After leaving school, Xia Yan didn't want to go back to the cruise ship so early.

Standing there and looking around, her eyes were attracted by two big red characters, and then she remembered that she should go and see Gan Zijing.

Sent to the inpatient department, I learned from the medical guidance desk that he was placed on the 8th floor.

No matter when, the hospital was never short of people. Xia Yan stood in the corner of the elevator, listening to them talk about their condition and environment, feeling that life was getting better and better, and began to plan for the future.

"When the disease is completely cured, I plan to go work for Director Sankey."

Suddenly hearing the name of an acquaintance, Xia Yan couldn't help but look. The smooth elevator door reflected a talkative, elderly-looking woman.


Although her skin is dark brown, after a period of cultivation, her cheeks are plump and her complexion is very complex.

The patient next to her seemed to be in the same ward.

"Farming? It's a good job. You won't be hungry no matter what. Now I like the food when I see it. I feel rare from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes in my dreams, I can dream of rice being dried, and it's golden. I feel at ease just looking at it. "

"That's not true. Counting back three or four generations, we are all farmers. We cherish the land from the bottom of our hearts."

"Hey, I don't know when Mr. Sanji will be recruiting again. The last time I came here to recruit, I couldn't get out of bed. I heard from those who applied that the work was great and they also took care of the food.

The most important thing is that Director Sanji also promised to share the excess output equally with the workers after the autumn harvest! "

"Is there such a good thing?"

The people listening in the elevator couldn't stand still, and they all made noises.

"Yeah, don't you know, that base has expanded a lot. It's green inside and it's getting better."

Xia Yan really doesn't know this.

"Are there any requirements for recruiting people? We have never done farm work before, so we have nothing but energy..."

The woman glanced at the speaker's body and shook her head, "I don't know. Every time Director Sankey recruits people, he gives priority to those with physical disabilities or those who are unable to go out hunting. You may..."

"Why is this still discriminatory? I can't cut off my hand, can I?"

"Don't dare to talk nonsense, young man. You can support yourself with all your hands and feet. How can those disabled people live? I think he is doing the right thing."

The atmosphere was a bit solemn. Fortunately, the elevator stopped at this time and everyone walked out. When the door was closed again, only Xia Yan was left.

The eighth floor has arrived.

Xia Yan walked out of the elevator and immediately saw Fan Shuyi waiting at the nurse's station to receive medicine. She found that her whole body was shrouded in melancholy, and she seemed to be sad from head to toe.

"Where's Gan Zijing?"

Fan Shuyi slowly turned her head, "...You're here, he's much better, and he's asleep now."

She took the medicine from the nurse and took Xia Yan there.

"The doctor gave him an injection, but he didn't expect that the stabilizing effect would be the same."

They stood in front of the transparent glass. There was a handsome man lying on the single bed inside. When he closed his eyes and slept, he was as quiet and beautiful as an angel descending to the world. The overall outline was clean and smooth, carved like a ghostly axe. Become.

Xia Yan noticed that there was only one machine that monitored the heartbeat, not even a bottle.

"He doesn't need nutritional fluids?"

Hearing this, Fan Shuyi took out the test results, her eyes drooped as if she was about to cry.

"The doctor said that Zijing's physical fitness is very good and he is not lacking in any nutrients, but he asked me why he continued to undergo plastic surgery on his face."

Xia Yan was surprised, "In the laboratory..."

"...Well, if it hadn't been for that time when he was awake and quietly called out my name, I wouldn't have recognized him at all, and I wouldn't have thought that he would be forced to have plastic surgery. His original image was perfect... .”

Fan Shuyi's palms became sticky with sweat. In order to calm down, she bit her lip and dug her fingers into her palms.

The nurse passed by with a spray bottle. After snorting a few times, the pungent smell of disinfectant rushed into the nasal cavity.

Fan Shuyi's eyes were full of pain. She held her breath and looked at the unconscious Gan Zijing.

How desperate he would have been at that time, losing control of his body and watching helplessly as a group of demons dressed in white pushed him into the laboratory and cut his face and body one by one, as if they were carefully crafted. If you are not satisfied with the product, please come back again.

"He has changed a little bit more now than when we last saw him. His nose is straighter. The doctor said that his ribs and ear cartilage are missing, and there are traces of fat filling under the skin... He, he just looks good. ”

Fan Shuyi choked and squatted down, covering her face with her hands, tears falling down like a line, like a scared ostrich burying its head in the sand.

Xia Yan understands the helplessness deep in her heart. They grew up under the peaceful and orderly Sun. They know that darkness exists, but they don't know how scary it is. After seeing or experiencing it, their ideological system will completely collapse.

This is a difficult and painful restructuring process.

Her eyes moved to Gan Zijing. If he woke up, how would he greet his future life?

If the final insult brought by death is the loss of control of the body, then they are even more tragic, as even life is in the hands of the mutilator.

Xia Yan felt a shiver run down her spine when she thought about what the guard had accidentally said during the chat, that Gan Zijing was one of the very few who could survive.

"I have to go there. If anything happens, you can go to Xiong Xiong for help, or go to a doctor or the soldiers stationed at the hospital. They will help you."

Fan Shuyi raised her head, her eyes were red and swollen, and nodded in despair.


"You seem to be in a bad mood?"

At the deck railing, Chu Wanfu stopped one meter away from Xia Yan, imitating her and resting his arm on it.

"Well, that's not good."

Xia Yan looked down at the turbid sea water and replied sadly.

"What happened? Do you need to talk to me? Maybe I can help you."

He waited for a while and heard no sound. He turned his head and looked over, and saw Xia Yan facing him, but looking beyond him into the distance.

She seemed to see some incomprehensible scene, and her brows gradually furrowed.

"Look, the boat is heading that way," she said.

Chu Wanfu turned his head obediently.

The sea was not calm, with orange waves rising from the turbulent waves. The sun had not yet fully set on the bottom of the sea. With the afterglow, one could clearly see the direction the bow of the ship was pointing, which was a small island as big as a palm.

Perhaps because they were standing high, they could see directly from one side of the island to the other. The entire island was very flat, with no vegetation, and only a super-high building standing in the middle of the island.

"There are people on the shore." Chu Wanfu said, "There seem to be quite a few people."

After the boat continued to approach, they saw twenty or thirty survivors in ragged clothes standing on the shore, with their bare feet stepping on the rough sand. The waves licked their calves, and each wave moved farther away. Invasion.

If this trend continues, the entire island will sink under the sea at night and resurface at low tide the next day. Looking at the wet and white marks on the pillars of the small building, you can tell that it is just above the sea level after high tide. A small piece.

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