Almost stepped into the gate of hell!

Fortunately, I am blessed with great fortune...

In this tense moment, Jing Wenbin could still have funny thoughts. He felt that he had smoked too much and his brain nerves were somewhat damaged.

"Mr. Bin!!!"

The veins on Jing Wenbin's forehead were beating violently.

Great, another one.

The man in bodyguard uniform ran to him with a panicked face, his eyes widened, he held his knees and gasped, pointed downstairs, and said stumblingly:

"Tiao, Tiaozi, come on, come on!"

What? !

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

The ampoule slipped from his fingers and shattered when it hit the corner of the table. The liquid inside splashed everywhere, and Jing Wenbin's most cherished suit was suddenly covered with dark spots.

But he couldn't care about that at the moment. He grabbed the bodyguard's arm hard and asked: "The note? Are you sure you read carefully and aren't other bosses taking the opportunity to cause trouble?!"

"I swear not! They are wearing the same military uniform! There is no way they can be mistaken!"

Jing Wenbin's face suddenly turned pale.

He actually followed suit, so this stronghold might have to be lost.

After the bodyguard took a short break, he dropped new bad news——

"Three big holes were blown out of the city wall! Now almost everyone in the city has rushed over to kill the zombies. Mr. Bin, are you okay? Mr. Bin, don't faint!"

Jing Wenbin's head buzzed, and all the blood rushed to the top of his head.

This time he really had to give up, and he might even have to find a way to escape safely.

He calmed down, looked at the laboratory he had worked so hard to build, and made a quick decision.

He took a long breath: "Quick! Move faster! There are two helicopters in the darkroom on the first floor. You can take the plane to stronghold three and wait for me!"

Jing Wenbin shouted out, and everyone on the scene was stunned. The next moment, they tore off their protective clothing like crazy, revealing their real faces soaked in sweat.

Jing Wenbin asked his men to put all the boxed materials into the space. After clearing the work logs at the main operation desk, he picked up an iron bar and smashed it.

"Don't just sit there and smash it! Are you willing to hand over the information you have worked so hard to research to someone else?! Smash it!!"

The staff wiped the sweat from their faces, picked up the sticks, and slammed them on the operating table.

The machines in the laboratory suddenly made a sizzling sound, and purple electricity emitted like a short circuit. The experimental subjects were so shocked that they huddled in the corner with their heads in their hands, trembling so much that they didn't even notice that the door, which was always closed, had slid open silently. .


Xia Yan led people back to the hall, and after asking Xiong Xiong, she found out that since she went to the appointment, Chu Wanfu led a large group of people out and never came back.

"Do you have any crystal nuclei in your pockets?" Xia Yan asked.

It was the first time for the two of them to come inside the hall. They were frightened and secretly looked around in shock, trying to find a suitable escape route.

Hearing what she said, he didn't dare to ask why, so he took out all the crystal cores in his body, which was enough for a small handful.

Xia Yan picked up a tray and asked them to put it in it. Hearing the clinking sound of the tray falling, he felt very happy.

She asked Xiongxiong to take it for cleaning.

Xia Yan looked at the two of them and narrowed his eyes with laughter: "Although I have to hand you over to General Chu, for the sake of the crystal core and the fact that he hasn't come back yet, I will open a deluxe room for you. Go up and live first.”

"Take a hot bath, watch TV for a while, and the waiter will bring you midnight snacks later. As for the rest, we will wait until tomorrow. What are your names? Come here to register."

Xia Yan took out the "Check-in Guest Registration Book" from the front desk, turned to the latest page, unscrewed the pen, and pushed it over together.

The two looked at each other. One of them picked up the pen awkwardly and drew his name very unskilledly. When the pen was handed to the other person, he directly held the pen in the palm of his hand and wrote a big character in this way.

"I know this word, but I forgot the rest..."

Xia Yan looked over and saw one ghost-drawing talisman and the other occupying three lines.

"Song and Wang? Okay, Xiao Wang and Xiao Song, I will take you upstairs."

The two of them did not dare to speak, and stood with her at the elevator door. The smooth elevator door clearly reflected the subtle expressions on their faces.

The whole hall is empty, if you can control it...

Xia Yan looked at the reflection on the door, looked at them and said with a smile: "Put away those thoughts that you shouldn't have. If it weren't for the sake of collecting the crystal core, I could let you spend the night motionless in the air. ”


When the elevator arrived, Xia Yan walked in first and stood inside, wanting to see what they would choose.

Confusion appeared on Xiao Wang and Xiao Song's face. They could wait until the elevator door closed and run out, but what happened after that?

The cops outside were working with her, and Mr. Bin was very suspicious. If he saw them returning safely, he would probably smile on the outside, turn around and have them captured and stuffed into the laboratory...

The elevator door that was about to close detected the human body sliding open to both sides. Xiao Wang and Xiao Song consciously walked behind Xia Yan, looking obedient.

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and pressed it on the 25th floor.

The elevator moved up silently until the dinging stopped.

What they saw was a wide and luxurious corridor, and the sound of their footsteps was absorbed by the thick carpet. Until Xia Yan stopped in front of a room door, the two of them were still a little unable to recover.

Xia Yan pressed the door handle and opened it easily, "Go in."

There was a family room inside, with two bedrooms and one living room, with a sofa and a TV. The whole room was filled with a faint fragrance of flowers, and neither of them knew how they walked in.

"By the way, you don't have permission to leave this door. I'll come find you tomorrow." Xia Yan left this sentence and closed the door.

The two were left standing in the living room looking at each other, feeling that everything in front of them was like a dream.

"...Is this true or false?"

"...Can you really watch TV?"

The two asked in unison. There was silence in the room. After hesitating for a moment, they decided to turn on the TV to try it out.

"Did you press it..."

"Press it."

The finger poked, and the TV screen suddenly lit up. The two stepped back in horror, as if Sadako would crawl out of it.

But the next moment——

"What do you say is true?!"

"What do you say is true?!"

Xiao Wang and Xiao Song: The TV seems to be real...

Knock knock.

"Hello, I'll bring you food."

The two took three steps back and stared at the door where the ghost doctor might come out.

The door opened, and a small dining cart came in first, followed by a waiter with a work badge on his chest.

"Will you put the food on the coffee table?"

"...You can do it yourself."

After receiving the customer's confirmation, the waiter took out the dishes from the dining cart, and when he opened the lid, he would actively announce the names of the dishes.

"One edamame and peanut platter, one grilled shrimp, one spicy clams, 3 pounds of freshly grilled crayfish, one barbecue wrap, one box of grilled leeks, 30 skewers of duck intestines, 20 skewers of lamb, beef, and pork, 15 skewers of chicken skin, chicken head, and chicken gizzards, one tin foil wide noodle, and two servings of scholar fried rice."

Finally, the waiter took out 12 bottles of iced beer from under the dining cart.

"I wish you a pleasant meal."

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