The blonde stood up suddenly, stretched out her hands and pushed away everyone who was in front of her.

"Get out of the way, let me take a look - Lin! They said you joined the outgoing team?"

The noisy restaurant fell silent instantly, and countless people looked at the woman who had just walked out of the elevator.


Lin walked through the crowd with a cold face, and was grabbed when she passed by the blonde.

"I'm asking you something!"

Lin stopped, her eyes very cold, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

The girl choked, "Is that true? Did you really join? Do you want your life?!"

Three questions in a row.

The girl was tall and approached aggressively.

Lin spread her fingers with her backhand, slapped her face and pushed her back hard, then pinched her little finger, forcing her to let go.

The girl was in pain and couldn't help but let go. She looked at her leaving back and shouted angrily: "What you do has nothing to do with me! But why do you want to encourage them to persuade us to join too? Why?!"

At this time, Earl at another dining table also frowned and continued hesitantly: "Lin, you have gone too far. Even if there were any grudges in the past, everyone has put aside their grudges in recent years and helped you every time. Any potatoes that come back will be given to you. If you have any dissatisfaction in your heart, just say it face to face. Why bother with us behind our back now?"

Lin stopped and looked back at him, the frost in her eyes not lessening.

"First, it is my own business to join any team. Second, I have never told anyone to persuade you to join. You didn't even investigate, and you just convict me?"

She suddenly smiled, "Look at what you just said, face to face confrontation? I only have one mouth, and I can't speak to you people? If you are really as reasonable as you are now, why should I bear grudges against you?"

Earl's expression changed, and it suddenly came to mind that when her daughter ran away from home, the neighbors came out to "comfort" her and took her home to "protect her in case something happened to her."

At that time, Lin's voice of resistance was suppressed by everyone's words, like a drop of water splashing into the pool in the heavy rain, silently.

Earl noticed the looks in the eyes of the people around him and coughed twice to cover up.

After shaking off, the blonde threw away the sudden bad mood, put her hands on her hips like a boiling hot water kettle, and made a sharp voice:

"Lin!! Don't go too far! If you didn't say it, why would they come to the restaurant to block us?!"

Lin clenched her fists tightly and finally couldn't hold back her anger: "I told you it wasn't me! Don't you think everyone has no brains? They can only think like a paramecium like you?!"

"What? What are you scolding me for??"

The blonde girl was shaking in anger, but there were people around her who were watching the fun and not afraid of trouble, "She called you a bug and a single-celled organism~"


The strings in the blonde's head suddenly snapped, and her blonde hair was so angry that she stood up straight. She yelled and rushed towards Lin's face with her hands wide open.

"I'm going to tear your mouth apart!"

People watching the show at close range all around moved back and said with a smile: "Hurry back, the fight is about to begin, these locals are starting to fight!"

The scene was instantly chaotic.

Several smart local residents took advantage of the chaos and put on their hats, lowered their brim and walked through the crowd. They didn't even dare to wait for the elevator and went straight to the stairs.

At this time, a team member turned around and said, "That man ran away! Hurry, he is going upstairs!"

Regardless of watching the excitement, he chased after him.

The kicking sound of sprinting echoed above the restaurant, intertwined with the constant yelling and cursing of the blonde behind, constantly impacting everyone's eardrums, making people's hearts beat faster and their emotions arouse.

The person who was being chased had his heart beating so fast that he ran into the stairwell desperately, striding directly up to the third or fourth floor.

Most of the people following behind were blocked by the sudden transparent barrier, and they were bumped into.

There were only a few customers living in the building, who passed through the barrier as if nothing happened and shouted:

"Brother, don't run away. We don't want to hurt you. Everything can be discussed!"

"Look at how many times Lin has gone out and nothing happened. What are you worried about? We will protect you!"

A breathless and angry voice came from the front: "I'm not her! Besides, you guys are nothing! Are you protecting me?! Get out of here!"

The footsteps behind him suddenly stopped, and he breathed out a sentence:

"...Brother, have you ever learned the four words "Misfortune comes from the mouth"?

"I hope you can survive longer than us. Come on, go back!"


Lin glanced at the long nails that were stretched out and looked at the crazy woman behind her, her eyes filled with hatred.

"You know, the person I hate the most is you. If you hadn't told him my daughter's information, how would he have known it?!"

The blonde's eyes were red, and she grabbed her hair hard, pulling it down hard, and grabbed her neck with her right hand, digging her sharp nails deeply into it.

Lin seemed to feel something and was startled.

The blonde growled: "That's what I said, what can you do? You haven't recognized your status until now?"

"You are the nanny he bought in his spare time, you are an inferior existence!"

Lin's eyes widened suddenly, "You finally admitted it!"

The blonde raised her lips and smiled, "Didn't you already know this? You still have to wait for me to admit it personally before you dare to carry out your revenge?"

She turned her back to everyone and whispered in Lin's ear: "If life wasn't too boring, I would have kept you to entertain me over the years, otherwise you would have been the first to be sent away! Even the supplies distributed to you were the key votes I cast, otherwise you would have starved to death long ago, how could you still be alive and well like now, waiting for your daughter who doesn't know how to live or die~haha."

As she spoke, her face was ferocious, her fingers tightened hard, and her sharp nails pierced into something soft, but the object was still rebounding with the same force, as if calculating something.

But she was furious and could no longer perceive anything, and her eyes were only on this woman who she disliked no matter how she looked at her.

"How dare you backstab me now? Die! Die with your dead daughter!"

Lin's eyes were full of sarcasm.


[The customer's ** behavior was detected to have exceeded the threshold, which constituted harm to others and violated the store rules, and he will be arrested soon]

A broadcast suddenly appeared in the restaurant, and before everyone could react, the blonde girl who was still threatening was wrapped by a transparent cube and gradually floated into the air.

"What, what is this?!"

"Let me out!"

The girl slapped the walls in fear, but there was no sound.

A few old customers who had been eating in the corner looked up and said casually:

"It's been a long time since I saw Boss Xia take action. It's time to teach these people a lesson."

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