I said I would turn back time

Chapter 580 Tomorrow and Tomorrow

Huiling slowly recovered her memory of the past and recalled her current situation.

After refreshing her birth point to the jar in front of her, she in the jar will be obliterated every day before waking up. This erasure will not stop until the cycle lasts for five consecutive years.

To the outside world, she had been wiped out for five consecutive years, but to herself, it seemed like she had arrived five years later after sleeping.

"The physical body should not have changed, but the soul still feels a kind of chaos..."

After gradually waking up, the first thing Huiling did was to search for the current situation in the world.

After going to the computer in the nearby office to search and browse, Huiling had a look of disappointment on her face.

The current situation showed no sign of improvement. In many ways, it was even more broken than in the past, with no bottom line, which made her feel even more unsightly.

"Sure enough, five years is still too short. This situation...maybe it will take fifty years? Or a hundred years to change?"

Just as Huiling was thinking this, a male voice suddenly sounded not far behind her.


Huiling turned around suddenly and saw a little boy appearing behind him.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

Just when Huiling wanted to capture the other party and question him again, he found that his spiritual thoughts had been completely suppressed by the other party.

After a fight and conversation, she listened to what the other party said and said with suspicion: "Whose descendant did you say you are?"

Wang Le nodded: "My lineage was created by Master Bai Yiyi. I am her descendant from another generation. Only by practicing the techniques passed down by her can I have such power."

When Huiling heard this, she said with disdain: "Bai Yiyi is not an ancestor. He was just a defeated general of mine at the time. His talent and talent are not as good as mine. If I hadn't been lucky enough to find an apprentice, I might still be stepping on him now." Insulting underfoot.”

Bai Yiyi's face was full of anger when she heard this: "Damn it! This Huiling is still as shameless as before. Thinking that I'm not here, she talks bad about me behind my back?"

"Wang Le, why are you still looking at her stupidly? He has insulted your ancestor, why don't you give him the martial arts I taught you and beat him up?!"

Wang Le reluctantly conveyed his thoughts to Bai Yiyi: "No, ancestor, this senior already has the strength of the four generations. Although I can suppress her spiritual thoughts with my spiritual thoughts, I am afraid that there is nothing I can do in a real fight. I can’t help her..."

"What?!" Bai Yiyi looked at Huiling in disbelief: "This old woman has been spread all over the world?"

But considering that decades have passed since the lower world appeared, and the line of inheritance of the Great Light Buddha that Huiling followed emphasizes the soul over the body, it seems that it is not unreasonable to break through to the four generations after decades. possible.

"Wouldn't that mean that...she surpassed me in the lower realm when I ascended to the upper realm?"

Thinking of this, Bai Yiyi fell to her knees with a bang and punched the ground with her fists: "I... I was surpassed by her!"

Just when Bai Yiyi was secretly feeling sad, Wang Le on the other side had already passed on an ancient method to Huiling under Lin Xing's instructions.

"Senior, this ancient method is called "Tomorrow Sutra". After practicing it in this world, you will be able to transcend time and space, jump to tomorrow, and quickly go to the future you want to reach."

When Huiling first heard Wang Le's statement, she thought he was talking nonsense, but after reading it, her expression became a little solemn.

After some attempts, she felt a trace of super-time and space power that she had never experienced before spreading in her body, echoing the full moon in the sky.

"Where did you get this "Tomorrow Sutra"?" Hui Ling looked at Wang Le in shock: "This technique is neither a skill nor an inheritance, but it can leverage the great power of time and space..."

Although the other party did not speak, a name vaguely emerged in Huiling's mind.

"You said Bai Yiyi is the ancestor of your lineage. Could it be that your technique was passed down from Lin Xing?"

"That's right, he is the only one who can unlock the power of time and space..."

After continuing to practice the "Tomorrow Sutra", Huiling became even more surprised.

The practice of this technique was so smooth and silky, as if the whole world was echoing it and helping her practice, making her progress rapidly.

"This technique seems to be related to the current situation in the world. I'm afraid it can't be practiced in the mirror world."

"Yes, the current acceleration of the world is caused by Lin Xing, and it is normal that the skills he left behind are related to it..."

As Huiling practices, she can feel her connection with the moon in the sky getting closer and closer. She can even gradually sense the rotation of the moon and the continuous acceleration of the world.

