When Xia Yan heard what she said, she knew she had found the right person.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you."

Lin didn't answer. She looked out the window and became distracted, occasionally tapping her fingers on her knees.

In the distance, the weeds gradually thinned out, sometimes clustering in small clusters, more than one meter tall, and the green grass seemed to be carefully cared for and fertilized.

Xia Yan couldn't see the road ahead clearly, so he slowed down and was ready to brake suddenly at any time.

Soon an asphalt road with a width of five or six meters appeared in front of us. The road was full of cracks. The widest part was more than 20 centimeters and was filled with lush weeds.

Finally we saw the road.

She asked: "Which direction?"

As if she was immersed in her own world, and was suddenly brought to reality by an invisible hand. Lin shuddered and woke up. She leaned close to the front window and looked around, then pointed to the right, "This way."

She glanced at the rearview mirror beside her. The grass on the mirror was as calm as when she came. The conspicuous sign of the hotel was no longer visible. They were already far away from the safe zone.

But nothing seemed to happen.

She touched her chest softly, felt a strong thump under her palm, and slowly exhaled a long breath.

Xia Yan noticed her unusual reaction out of the corner of his eye. Without intending to ask anything, he turned the steering wheel to the right and drove into the driveway.

It didn't take long for her to discover that the road was not as smooth as she imagined. The soil between the gaps was a bit higher than the road surface, and the strong root system pushed up a bulge from the asphalt road.

The car rolled up and down, bumping left and right, and the two people sitting inside also swayed back and forth.

Xia Yan's voice trembled uncontrollably, "Lin, this road is not very easy to walk on."

"There is no other way. It will be over soon."

Facts have proved that some people arrive in a matter of minutes, starting in half an hour.

When he finally saw the corner of the city's high-rise buildings, Xia Yan felt that he almost lost feeling in the soles of his feet.

As we get closer, the devastated city is revealed in front of our eyes——

The streets were littered with crashed vehicles, corpses with broken arms scattered on the ground, and zombies twitching and wandering in the middle.

The doors and windows of the shops on both sides were destroyed, broken glass was scattered on the ground, shelves were knocked down in random directions, and the walls were covered with splatters of blood and elongated black palm prints.

The high-rise building in front was blown up, and the sharp steel bars were twisted and thrust into the air. Huge bricks and dirt fell to the ground, creating deep pits, and cars that could not escape were crushed underneath.


The vehicles that were embedded in the series of collisions were pushed away violently, and the sharp and harsh sound of metal friction made people's teeth ache.

The zombies wandering nearby heard the movement and roared, running towards them, there were twenty or thirty of them.

Lin ignored the unpleasant smell in the car and rolled up the window early. She took out the fruit knife she had prepared in advance from her calf, held it in her hand, and tensed her back, waiting for the zombies to pounce.

The RV continued to move forward, quickly shortening the distance between it and the approaching zombies.

coming soon!

Lin gritted her teeth, and her heart jumped out of her chest when she saw this. She either rushed over quickly or walked back. Why was she so stubborn?

"The zombies are coming!"

"Well, it's okay."

"How can it be okay? This is not bulletproof glass. You can't escape even if you surround me!"

"It's better than that."

"Don't be ridiculous, let's change the road before we are surrounded -"



The zombie in front hit something and was bounced back!

Lin flopped down on the front windshield with a thud, as if she had seen something unbelievable, and couldn't close her jaw.

She couldn't help but scream at the top of her voice - "How is this possible?!"

Xia Yan stretched his left arm out of the window, feeling the gentle breeze slipping through his fingers, and said with a slightly mysterious smile: "Everything is possible."

Lin's body shook greatly, and she looked around the RV and found that zombies could not get within five meters of the car!

And ignore their existence!

Lin looked at the zombies that were pushed away, roaring, jumping on the metal car that was forced to move, and biting them. The shock in her heart could not be expressed in words.

Vaguely, she seemed to hear those words to protect her personal safety again...

Y-shaped intersection.

"Lin, don't get distracted, show me the way."

Xia Yan said lightly, glanced at the opposite side casually, suddenly stepped on the accelerator and rushed out, and then stepped on the brakes.

A strong pushing feeling hit her back. If she hadn't been wearing a seat belt, Lin would have smashed her head against the glass.


Xia Yan smiled so hard that her teeth were missing and she raised her chin to show her.

Jinshe jewelry store.

She pulled the handbrake, unbuckled her seat belt, opened the car door and prepared to get out, then turned around as if she thought of something.

"Do you want to come along?"

Lin looked at the shop with its wide open door. It was a mess inside.

She was not interested in gold and silver, and those things were useless now. After much thought, she shook her head and said, "I'll wait for you here, please be safe."

"Okay." Xia Yan jumped out of the car, picked up a split baseball bat, weighed it up and down in his hand, and walked in.

This store has two floors, with floor-to-ceiling windows. There are rows of glass cabinets next to the windows, as well as models displaying accessories. The interior is beautifully and luxuriously decorated, with thick characteristic carpets from the entrance to the upper floors. .

You can imagine how dazzling this store was at that time.

What a pity.

The glass display cabinet was violently smashed, and all the drawers and cabinet doors were wide open. The red and black hand ropes inside were mixed together, the exquisite packaging bags were thrown on the ground, and the marks of the spray still remained on the wall.

Two or three corpses dressed in shop assistant uniforms were lying in the corner, their limbs bent at strange angles, their eyes and mouths wide open, and a black bullet hole on their foreheads.

The soles of the shoes made a clear clicking sound when they stepped on the thick glass. After taking a few steps, they heard a heart-wrenching roar from upstairs, and the sound of chaotic footsteps approaching like a rainstorm.

Soon, dozens of highly rotten faces flashed through the stairwell and crowded over.

Lin, who was sitting in the RV, turned pale, pressed down the window with trembling hands, leaned out of the window and shouted with all her strength: "Come back quickly! Zombies are coming!!"

Xia Yan's hand, which was picking up the broken glass, stopped and looked back at her, with confusion in his eyes, "Who is coming?"

"Zombies! Zombies are coming!!"

Without time to think about it, Lin suddenly opened the car door and jumped down, almost falling. She staggered two steps and ran to her position. With the rapid secretion of adrenaline, her heartbeat was about to break her chest.

The zombies approaching behind Boss Xia were clearly reflected in her eyes. The purple fingers were about to touch her back and drag her down to eat her alive...

It was too late.

Lin breathed in fear, and looked desperately with empty eyes. It seemed that she saw another person through her body, who was also surrounded, torn and bitten by zombies in a place she didn't know.

In the end, he also turned into a terrifying zombie, and was hit in the head by a passing mutant with a hammer, and the crystal core in his head was taken away.


Lin collapsed on the ground, shaking like a fallen leaf in late autumn that wanted to return to its roots.

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