I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 49 Find a solution quickly

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Wang Qiang supported Xizhi's arm and hid in a nearby shop before the zombies found him.

This row of shabby bottom stores was the only one that could take cover, so Wang Qiang had no choice but to take him inside.

"What should I do? Of course I want to find a way to live in it! Didn't you see that there is water, electricity and air conditioning inside? Idiot! Hiss -" Xizhi got angry and slapped him on the back of the head, but didn't want to injure the wound. .

Wang Qiang, who was slapped for no reason, was not upset. He just lowered his posture into the dust and remained silent.

He seemed to be honest, but in his heart he had already scolded Xizhi's eighteenth generation ancestors.

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Xizhi breathed in the hot air, not only did he not feel the pain relieved, but it got worse.

It's chilly in the hotel, but it's going to be extremely hot outside!

"Hurry up and think of a solution for me!" He just stayed there for a while and was sweating all over. He could have endured it if there was no air conditioner for comparison. After all, he had been so tough in the past few years, and now he didn't even think about it for a second. Stay here!

"If you hadn't offended the female boss, you would have moved in by now." Wang Qiang muttered in a low voice, becoming dissatisfied with Xizhi, the most popular personality.

If Xizhi was the second personality, he would never do such a stupid thing!

I really donā€™t understand, Xizhi, the second personality, is obviously stronger, but he canā€™t always suppress Xizhi, the first personality.

As for the third personality, Xi Yan, who created him, rarely appears.

He had almost forgotten Xi Yan's existence!

Hearing this, Xi jumped up in anger, almost lost her temper, pointed at Wang Qiang's nose and scolded, "Fuck that fancy bullshit you brewed! Did I offend you? It's all your fault for your poor investigation. What kind of character is she?" I didnā€™t even figure it out! I got beaten! You have to take the blame for this!ā€

Wang Qiang nodded readily and admitted his mistake.

Isn't it just a matter of admitting his mistake? He is familiar with this process!

"After all, boss, what should we do now?"

"Nothing can be done!" Xizhi leaned against the abandoned tire and touched his cheek, almost crying from the pain.

Why are you so vicious! It's obviously just a stuffed bear, but it hurts so much when you slap it in the face!

The more Xizhi thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and he actually dropped the golden beans.

"It hit me... actually hit me in the face... I was so angry... ā”­ā”®ļ¹ā”­ā”®"

Wang Qiang moved his eyes away and couldn't bear to look directly.

If the second personality found out, it would still be him, Wang Qiang, who would be beaten.

I donā€™t know, I donā€™t know, I havenā€™t seen anything...

"No, I have to live in ā”­ā”®ļ¹ā”­ā”®... Let's go, find a place to stay first, and come back tomorrow."

"Okay, I just took a look. There happens to be a residential building behind this building. Let's live there for the time being."

"...You seem a little happy?"

"...No...Illusion. I am very sad. The thought of not being able to blow the air conditioner makes me sick to death!"

"That's pretty much it... hum... let's go."

Their voices gradually faded away and disappeared.

At this time, a person emerged from the abandoned tire. He looked around vigilantly, and after confirming that no two people were leaving, he jumped out and ran quickly to the hotel.


In the hall, Ye Qi was repeating everything he heard just now to Xia Yan, asking her to pay more attention to the two of them.

Xia Yan smiled. She originally thought that the two of them would have some conspiracy against her, but she didn't expect that they just wanted to move in.

Maybe talking nice and hugging the strong manā€™s lap is another way to survive in the apocalypse.

Although she didn't agree, she understood.

This person named Xizhi reminded her that there would be people with the same idea in the future, whether they were ordinary people or people with super powers, all of whom were Mu Qiang.

'System, add another one to the store rules. It is forbidden to try to hug the boss's lap and any form of harassment. Violators will be a day trip to the zombie circle. ā€™


So after dinner, when everyone was sitting on the sofa watching TV, they suddenly discovered that there was a fourth article in the store rules.

what's the situation? How dare someone harass the boss? !

Jing Yimai was thoughtful. It seemed that someone came to the store today and made Boss Xia unhappy. Otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly added such a store rule.

Perhaps he was deceived by Boss Xia's fragile appearance and thought she was a kind-hearted person.

Oh, you will know it when you get along with her. This woman only sees crystal nuclei and enjoyment! And the thief holds a grudge!

Feng Bei dragged his tired steps into the door, ready to have some food first and go back to have a good sleep.

Today she only harvested one first-level crystal core. If it had been normal, she would have been extremely happy. Now she is carrying a heavy debt and only has one, which is of no use at all!

Behind her was Qing Naruko, who still had the factory expression. Compared to Feng Bei, she was frighteningly clean.

Xia Yan asked Qing Naruko to stop and opened his field of view to play back.

In the eyes of others, they could only see Xia Yan staring at the TV without moving, while Qing Mingzi stood obediently behind her.

In the playback, Xia Yan could clearly see Feng Bei's expression and hear her voice.

There was nothing to see in front of her, so Xia Yan accelerated to 8x speed. Soon she saw that Feng Bei had deliberately attracted level 2 zombies, and wanted to use the zombies' hands to get rid of Qing Mingzi, but she didn't expect that the zombies ignored her at all and went straight to her. Feng Bei left.

Feng Bei actually ran away, not even daring to kill this single second-level zombie. In the end, he only killed a first-level zombie and obtained a first-level crystal core.

Xia Yan frowned and turned off the playback.

According to her progress, how can she collect three secondary crystal nuclei in a week!

At this time, Feng Bei came out of the restaurant after eating and drinking, and she easily charged her only harvest today to her points card.

As long as she has points in her card, Boss Xia can't kick her out!

This is the solution she thought of after a day.

"Feng Bei, how many crystal cores did you get today?" Xia Yan asked when she saw her exchange her only harvest for points.

"Ah?" Feng Bei was immediately flustered. Did Boss Xia know that she only received one crystal core today? It should be, Qing Mingzi didn't follow her into the restaurant just now! How could he forget this!

"I'm sorry, Boss Xia, I didn't receive the second-level crystal core today. I will work hard tomorrow! Try to get enough crystal cores within a week!"

Xia Yan looked at her expressionlessly and silently, his eyes were sharp, like a sharp knife, piercing her idea of ā€‹ā€‹fooling around.

She can see through everything? !

Feng Bei was so scared that her eyes were erratic, and she didn't dare to look at her.

Just when she was about to give up, Xia Yan finally spoke again with great mercy.

"Feng Bei, it doesn't matter if you can't collect enough today. There are still 6 days. I believe you can do it. Now, go help Aunt Wang with some work."

"Okay, okay!" Feng Bei agreed quickly, walked quickly to Wang Mei's side, and said in a flattering tone, "Aunt Wang, I'll help, is there anything I can do?"

In the base, Wang Mei and her son were bullied by Feng Bei and his daughter. Now it was Feng Bei's turn to listen to her command. How could Wang Mei be polite!

"Yes! There is a lot of work! You fill all the mineral water, remember not to fill it up, and then put it neatly in the freezer. I will check it later!"

Knowing that Wang Mei was deliberately taking advantage of the situation, Feng Bei dared not say anything and could only honestly take the water.

Wang Mei was very relieved. Seeing that she was not convinced, she deliberately took a full bottle of water and threw it into the freezer with a clang. Wang Mei was too lazy to argue with her and played hard directly.

"Boss Xia, in our base, every year when the hot season comes, we rely on Feng Bei's water ability to survive."

"Boss Xia, since she owes you crystal cores now, just let her produce water and sell it! It can also make up for the losses in the store!"

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