In front of the Hanhai Sect's forbidden area.

Shen Moxuan once again placed a piece on the chessboard in front of him and said: "It seems that you have made up your mind to combine the power of Taoism with ancient methods and share it with the people in the lower world."

Lin Xing also dropped one, and said calmly: "I have been unable to transform the power of time and space into ancient methods, because this is the power that comes from Taoism."

"Only when the "Reincarnation Sutra", "Future Picture" and "Tomorrow Sutra" handed down today are combined with Taoism can they exert their true power."

"In this way... if everyone in the world practices my method and believes in my Tao, the present world will become faster and faster, my sect will become stronger and stronger, and I will be able to protect people in the new world."

Another piece fell, and looking at the countless phantoms that appeared after deduction and calculation on the chessboard, Shen Moxuan sighed: "You already have the spirit of the Immortal Ancestor, and the next battle with the Immortal Master of All Laws seems to have a three-point more confidence."


Present world.

Buddha Kingdom.

Hui Ling is focusing on practicing the "Tomorrow Sutra".

In the following days, Wang Le continued to look for opportunities to wake up the people in the cans and pass the "Tomorrow Sutra" to them.

In the process of passing on the law, Lin Xing also constantly revised the "Tomorrow Sutra" according to his personal progress.

As more and more people practiced, Hui Ling felt that her practice speed was still accelerating.

Until a month later, when she was running the "Tomorrow Sutra" again, she felt that her body was pulled out from the world with a pop, and she watched the family in front of her accelerate rapidly from the perspective of an observer.

The sun rose and the moon set, and a day passed in the blink of an eye.

"My "Tomorrow Sutra" is done?"

The world was still speeding up, and Hui Ling soon saw the sun rise and the moon set again, and the second day had arrived.

Then came the third day, the fourth day, the fifth day...

Time jumped quickly in front of her day by day, and she could see more and more people in the jars appearing and disappearing like teleportation.

She even felt a little panic and horror when she saw this scene.

"It's just like real time travel."

"Is this really the power I can exert?"

"No... This is the power of the Tomorrow Sutra itself... It's Lin Xing's power."

And in her observation, as time passed, more and more people practiced the Tomorrow Sutra on the spot.

Then a large number of drones flew over, and then many White Eagle government officials came in and out, seemingly communicating with Wang Le.

And then the flow of time became faster, and all people and things seemed to become a group of blurred phantoms.

The sky and the earth kept brightening and darkening, that was the sun and the moon appearing in turn.

Soon, there were more flames from all directions reflecting the sky, as if the whole world was burning.

However, this burning came and went quickly. After the whole world became quiet again, there was no longer any change in light and darkness in the sky. Instead, rounds of suns seemed to appear at the same time, illuminating the world.

When Hui Ling came to her senses and wanted to stop everything, she stopped the operation of the Tomorrow Sutra. When everything around her returned to normal again, she found that most of the people around her had disappeared.

The child who originally taught her this method was no longer here.

And a girl in black was standing in front of him, looking at her coldly and said, "Awake?"

With a light bang, a terrifying pressure broke out from the black-clothed girl's body, pressing Hui Ling to the ground.

"Hey, it's been such a long time since we last met, Huiling, why are you so lame?"

Huiling raised her head with all her strength, looked at the other person and said: "Bai Yiyi? You... are back? Didn't you follow your apprentice to ascend?"

Bai Yiyi laughed and said: "Ascend? What an old-fashioned word."

"Listen carefully Huiling."

"Now the world under our feet is the upper realm."


"Woo woo woo ~ Lin Xing, even Huiling has surpassed me."

"I'm so unwilling to accept this, ancestor! I'm so unwilling to accept this!"

Looking at Bai Yiyi who was kneeling on the ground and pounding the ground, Lin Xing thought for a while and said: "It's okay, Master Bai, she is obsessed with the Tomorrow Sutra, and she jumped to who knows how many years later in one breath."

"Her strength will not change during this period of time, you have plenty of time to surpass her."

Bai Yiyi slowly raised her head, looked at Huiling who was sitting in a daze, and asked: "Really?"

Lin Xing nodded: "I can feel that her thoughts have gone to the distant future."

He didn't continue to speak, but looked at the nearest immortal gate to this place.

Lin Xing could feel that something unexpected had happened in the mirror world.

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