"Since Feng Bei has cleaned up, the restaurant will be open as usual tomorrow. In order to prevent anyone from maliciously damaging food in the future, I called everyone over to witness the punishment mechanism of this small restaurant."

Xia Yan paused, took in the expressions of everyone, and continued: "Customer Feng Tianxi violated the second and third rules of the store. He needs to compensate for the loss of 10 second-level crystal cores in the store. Now he has received 5 second-level crystal cores and 10 first-level crystal cores, and still needs 3 second-level crystal cores."

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Hearing that all the crystal cores were taken away by Xia Yan, Feng Bei almost fainted.

That was the family fortune she had accumulated through hard work on missions! How would she survive in the future!

Seeing Feng Bei's dazed look, Xia Yan was too lazy to pay attention to her. He silently opened the zombie area map, and like a projection, several areas with different numbers of red dots appeared on the blank wall.

"Xiong Xiong, turn off the lights."

Xiong Xiong did as he was told.

The hall was dark except for the projection on the wall, which emitted a bright white light. The flashing red dots in it gave off a sense of crisis, as if there was some monster inside, ready to move.

"According to the third rule of the store, Feng Tianxi will be punished for a one-day trip with level 5 zombies." Xia Yan coldly picked out a very dense group of zombies, clicked to open it, and the projection covered half of the wall.

A zombie suddenly appeared in front of the screen, roaring. Through the lens, you can see that the zombie's mouth is full of sharp long teeth, with some fresh flesh and broken clothes hanging on it.

Obviously, this zombie had just eaten. Through the gap, you can see that there is a group of zombies lying on the ground behind it, eating something.

Feng Tianxi's face turned pale. Knowing that Xia Yan was really going to send him in, his knees suddenly became sore, his legs were shaking, and there was a faint hot liquid flowing down his legs.

He wanted to say that he really regretted wasting precious food, but something blocked his throat and he could only make a sound.

Save me! Let me out! Please!

Feng Tianxi kowtowed frantically, with such force that soon his forehead turned black and purple. He really regretted it.

But the eyes of the people looking at him were cold and ruthless, wishing they could kill him with their own hands!

This is the end of the world, and precious resources are the survival capital that everyone craves for. You ruined them all? Since you don't let everyone live, then go to hell!

"Goodbye, I hope you can run faster." Xia Yan's smiling appearance looked like the most evil demon in Feng Tianxi's eyes, the kind that crawled out of the eighteen levels of hell!

Daughter! Save me!

The last thing Feng Tianxi saw when he disappeared in the hotel was Feng Bei, with a pale face, trembling all over, and lowered his head and dared not look at him.

"What use do I have for you!!"

A roar resounded through the night sky, breaking the silence and disturbing the zombies who were snatching food.


The zombies raised their heads, revealing their completely white eyes. The moment the sound was heard, they identified the direction of the food, left the debris behind, and rushed over quickly.

Feng Tianxi quickly blocked his mouth and looked at the unfamiliar environment in panic.

This was a bare square, with a flying girl model made of steel skeleton in the middle. The girl's long arms pointed directly at the night sky. There was an empty pool under her feet, and several dark lights stood around, which looked like a newly built fountain.

This was a place he had never been to! The boss must have thrown him here!

When he thought of the level 5 zombies everywhere here, he was so weak with fear that his legs were like tangled noodles!

Fortunately, there was a light source above his head that could illuminate the environment around him and follow his head closely.

Feng Tianxi knew that he should find a shelter and hide for tonight. But there was nothing around him. Under the illumination of the aperture, the farthest distance he could see was the steel frame model.

Did he have to climb up there and hide for a night?

While he was hesitating, a group of zombies suddenly appeared at the edge of the square. Their movements were not as shaky and clumsy as those of the first and second level zombies. They were like well-trained athletes, running towards him very swiftly and quickly.

! ! !

Feng Tianxi's soul was about to fly away! Those were level five zombies! And a group of them!


His legs seemed to have lost their strength, and they were numb and completely ignored his commands.

"...Run...!" Feng Tianxi looked up at the zombies and beat his legs frantically, with extreme fear on his face.

Under the illumination of the aperture, the level five zombies easily found him.

Seeing the zombies getting closer and closer, Feng Tianxi's heart jumped rapidly in his throat, his eyes were as big as cow eyes, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the spot, motionless.

Outside the screen, Xia Yan frowned, as if he didn't expect that Feng Tianxi, who was so powerful in words, was actually a soft egg who couldn't even run away.

'System, give it a shock and see. ’

How can she not run? What fun is there for her to watch?

Feng Tianxi trembled all over when an electric current hit him in the aperture. He finally reacted and ran to the model and climbed up with his hands and feet.

During the time he wasted, the zombies had already run 10 meters behind him.

He felt a chill on the back of his neck. He cried out in fear at the roar so close, and climbed up desperately.

With the vibration sound from the model, he knew that the zombies had rushed to his feet. He looked down tremblingly and almost fell into the zombie group with his hands.

How can a level 5 zombie climb a shelf? !

Feng Tianxi held his breath and rushed to the top. He broke off a stick and used it as a weapon.

At his feet, a level 5 zombie held its head high, its face covered with sticky blood, its gray eyes like the belly of a dead fish locked tightly with him, its big mouth almost pulled to the side of the cheek, and the remains of flesh and blood were still hanging on its sharp teeth. A low growl sounded like phlegm stuck in his throat, his withered hands clung to the steel pipe, and he climbed up quickly.

"Hiss...Help! Who can come and save me!" Feng Tianxi's face was pale, and he still called for help with a slim hope of survival. His men waved sticks in disorder to try to drive away the zombies that were about to rush in front of him.

He has tried his best to move up, but zombies are still emerging one after another.

Looking down, densely packed zombies covered the entire steel frame, making it bloated.

Feng Tianxi's urgent cry for help caused further zombie riots.

He continued to climb up with a trembling body, until he was on the girl's arm, and he vaguely felt that the steel frame under him began to shake as it was unable to bear the weight.

"Get away! Get away! Get away! Is there anyone here? Please help me! I will give you money, all the money! As long as you can save me, I will give you everything!"

Standing at a high place, Feng Tianxi could vaguely see a dark figure on the edge of the square staring at him motionless, like the only straw holding a drowning person, shouting for help desperately.

At this time, three black plastic bags fell from the air and landed in front of Feng Tianxi, blocking the view of each other.

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