I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 537: Thinking More

Uncle Tiaozi!

Uncle Tiaozi is here!

Between the countless legs that kicked him brutally, the driver saw the "love man" jumping out of the armored vehicle like a lucky cloud!

"Jiu...Jiu Min, they want to kill Hungry."

But there was one person who was faster than him.

"General Chu! General Chu, you are finally here. These bastards captured my people and forced you to reveal your location!"

Brother Ming crawled out of the pit, and under the yells of "Don't move!" he knelt on the ground and raised his hands above his head, as if he had found a home for a wandering wanderer.

When he saw the stalwart figure walking against the light, Brother Ming reacted quickly and added:

"Thanks to my brother's perseverance, he was almost beaten to death without saying a single word about you!"

Chu Wanfu said in a deep voice: "Well, thank you for your hard work. Go and rest in the car for a while."


The soldier stepped forward and presented him with a beautiful silver bracelet.

His wrist was as cold as Ming Ge's heart. He looked at Chu Wanfu, hoping to see some clues in his eyes.

The soldier picked up the backpack on the side, grabbed his arm and walked to the car, "Let's go. Compared with other people in this base, you can survive with your life. Be a good person in the future and strive for leniency."

Brother Ming lowered his head and said nothing.

Apart from anything else, who can survive in this base without some blood on their hands? It's just that under the leadership of Mr. Bin, they have played a bigger role and opened more black markets.

The services provided are also more comprehensive and more loyal to strength...

If he thinks on the bright side, will he find a job within the system where he can take care of food and housing without having to worry about his life at any time?

"Don't be stunned, get in the car quickly."

Brother Ming raised his head and said happily, "I know Master Bing!"


Facing the dazzling headlights, the tattooed man raised his arms to block his eyes.

The subordinates jumped out and yelled: "Which bastard dares to act arrogant in front of our brother? I'll blind you!"

Responding to his uniform approach.

It wasn't until he was about ten meters away that the figure wearing a gas mask and uniform became clear.

What a sliver!

Brother Tattoo's scalp was numb and he shouted: "Run!"

He was the first to sneak out. As for his men, they were gearing up one by one and intending to fight. They were caught off guard and froze in place when they heard this sound.

It wasn't until I heard the police officer firing that I suddenly woke up. A group of people fled straight to the gathering place of several large gangs.

The driver lay on the ground unable to breathe, his whole body was in severe pain, and his eyes seemed to be covered with something, adding a layer of red filter to everything he looked at.

Suddenly someone picked up his arm, and with a click, he moved, but he couldn't even use his powers.

Immediately afterwards, the world was spinning, and he was thrown on someone's shoulders and stuffed into the car.

"Run! The cop is coming!"

"Brother, save me. There is a police officer behind me. Brother Tattoo was beaten!"

Ahead, a group of men who were killing zombies around the entrance of the cave turned around.

"Go and see what's going on."


The man on the outermost edge held the torch high and took a few steps forward.

The two people calling for help rushed into the light and rushed inside without stopping.

"Hey, stand there! Don't go inside, that's our territory." The firebrand stretched out his hand to block the way.

But I never thought that these two people would not stop at all. They glanced back in a hurry and ran faster.

"Here comes the note!"

"What's going on..." The torchbearer walked a few meters in the direction they came from in confusion.

The fire spread forward, quickly bouncing off dozens of approaching light points in the darkness.

His eyes widened, "What a scumbag! Boss, run!"

Phew - Phew.

The supernatural bullets dragged in the air like a meteor shower, and the torchbearer's legs twisted in different directions as he took a step forward, and he fell to the ground suddenly.

The torch in his hand was thrown out, sparks rolled out, lit up twice and then went out.

The boss of the company reacted quickly, "Everyone run! Run in different directions!"

Killing zombies has wasted too many abilities. At this moment, there is no possibility of winning against the official. It is better to make a decisive decision and evacuate immediately.

Either wait for Mr. Bin to send someone to support, or see if there is anyone from other gangs who dares to rush up.

Just as he was thinking this, a burst of gunfire exploded in the sky not far away.

good chance!

With the flickering light above their heads, a group of people dispersed, ducking into the alley when they saw it, and turning down the street.

Relying on his familiarity with the environment, he really succeeded in throwing people away.

After seven or eight turns, the "galleon" appeared at the end of the road.

Something is wrong, very wrong.

The door is open, so where are the guards?

The whole building is dark. Aren't there machines inside that must run without stopping for a second?

Why is it so quiet as if there is no one inside?

In an instant, a sentence emerged in the minds of all those who came to Jing Wenbin for help:

It's over, something really happened!

Mr. Bin has been arrested, and they can only find a way to survive on their own.

There was the sound of footsteps being chased by policemen from behind, and people hiding in the darkness rushed out at the same time, targeting the armored vehicles parked in the courtyard.

A group of people rushed to open the car door, pulled out the body, and jumped into the car. Before they could settle down, there was a pull from behind, and they were almost pulled out of the car.

"Get away!"

"Now is not the time for you to beg me to spare your life, is it?"

"Brother, squeeze me and take me with you."

"Close the door quickly, the cops are going to shoot!"

Before he finished speaking, the superpower bullets hit the car shell with a crackle, and the metal shell, which was already full of holes, became more inward.

Those who failed to get on the car were blown into a bloody mess, and were kicked away by the people in the car, and the car door was slammed shut.

Dozens of armored vehicles rarely unified their direction, and rushed out of the line of fire with gunfire and bullets, and fled madly in all directions as soon as they got out of the gate.

The city can no longer stay, this place is the world of the cops!

When passing by the entrance of the holiday hotel, looking at the empty tables and insulated cars, the people in the car couldn't help but think of the scene of eating meat and drinking.

I will never be able to eat such a good meal in the future, and I will waste so many crystal cores in my pocket...

"Go to the gate and get out of the city directly!"

"We can't stay in this city for a day, the cops won't let us go."

At the gate of the city, the gatekeeper who was dozing against the wall was awakened by a burst of light.

He cursed and stood up with a long electric baton, "Stop the car, stop the car. Don't you know that you are not allowed to leave the city in the middle of the night? Hey, hey, hey? I told you to stop the car!"

The roar of the accelerator pedal hitting the city wall suddenly, and the momentum became even louder after rebounding.

The last bit of sleepiness in the gatekeeper's mind disappeared immediately, and he ran back to the hut in a panic, watching the armored vehicle crash into the city gate.


The city gate shook, and the ground under his feet trembled with it.

The armored vehicle retreated, stepped on the accelerator and crashed into it again!

"Crazy, this group of people is absolutely crazy..."

The gatekeeper fell on the bench, his face pale, looking at the crumbling city gate.

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