.

The edges of the halo begin to fade.

"Quick, take over!" Chu Wanfu gave the order, and the troops waiting for the attack got in one after another and took over the task of finding survivors.

As the last person disappeared into the halo, the teleporter who was holding on fainted, her limbs were cold and stiff. She had tried her best to be able to hold on until the end and hold on until another wave of people came in.

Chu Wanfu said: "Send her to the hospital quickly."


The most tense part has passed, and now we have to face another problem...

Chu Wanfu turned around and looked at another place with dim lights and shadowy figures - the hospital.

He knew very well how crude the hospital was, with all medicines and medical personnel in short supply, and with so many people suffering from frostbite, even heating and beds were a problem.

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He arranged for all the superpower teams to go into the hospital, either make fires to keep warm, or work as temporary nurses. After all, they were not professional doctors. No matter how dedicated they were to saving people, they still didn't know what to do when they encountered someone they didn't understand.

The pressure is heavy.

Chu Wanfu lowered his eyelids and glanced at the lights-out restaurant again. His mind was racing, thinking about the corresponding solution, and he slowly followed up with the large army in front.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something and looked behind him——

Where the halo appeared in the central square, a figure he was very familiar with was standing there, tilting his head and thinking.

At the same time, Xiaowan, who had just stood up, froze, looked back at the dark corridor and the locked door, rubbed her eyes and looked towards the center of the square again.

Why is the boss there?

She excitedly leaned on the glass and wanted to say hello to the boss, but the next second she realized something was wrong...

The moment he saw Boss Xia, Chu Wanfu truly realized what it means to stand still. He had to admit that if Boss Xia was willing to lend a helping hand, all his worries would be solved.

Chu Wanfu tried his best to suppress the joy in his heart, "Boss Xia." You finally showed up.

When she heard someone calling her name, "she" raised her head with a big smile according to the set personality, waved one hand in front of her slightly, and responded enthusiastically: "Hi~"

Xiaowan's eyes widened, she was not the boss!

It seemed that "she" had also reacted. She took back her hand, straightened her mouth, and nodded coldly, "General Chu."

Chu Wanfu paused, his enthusiasm was poured down with cold water, and his mind became clearer than ever before.

“Boss Xia” felt a little scared when he saw him just looking and not saying anything. He secretly said that he was careless, and tried to imitate the tone of the main person, “General Chu, are you interested in a private villa? The price is favorable, the number is small, and you can bring your relatives and friends to move in with just a bag.”

After saying that, “she” raised her ears high, waiting for his consent and kicked her directly into the virtual space to let the main person explain.

“Villa...” Chu Wanfu looked at “her” from head to toe calmly, trying to find a flaw.

“Boss Xia” looked at him with a smile, and did not urge him.

It’s so similar.

Chu Wanfu said, "Boss Xia, since you are here, it's okay to keep the lights on in the restaurant, right?"

She replied, "It's not good to waste resources. But what you said makes sense. What's wrong with opening it for a while?"

She snapped her fingers, and all the lights on the first and second floors of the first branch of the resort hotel were on. She looked at him with a smile, as if to say, you should believe it now, right?

Chu Wanfu believed it with a strange heart, because he saw Xiaowan, the store manager, sitting by the window, looking at them with her chin propped up calmly.

There is really no reason, he thought.

"Okay, I'll take you in. Wait patiently. When all the customers are here, I will take you on a tour."

Boss Xia had approached at some point, and gently pushed him on the back.

The last few words were still lingering in his ears, but the environment he was in suddenly changed.

Chu Wanfu looked around quickly with sharp eyes. The people sitting in the middle were surrounded by white mist, as if to protect their privacy. It was indeed Boss Xia's habit.

Although he was concerned about the hospital, he was also wondering if this was a new good opportunity, not an opportunity that had nothing to do with him.

He took two steps forward and stood still again.

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