"General Chu, there is a bird watching us nearby.

The thin man lowered his head slightly, covered his lips and teeth with his frizzy hair, and spoke softly.

Chu Wanfu's expression remained unchanged and he still looked at Su Mei across from him.

"Don't worry about it yet."

Su Mei looks ugly. Is it a recurrence of an old injury?

Chu Wanfu's gaze moved downwards and landed on her abdomen. He could vaguely see the flesh and blood that had been torn violently and turned out under layers of gauze. Certain parts had turned white and yellow.

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

The weather is so hot, the wound may have become pus-filled.


E Ze jumped back to the second floor on time, followed by a long line of zombies.

He first asked for a bottle of water from the lanky superpower and drank it all in one gulp. Then he lowered his head and shook it wildly, causing water droplets on his hair to splash. Finally, he used his hands as a comb to comb his hair into a slicked back hair.

"My powers have recovered by nearly 50%, let's go."

Chu Wanfu nodded.

"That woman, where's that mushroom?" E Ze squinted his eyes, quite as if he would just leave her alone if she didn't come back.

Su Mei opened her eyes. The severe pain in her abdomen felt like it was being bitten by millions of insects, and she had no strength to reply.

Standing on the only available seat, she took a deep breath.

Just hold on a little longer, and we'll be at the resort hotel soon.


"...It's over...people ran away."

The dwarf appeared from beside the tree trunk, his face covered with sweat, looking at the instantly empty second-floor room in disbelief.

"I didn't expect that madman to be able to teleport. Brother Quan, please report the truth to the base commander!"

"Yes, we really don't have the strength, and we really can't catch up. Just tell the truth. The base manager is a good man, I will understand!"

"There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Fuck your bitches!"

Li Quan suddenly cursed angrily, kicked one of them hard, and picked up the collar of one of them with a livid face.

"You know nothing! The base commander asked us to find out where those people came from and whether we can't deal with them. Why did you just say that you are not strong enough and let people run away? You are looking for death and send zombies now. Put it in your mouth! Don’t drag me!”

"Quan, Brother Quan, you scolded the wrong person. I didn't say anything just now." The man he held by his collar had a wrinkled face and two long brackets around his mouth, and he smiled half-seriously and half-falsely.

"What's wrong with scolding you? Can't I scold you?" Li Quan's cheekbones were prominent, his eyebrows were inverted, and his eyes were fierce.

"You deserve to be scolded, you deserve to be scolded."

"Brother Quan, you are the smartest, how should you reply to this?" The short man did not want to help him out, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the matter was not easy to solve, and he felt a little panicked.

After hearing this, Li Quan let go of his hand and started thinking about it seriously.

"You guys should think of a way, don't talk nonsense all the time without saying anything useful!"

Suddenly Li Quan raised his head, and he really came up with a good idea!

"You guys come here, and when we get back, let's tell them where these people came from. It just so happens that the new people who came to the base recently are talking about this matter. Let's try to smooth things over. I'm sure there will be no complaints!"


This time, Hubei chose a place not far from the hotel to teleport in case he was struck by lightning again.

After more than ten seconds of fear, the group finally landed safely.

Su Mei looked up eagerly to find the direction of the hotel.

"Is that there?" E Ze said, pointing to the super-tall building in the northeast corner.

This building looks really weird. The decoration below the 5th floor is exquisite and brand-new. From the 6th floor, it reverses in two levels and turns into a crumbling and dangerous building.

"Yes! That's it! Come over there!"

Su Mei was trembling with excitement and rushed to the front.

Go down the street and turn the corner, and the hotel is right across the street.

In a desolate place of ruins, there is a very modern hotel.

This strong sense of weirdness is like seeing a fast food restaurant on the bottom of the sea or a bathing center in the desert.

Moreover, they can also look in through the large floor-to-ceiling windows in the foyer. The decoration inside is exactly the same as before the apocalypse. It is hundreds of times better than the hotel in the Shangjing base, not to mention that it can also provide meals and water...

Su Mei couldn't wait to push open the door, and the comfortable temperature greeted her.

"Welcome, do you want to stay or have a meal?"

A bear came up and sprayed their sides with disinfectant spray.

Su Mei recognized the bear and asked, "Where's Boss Xia? I have something important to do with her."

Xiongxiong took back the spray and put it into the shoulder bag specially provided by Xia Yan for storing things.

"Boss Xia is chatting with customers in the store. If you need anything, you can come to me."

Xiong Xiong's hands are folded on his lower abdomen, and his behavior is very anthropomorphic.

"Shop? Take me quickly -"

"Su Mei, check in first."

Chu Wanfu interrupted her and winked at E Ze.

The latter reacted immediately and took out a secondary crystal core from his pocket.

"Sorry, two double rooms."

Xiong Xiong silently counted the number of people and said, "Guest, you need to give me two crystal cores. One person cannot open two rooms."

Hearing this, E immediately handed over another one.

"Ma'am, which two customers are you staying with?"

"No, give me a single room." Su Mei took out the points card.

Bear swipe your card neatly.

Su Mei looked around, and the more she looked, the more surprised she became. Not to mention that the area was much larger than before, there were multiple elevators, and there was even a cafeteria...

Others were so surprised that they were speechless. They scanned the corners of the store, ignoring the two large-screen TVs and the golden elevators, and focused their attention on two different signs.

Restaurant, buffet restaurant.

Buffet! They didn't know if this was a gimmick. After all, even the most high-end hotels in Shangjing didn't dare to say that they would open buffets.

The calmest person here was Chu Wanfu.

He had carefully read the materials submitted by Su Mei before, and had a general understanding of the hotel.

After the senior researchers in the Shangjing base repeatedly checked the records of existing superpowers and studied the boxed lunches, they made the following preliminary conclusions:

1. This is a super high-quality new superpower.

2. There is a strong force behind the hotel.

Chu Wanfu is more inclined to the second one.

Judging from Su Mei's report alone, the hotel has no shortage of electricity, no shortage of water, can avoid zombies, and can sleep safely at night. These points can make it the ideal residence that all superpowers dream of.

More importantly, it can inspire the superpowers to defend desperately. When everyone's beliefs are consistent, it is the most difficult to defeat.

Compared with other bases, whether it is the growth rate of superpowers in each base or the richness of resources, Shangjing is definitely better.

At this moment, a holiday hotel suddenly appeared, and there are too many unknowns.

There are two purposes for this trip. One is to purchase supplies, and it is best to reach a long-term cooperation. The second is to find out the situation and see which force it belongs to.

This is why he must come.

Chu Wanfu put away his thoughts and looked at the three people coming out of the corridor. His eyes fell on the young woman who was walking in the first place with a smile.

Is this the owner of the holiday hotel?

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