I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 259 A team of tough guys

I saw the man standing up and up again, his limp hands on his legs were powerless, his mouth was wide open as if he couldn't breathe, and he still fell to the ground.

With tears and snot all over his face, he stretched out his hands and weakly shouted for help.

Several people in the safe area couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing that there were no zombies behind him, they gritted their teeth, shook off the hands that were holding on to his sleeves, and rushed out with the small trailer.

The person paralyzed on the ground immediately showed joy and crawled forward, "Help me, save me!"

"Shut up and don't make any sound!"

The dirt road was not smooth. The small trailer bumped up and down and made a thumping sound, attracting the attention of the zombies. Their faces covered with corpses were torn open to reveal sharp teeth, and their purple fingers were spread out to scratch blankly. They came in groups. Chase.

Several people ran all the way to him as fast as they could, worked together to lift him to the car, and ran back with him.

The rescued person held on to the base tightly, kicked up his legs, and stared at the zombies, his heart beating fast from his chest.

"Quick...quick...they're coming."

"Shut up, shut up!"

Don't they know that this is not running with all their strength? !

Suddenly I felt a cool breeze pass by my cheeks, leaving only a faint shadow on my retinas.


When I turned around in shock, I found a group of old customers living in the hotel rushing out.

There's help!

Their anxiety suddenly subsided, and they rushed back to the safe area without stopping. They dropped the small trailer with a clang, held their knees and gasped for air. Big beads of sweat on their foreheads dripped like rain on the floor. Puddles.

Lifting his eyes, salty beads of sweat slipped in, but he looked at the figure of the team in the distance without blinking -

Each person carried a shovel on their shoulders. When the zombies rushed towards each other individually, they gathered strength with their right hands and swung them out suddenly. The sharp steel blade directly cut off their heads. The momentum of the lower half of their bodies did not decrease, and they collapsed at their feet.

What a fucking team.

The rescued person turned over and lay down on the ground, looking at the blue sky, listening to the whispering in his ears, and showing an expression of happiness that he had survived the disaster.

"...These young people are really extraordinary. Whose children are they?"

"What did you say, forcefully inserting a knife into someone's chest, causing psychological distortion?"

"I will never leave the hotel for half a step. This is my home. I love my home..."

"Look over there, General Chu and the others have killed all the zombies!"

Everyone stood up, and sure enough, there was no standing zombie next door. Soldiers were walking around the edges of the corpses, firing at any time to eliminate the remaining zombies to ensure that there were no survivors. The logistics force would step forward to pry the crystal core.

Chu Wanfu hung the superpower gun behind his back and put one hand on the roof of the car. His sleeves showed strong muscles. He jumped down handsomely, tilted his head slightly and said something to his subordinates.

Looking here again, Qi Hua's team killed six or seven zombies without any harm, used a shovel to pry open the skulls, and took out the crystal core inside.

A small battle with zombies is over.

Someone in the safe area regained consciousness first and bent down to pick up the fruit that someone had dropped. Others saw this and started grabbing the fruit, claiming that the fruit was theirs and putting potatoes in their arms.

No one paid attention to him. Everyone had dropped their things anyway, so who knew who the things on the ground belonged to.

Amidst the noise, a soldier walked up to Xia Yan, stood at attention and saluted, "Boss Xia, can I borrow the trash can?"

Xia Yan suddenly realized that no wonder they didn't see them digging holes to bury zombies. It turned out that Chu Wanfu was interested in her trash can that could never be filled.

She stretched out her finger and said, "It's not in vain, just a second crystal."

The soldier didn't look anywhere else, and didn't care if she raised the price on the spot. He nodded in agreement and handed over the crystal core in his pocket.

Xia Yan looked down.

Although this crystal core is bright in color and stained with dark brown blood, it always feels hot...

Upon seeing this, the soldier took it back, grabbed the corners of his clothes and wiped it carefully to make sure the crystal surface was clean before handing it over again.

Xia Yan: ...One is digging now, and the other is sitting on the ground to increase the price. It is a strange win-win situation for both parties.

"Zhichi, give him a trash can."

Zhizhi responded, pulled the small trailer to a place out of the way, delivered the things and got into his private kitchen.

The outdoor tables were filled with blond customers who had to eat quickly.

Qi Hua's team looked at the corpse in front of them and didn't know what to do with it. In the past, they could just throw it on the street corner. Now, how about digging a hole and burying it?

Just when I moved the shovel, I felt a sharp chill on the back of my neck, and the hairs on my neck stood upright, as if someone was holding a cold scalpel on it.

Several people turned around in horror - no one, but General Chu's eyes were a bit fierce?

Wang Xuewei moved behind the captain in small steps, avoiding eye contact, and asked quietly: "Captain, can't we dig a hole and bury it?"

Qi Hua also had knots all over his body, but he still showed his responsibility as a captain and asked loudly: "Do you want us to throw the body into the trash can?"

Although the ending sounds a little shaky, just ignore it.

Chu Wanfu pointed to the left, indicating that he understood it correctly.

"Let's go, let's move these corpses over there." Wang Yi recklessly picked up one of them, grabbed the few remaining strands of hair on the zombie's head, and rushed over.

The body was stiff and covered with purple spots, its arms were spread wide, and sticky substance dripped out from the gap as big as the mouth of the bowl with the movement, and it landed dangerously behind his feet.

Qi Hua frowned and stepped forward to grab him, "Don't worry. Wang Xuewei, go and borrow a small trailer from Boss Xia."

Wang turned around and said, "But will there be a fee?"

"It's better than moving."

After a while, Wang Xuewei came over with a small trailer, announcing the good news with a relaxed expression, "The boss didn't take the points, and asked us to pay attention to safety."

Strange, didn't he just take a two-crystal from General Chu?

Could it be that he treated them a little better because they were old customers?

Although Qi Hua and his friends didn't quite understand, they were also glad to save some expenses. With a heart of gratitude, they shoveled up the layer of mud under the corpse and moved it six times in succession before returning a piece of clean land to the hotel.

But everyone should have been happy, but on the way back, they all had expressionless faces. Upon closer inspection, suspicion and fear could be seen deep in their eyes.

Qi Hua pretended to look back inadvertently, and General Chu was commanding his men to build a new home with the materials they brought back as if nothing had happened.

He couldn't help but think of the words that were blown into his ears by the wind just now-

"There are their people in the hotel, otherwise it can't explain why we were ambushed on the road."

Is there an enemy undercover?

Qi Hua's fingers holding the shovel turned white, and he noticed the new customers chatting and eating in the outdoor restaurant.

They didn't seem to worry about anything, and seemed to just live one day at a time.

Moreover, they hadn't been seen stepping out of the safe zone during this period of time. Everyone was busy working to earn points, and only they stayed in the room and didn't show up once.

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