I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 65 Large Number of Customers

"You're not going out this afternoon? Don't you need to kill zombies to save crystal cores?"

Xia Yan was surprised to find that Fu Zhao and the other two actually took a nap and went downstairs on time, sitting on the sofa with their legs crossed, asking her to find a drama to watch.

Xia Yan handed the remote control over and let them choose whatever they wanted.

Anyway, she was tired of watching idol dramas now, so it was a good time to change her taste.

"No, we'll leave tomorrow, and we still have tasks to complete." Fu Zhao leaned forward to take the fruit basket and casually broke a banana.

Xia Yan was about to speak when he received the points card he threw to her.

"Here's the card, use it as you like."

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Boss! 666!

Song Yang secretly raised a thumb, bumped shoulders with Gao Feibai, and raised his eyebrows.

Fu Zhao leaned on the sofa, put one hand on it, and stretched out his long legs uninhibitedly.

Feeling that his legs were about to touch hers, Xia Yan silently retracted her legs.

Forget it, they will leave tomorrow anyway.

Song Yang waited for a long time but didn't hear the next words, and couldn't help asking her, "Boss Xia, aren't you curious about where we are going? Don't you ask when we will be back?"

Xia Yan asked back, "Isn't this the guests' private business?"

Song Yang glanced at the people around him and smiled meaningfully, "Boss Xia is different, he can ask!"

"Yes, Boss Xia can ask anything, no taboos!" Gao Feibai, who was picking oranges, was also happy.

It's rare for the boss to meet someone he likes, and brothers have to help.

"We will go to Shangyang Base tomorrow and stay for half a month." Fu Zhao took an orange from the fruit basket in a good mood, peeled it and handed it over.

"No, thank you."

Fu Zhao and the other two talked to each other, and they got closer in a few words, pretending to be familiar with each other.

Xia Yan understood it clearly, and was too lazy to waste saliva. Maybe the more he explained, the more excited the other party would be.

She refused the orange he handed her directly, got up and left, and sat behind the cashier.

Rejected, Fu Zhao took his hand back as if nothing had happened, broke the orange into small pieces, and ate it slowly while watching the TV series.

There was a burst of gunfire from the TV, and the protagonist raised the 28 rifle that had run out of bullets and shouted with all his strength: "Comrades! Charge!"

A loud horn sounded, and the soldiers shouted "Charge!" and rushed down from a height like a mountain torrent, each of them ready to die.

At the same time, Xia Yan noticed a group of panicked survivors on the corner of the street.

"We're here! That's the holiday hotel!!"

Someone in the crowd raised his finger and looked at the hotel with excitement and almost cried.

God knows how they got here!

There were countless zombies on the road, and they hid and ran all the way, and finally escaped the zombies' pursuit.

The weather was so hot that the clothes were clinging to their bodies, and there was a puddle with every step.

They were hungry, thirsty and weak, and they relied on the idea of ​​surviving to get through.

Now they finally saw the holiday hotel, it was right in front of them, as long as they went in, they would be able to survive!

"Run! The zombies behind are chasing us again!!"

Suddenly someone at the end of the team shouted and pushed the person in front hard, fearing that he would be caught by the zombies.

"Run! Run! The zombies are coming! Run into the hotel!"

The person in the front was shocked, dragged his sore legs and tried his best to sprint to a place not far away.

Xia Yan walked out of the cashier counter and pushed open the door to welcome guests.

She recognized several faces in the crowd, including Qi's parents, Wang Xuewei, the old lady and her two grandchildren.

These were the survivors of the third base.

"Oh, are they here to escape?" Song Yang and the other two also saw it, but he deliberately made a witty remark.

Fu Zhao still maintained the most comfortable sitting posture, and when he heard the noise, he just turned his head to look, and retracted his gaze when he saw nothing strange.

There is no shortage of refugees in the doomsday.

"Boss Xia! The one standing at the door is really Boss Xia! He actually runs a hotel!"

Wang Xuexue looked up at Wang Xuewei. It turned out that what his sister said was true! His sister didn't lie to him!

Everyone had doubts in their hearts. They came here just to listen to Qi Hua and their children. Unexpectedly, what the children said was true!

Through the bright windows, they can clearly see that the inside is clean and tidy. There are even three people sitting on the sofa. They are...

Watching! TV!

How is this possible!

The doomsday has existed for several years. How can we receive a signal? !

"The one in front! Run faster! Don't block the way if you can't run anymore!"

The survivors at the end of the team were almost annihilated, watching the zombies getting closer and closer to them! Why don't the people in front run desperately? Don't take other people's lives as your own, right!

"The one in front is faster!" Qi Hua took a deep breath, endured the pain in his chest, and shouted loudly.

The hotel is right in front of us. No matter how difficult it is, we have come all the way here. We just need this last shudder. We must not make any mistakes!

The core figure spoke, and the people in front had to use all their strength and rushed forward for their lives!

Almost there, we'll be there soon, we must hold on a little longer!

Xia Yan ignored their pale faces and looked at the back.

As the crowd approached, she finally saw clearly that it was a wave of zombies, mostly level 2 zombies, that were chasing them!

No wonder they were running so desperately.

She stepped back a few steps to make room.

The crowd that suddenly stopped put their hands on their knees, gasping for breath, their faces pale and frightening.

"In, in, ah? Huh, huh." Qi's mother felt dizzy and black in her brain, and she forced herself to support her body.

After Qi Hua took a deep breath, the pain in his chest began to ease. He looked back and saw that the second-level zombies that had been chasing them all the way were now like headless flies, buzzing around.

"It's okay, the zombies can't get in."

Hearing is false, seeing is true.

After personally confirming that the zombies could not enter the hotel, everyone suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and their bodies involuntarily collapsed to the ground.

The ground was full of people lying in all directions, crowded with no place to stand.

This group of people lacked water and were reluctant to wash their clothes. After a fierce run, the soaked clothes exuded a strong fishy smell, which was stronger than the smell of rotten dead fish.

Even the three people watching TV on the sofa couldn't stand it, fanning their noses with wind, looking uncomfortable.

Not to mention Xia Yan.

"Captain Qi, please open the door." Her expression was very stiff.

"No! If the door is opened, the zombies will come in!" Several people at the door stopped Qi Hua and refused to let him open the door.

"It's okay, the zombies can't come in, open the door quickly, the room is too smelly."

Qi Hua turned around and saw Xia Yan's face flushed, and his face flushed too, but one was holding it in and the other was embarrassed.

He pushed the door open regardless of everyone's resistance.

Fresh air flowed in, diluting the smell. Xia Yan had been enduring to the limit, and finally let go of his nose at this moment.

"Look, there is water in the refrigerator!"

"There are also boxed lunches here!!"

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