I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 474 Do you regret it?

Xia Yan was not joking.

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She stepped forward quickly, grabbed his wrist with both hands and pulled hard, throwing him over her shoulders and throwing him to the ground.

"I'm warning you, if Mr. Bin hadn't given the order, I would have made you look good!"

The bodyguard grinned in pain and put his hands on the ground to stand up and fight back. Unexpectedly, Xia Yan pressed forward again, picked him up by the waist and threw him outside the railing.

He never imagined that a soft woman with two arms as thin as a hemp pole could actually pick him up!

He didn't start to panic until his body flew out of the ship's hull, with water droplets picked up by the waves hanging on his eyelashes.

"Boss Xia, spare my life! This was all Mr. Bin's idea. He asked us to do everything possible to find evidence that you were not in the room. The so-called witnesses also——"

"Kill him." Someone said coldly in front of the railing on the upper deck.

The bodyguard's eyes moved upward, and his black pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of horror on his face.

"No, Mr. Bin, please listen to my explanation - ah - ah!"

Xia Yan keenly felt that his skin began to swell and bulge, as if an electric pump was pumping crazily into his body. In the blink of an eye, his cheeks were swollen like bread, and his nose and eyes were buried underneath.

His painful screams started from his mouth, turned into a muffled groan in his throat, and finally disappeared under the bulging skin on his chest. It was as if his internal organs were also swelling rapidly, and Xia Yan could even hear the sound of blood vessels bursting.

Due to the rapid extension of his skin, the elastic fibers of the dermis were pulled apart, and dense lines appeared on it. They were red at first, then darkened, and finally turned into white stripes. The layer became so thin that it almost stretched to limit.

Xia Yan's arms were bounced away, and he could only rely on his hands on the railing to support himself.

Unfortunately, this change is systemic, like a plague visible to the naked eye, crawling along the arm to the fingers, and the whole person is swollen like a giant.

He could no longer hold the railing, nor could he make any sound. He fell directly into the bottom of the sea. The moment he hit the water——


Xia Yan immediately rushed upstairs.

The person with supernatural powers who can control the "bomb" in their bodies is right there!


She climbed the steps in three steps and two steps, and rushed to the upper floor in just five seconds. When she breathed a lot of fresh oxygen into her lungs, Jing Wenbin heard the movement and turned to look at her. He was followed by seven or eight people in black suits. The superhuman bodyguards also looked at her.

Jing Wenbin's eyes were gloomy, and he flicked his fingers on the railing, as if he wanted to use this action to suppress his overwhelming anger.

He showed an ugly smile: "My subordinates are disobedient and dare to frame me casually. I should be punished with a small amount of punishment, but it shouldn't scare Boss Xia."

"I'm used to it. Are you interested in introducing me to a person with superpowers who can control your body?"

Xia Yan made no secret of his search for someone.

The bodyguards behind him were uniformly dressed and wore huge toad glasses. They were of similar height, so she really couldn't tell who was who.

"What do you want to do?"

"Help customers in my store relieve their worries."


"I won't borrow it." Jing Wenbin was about to leave.

"OK, it does not matter."

Hearing that she was so cheerful, Jing Wenbin's face darkened, and bad premonitions and unlucky memories of the past that fell into her hands flashed through his mind.


Xia Yan smiled and asked, "Has Mr. Bin changed his mind?"


After he said this, he stared at her closely. Generally speaking, when he was rejected twice in a row, his face would look grim. If not -

Boss Xia's expression did not change.

Good, she definitely has a conspiracy.

"Notify her and send someone to keep an eye on her movements secretly. You three will form a group and you are not allowed to act alone."

Then give it a try and see who is better.

Jing Wenbin thought so.

After they left, Xia Yan said leisurely: "When did General Chu learn to eavesdrop on such things? I'm afraid it doesn't match your status, right?"

A slight cough sounded at the corner of the stairs.

"If I say I just came here, do you think it's credible?"

Chu Wanfu walked down the steps. The smell of alcohol hit his nostrils. Xia Yan held his breath and stepped back.

"you've been drinking?"

"So obvious?" He raised his arm and sniffed, "I can't smell it."

"The wine smells bad."

"Then I stay away from you, now what?"

"Okay. Is there anyone you know well here?" Xia Yan was curious. With Chu Wanfu's cautious character, he should be able to drink in such a dangerous place. That person must be very important.

"No, I didn't want to drink, but it's easier to discuss things over a wine table. It's a helpless move."

Chu Wanfu didn't elaborate. He took a piece of green plum from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. Feeling the extremely sour taste coming from the tip of his tongue, he felt his brain was clearer and asked:

"Have you identified which one is the one with the ability to control bombs?"

"No. That person is very calm. Even if I pointed it out, no one in the group of bodyguards would change his face."

"It's a little difficult."

Xia Yan tilted her head and looked at him, "I've always been curious about how you persuaded Earl and the others to leave the hotel. I know best how afraid they are of going out."

Chu Wanfu smiled lowly.

"It's actually very simple. I borrowed a shielding superpower. The points in their cards will be used up one day. Instead of being kicked out by you, you might as well take a gamble with me."

Xia Yan suddenly realized. "Then why didn't I see them again later?"

"Sent to the factory area," Chu Wanfu smiled meaningfully, "I don't keep idle people, they have to repay me, thanks to their guidance, several bases have been successfully under my name."

It means that it is only a matter of time before the whole island is under his control.

"Congratulations." Xia Yan sincerely congratulated.

Not everyone can control the temptation brought by power. There are many people who take chicken feathers as a token of authority. Otherwise, how could there be the saying that it is easier for the King of Hell to meet than for the little devils to deal with? Chu Wanfu will give back to the survivors.

With him, the homeland will be rebuilt slowly.

There was silence between the two for a while. Chu Wanfu looked down at the zombies gathered around the hull and said, "Cooperation? Take those bodyguards back."

That person was mixed in the crowd, and he could always interrogate them one by one.

Xia Yan stretched out her hand and made an OK gesture. Suddenly, she thought of something.

"Have you seen Jing Yimai? Where did he go?"

Chu Wanfu smiled again, as if he remembered something particularly happy.

"Of course, he's in the second restaurant. He's really your employee. Some of his behaviors are exactly the same as yours."


She was confused.

She vaguely understood until she walked into the second restaurant and saw Jing Yimai sitting at a table, his mouth moving and uttering a long list of dishes.

When she saw him taking out a stack of food bags from his pocket and packing them in a hurry, she instantly understood.

Chu Wanfu smiled with his eyes curved, "Look, is this right?"

Xia Yan was actually powerless to refute.

Because she was a little excited, she was suddenly awakened by Jing Yimai's behavior.

"Sir, you can't order anymore." The waiter came to stop him.

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