Xi Yan looked back at Jing Yimai, getting closer and closer to Xia Yan.

"You know, I am a woman now, so of course I like beautiful dresses, and..."

She raised her chin and said with a snicker: "He's a little handsome, I'm a little interested."

Xia Yan looked over and saw Jing Yimai walking slowly with a tray in both hands.

"No...have you fallen in love with Jing Yimai?"

"Oh? So his name is Jing Yimai, what a good name!" Xi Yan half-cupped her chin, her cheeks were pink, and she looked like she was in love with spring.

"I advise you, if you don't want to be beaten, keep your face down for the time being."

Xia Yan drank the delicious coffee and happily accepted the fact that she fell in love with Jing Yimai.

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"Okay then." Xi Yan pouted, "Speaking of which, I want to buy some skirts from you. How do I sell them?"

She put down her coffee, looked around her figure, shook her head and said, "It's not that I don't want to sell it to you, but mine are all small sizes and you can't fit them in."

"I don't care, you must have a way!"

"How about... I go back and look for it? If I find something suitable, I'll sell it to you."

"It's agreed!"


Jing Yimai glanced at the two of them and sat on the chair to eat indifferently. He only heard the last few words and guessed what deal the two might have reached. What was Boss Xia planning to sell? Can he buy it?

Xi Yan here used the gesture of drinking water to look at Jing Yimai wantonly, and the more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became.

Look at that smooth skin, handsome eyes, and pink lips, oh~ it must taste great!

Xi Yan swallowed and her eyes continued to slide down.

God, the Adam's apple sliding up and down is so sexy! I really want to take a lick...

Xia Yan noticed that she kept drinking water without moving for a long time. If he looked carefully, her eyes were almost glued to Jing Yimai. He suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Jing Yimai with some apology in his eyes.

Classmate Jing, we didn’t expect you to kill both men and women. It seems that you are the mobile love block of our hotel. I love you.

"Boss Xia, remember what you promised me, I'm leaving first."

Xi Yan reluctantly said goodbye to Xia Yan, fearing that her passionate eyes would make Jing Yimai anxious. Anyway, she had plenty of time and was not in a hurry.

Xia Yan nodded and took advantage of the coffee break to go shopping in the mall for women's clothing.

You're a bastard who doesn't earn points.

There are all kinds of dresses in the mall, with prices ranging from dozens of points to tens of thousands of points. She checked the prices from 100 to 200 points and added a few dresses to the shopping cart based on her preference for Xi Yan, planning to resell them in the afternoon. To Xi Yan.

After drinking coffee, she got up and walked out of the cafeteria. Several children were sitting on the sofa in the hotel lobby, watching cartoons obediently. When they saw her, they took the initiative to say hello.

"Hello, Sister Xia."

Xia Yan nodded with a smile and continued to walk back. She planned to design the courtyard today. It was always bare and unsightly. She wanted to see if it could be transformed.

"System, do you have a template?"

After walking around the 200-square-meter compound several times, she found that she had no idea where to start. There were too many decoration-related materials in the shopping mall.

In desperation, I had to find the system again. Wouldn't it be much easier if there was a template and I could use it directly?


Without further ado, the system directly placed template images of different styles in front of her, with prices included in the lower right corner.

Xia Yan only had 14,000 points in her hand, so she first eliminated the high-priced templates and the ones that were too cheap, and finally selected the three ones that she felt were the most cost-effective.

One is an antique cloister classical garden with different scenery as you move around.

The other is a simple design full of modern style, with eclectic materials, soft lines and full sense of design. Several fruit trees are planted in the corner of the courtyard, adding a touch of life.

The last one is in French style, with a fenced yard and neatly trimmed low bushes on all sides. There is a large pool in the venue, and in the center of the pool is a plump little angel statue. With the statue as the central axis and symmetrical distribution on both sides, it looks gorgeous and generous.

Through the trial mode, she tried all three models. The first model's courtyard area was too small and could not achieve the effect in the picture. Instead, the space seemed cramped.

The third style leaves more blank space, but Xia Yan feels it is a bit too regular. If she has obsessive-compulsive disorder, the third style is her first choice.

After comparing, the modern style is the most pleasing to the eye, and it only requires 9888 points. After paying, she still has more than 4,000 left.

"System, I want the second model."

[Estimated completion time - 3 hours]

This is the first time Xia Yan has encountered a project that needs to be "started."

I saw that the small courtyard became blurry in an instant, and gradually a layer of dense fog that was almost dripping with water gradually gathered. The visibility was less than 10 centimeters, and no sound could be heard in my ears.

It wasn't until her back hit something hard and she looked back that she realized she had been teleported to the back door of the hotel. She opened the door and walked in, planning to come back in three hours to see the results.

[Warning, there is an intruder trying to break into the hotel]

A red warning sign popped up in front of Xia Yan's eyes.


Xia Yan looked at the hotel door, but there was no one there.

Could it be that someone with superpowers was trying to get in from a place she didn't know about?

"Drive them away immediately after the electric shock." Xia Yan gave the order directly.

No matter who you are or what you are, you are welcome to come in openly. If you are sneaking around, don't blame her for being rude.

Out of her sight, E Ze suddenly raised his head, extremely panicked, and yelled:

"What the hell?!"

Everyone looked up, and their faces also became ugly.

It turned out that a cloud with strong purple currents was rapidly condensing above their heads. The currents made a creepy sizzling sound in the air, as if they were still accumulating power. The cloud gradually expanded, and even the space-time tunnel was affected, revealing the real world outside one by one.

"General Chu! We can't teleport directly to the resort hotel! And there is an abnormality in the space-time tunnel! We must land immediately!"

E Ze gritted his teeth and forcibly increased the output of his supernatural power, barely maintaining the tunnel from further collapse.

The cloud above his head flickered a few times, and a thick and bright lightning rushed towards him at lightning speed.

E Ze suddenly felt a chill in the soles of his feet, like a cold venomous snake wrapped around his back and climbed up his neck, making his hair stand on end and his whole body cold.

"Save him!"

At the critical moment, Chu Wanfu ordered a high-level psychic to take action and barely blocked the lightning.

Before the high-level psychic could catch his breath, powerful lightning struck one after another. In a hurry, he could only use all his superpowers on his arms and continue to hold on.

A series of loud bangs, the high-level psychic's arms were swollen and numb, his fingers lost consciousness, his head tilted, and he spit out blood.

"Get out immediately!" Chu Wanfu pondered.

E Ze had been prepared for a long time. The moment he left, he used all his superpowers and struggled to break free from the terrifying attraction of the cloud.

The next moment, the five people appeared in the sky and fell vertically without weight.

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