The "little wife sister" next door was like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She jumped at the window and shouted at Jing Wenbin in exasperation:

"What on earth is Mr. Mermaid?!"

Why does his man keep thinking about it?

His voice was sharp and sharp, comparable to the super doubled dolphin sound, instantly crushing the applause and whizzing into everyone's ears.

The crazy and restless emotions of the crowd were suddenly paused, and they couldn't help but look up at the source of the sound.

The lively atmosphere was interrupted.

Jing Wenbin's face flashed with an unyielding look, and he quickly locked onto him, staring at him with warning eyes. At an angle that no one could see, his lips moved and said something.

Xia Yan didn't see it clearly, but heard the sound of the handsome man being dragged back.

"Mr. Bin, please introduce it in detail. What exactly is the latest invention?"

There was silence under the stage, and pairs of eyes were fixed on the stage. Although Jing Wenbin said it was a good thing, it was unknown whether it was useless to everyone.

The more Jing Wenbin hesitated, the more everyone expected it.

Finally, he laughed again: "Before the introduction, let me ask you a question - what is your first thought when you mention fish?"

Everyone looked at each other and blurted out: "Water?"

Fish and water are inseparable, just like people cannot live without air.

"Yes," Jing Wenbin nodded heavily, "It is water, but it does not mean clean water in the conventional sense. The name Mr. Mermaid is determined according to the characteristics finally presented by the test product.

While trying to ensure and optimize his appearance, we also give him the control ability that can quickly make people climb to the extreme peak, and this ability is not divided by men and women."

The scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Jing Wenbin's words were vague and clear, and the evasiveness made people imagine more than the straightforward narration.

Everyone is an adult, and they understand it at a glance.

And this kind of thing has always been extremely private and cannot be told to ordinary people...

Sitting upstairs, Xia Yan could almost hear their blood flowing, up and down. At that moment, she, like everyone else, understood why Mr. Mermaid could compete with the finale -

This is the easiest happiness to get.

At this moment, Jing Wenbin locked his eyes on her, and turned up the volume of the microphone with his fingers.

"Boss Xia, Mr. Mermaid has a good appearance and a good figure. He is the most suitable for leisure entertainment. I hope you don't miss it and return with pride."

The spotlight moved upwards the moment he opened his mouth, showing Xia Yan clearly in front of everyone like daylight.

Coupled with his ulterior motives, many people who were determined to win the bid at a high price suddenly became alert and defensive, and their bodies were tense and aggressive.

Xia Yan became the target of public criticism.

The spotlight went out instantly when Jing Wenbin finished the last note, leaving her no chance to respond. At the same second when the whole place fell into darkness, Jing Wenbin's excited voice came out from the speakers again:

"I declare that the first auction starts now!!"



The opening song with dense drum beats hit her head on, shaking her internal organs, and her eardrums could not hear any shouting.

Xia Yan relaxed her shoulders, leaned on the soft sofa, and drank a cocktail as if nothing had happened.

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Darkness and noise are definitely the best means to cover up evil.

She calmly listened to the screams of desperateness interspersed in the short interval between two beats.

It seemed like a long time had passed, and it seemed like just a blink of an eye. The spotlight on the top finally flickered a few times and lit up again.

The stage was almost like a real-life Shura Field. The walls were covered with blood beads and elongated palm prints. People who were twitching all over their bodies became limp as sharp weapons fiercely entered and exited, oozing large patches of scarlet, and gradually gathered with other...

When the lights came on, the eyes that raised their heads were all red.

Xia Yan saw Jing Yimai surrounded by several people, his face swollen, and the corners of his mouth bleeding. He fiercely grabbed the person who exposed the flaw, pulled him closer, put his hand on his neck and twisted it hard, and then kicked him away.

"Come on! "

But those people looked up at the lights, and retreated the next second, as if the lights were the signal to retreat.

"Want to run? **!" Jing Yimai cursed, and chased after them relentlessly, grabbing a man who was madly swinging and stabbing at the wall, and ended his life.

On the other side, Chu Wanfu grabbed the man under him, took out special handcuffs from behind his waist, and tightened them around his wrists with a snap.

When they looked back, Xia Yan saw a colorful pig-headed face. After careful identification, it turned out that the person handcuffed was Yang Zizheng.

Chu Wanfu's condition was much better than Jing Yimai. He stretched out his toes and kicked the buttocks of several people who were rolling in pain.

"Get up, you don't have enough handcuffs, follow me honestly. "

Seeing that they were still pretending to be dead, Chu Wanfu sank his voice: "Do you want me to break your shoulders?"

"Ah no no no! "Several people stood up, looking dejected like dogs that have lost their homes.

The next second, Chu Wanfu led them away from the spot.

"Dear audience friends, welcome to the first auction~"

"I am the auctioneer this time."

A mature and sexy voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the violent fists and kicks from the audience.

The stage has changed, replaced by an electronic platform full of technology.

There are ten light beams of different sizes at the end of the stage, illuminating the auction items in the center.

"Please take a seat, don't worry, there will be staff to clean up the scene." Behind the auction table, a tall auctioneer holding a hammer turned a blind eye to the bloodstains on the ground and smiled sweetly.

The secret door on the wall was pushed open, and a dozen cleaners whose faces could not be seen walked out with tools.

They started cleaning without saying a word, as if they were accustomed to dealing with corpses. They grabbed their feet and walked behind the door, and no one knew where they were going.

Even those who were still breathing weakly and regarded them as their last straw to call for help weakly, also grabbed their feet and retreated to the door.

Two long, occasionally moving drag marks disappeared in the light.

This scene made the people who survived feel cold on their backs, as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

Seeing that the person who attacked him secretly was about to hide in the door, Jing Yimai hurried over in a hurry, but he didn't expect to be stopped by a woman leaning against the wall, stroking her chest and groaning in pain, grabbing her sleeve.

"Let go." He frowned.

Watching the person hide in the door and escape in twists and turns, Jing Yimai gnashed his teeth in hatred.

Just as he was about to chase again, he saw the person who stopped him fell directly with a pale face and wide eyes. When she fell to the ground, her arm slid down weakly, and several long blood lines spurted out from the wound on her chest.

In the red lines, he saw the woman's eyes full of fear, begging, and a trace of...

"...Thank...Thank you."

At this time, a cleaner in protective clothing appeared in the corner of his sight.

The cleaner bent down with his back to him, and when he grabbed the injured woman's feet and dragged her back, he suddenly found that there was a new wound on the woman's chest, and this wound was right in front of the heart.

She passed by, and Jing Yimai reached out to grab her.

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