I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 101

"First of all, the identity of Wano Country's ambassador that we suspected before seems to be true."

Kaido picked up the wine gourd and planned to take a sip: "I knew that little fox was telling the truth!"

"No drinking! Listen carefully to my analysis!" The cadres hiding in the black seemed to have a headache.

"If such a detailed and meticulous fan team structure is completely non-existent, I don't believe it, and I don't dare to believe that such a logical, detailed and complete lie exists in the world. Either he is a perfect master of deceit, or he is the real one. belong to this military organization."

Kaido frowned, "So?"

"Although we don't know much about the closed Wano country, the 13th division of Gotei should be real." A disaster in the dark made his own judgment

"Then it's over, is there any problem?" Kaido began to think about which method of suicide is emotional.

"No." The cadre who just came back from listening to the news outside the door of the Wano country ambassador sneered, "His introduction is nine true and one false. He is at odds with Kenpachi of the eleventh team. It is true. He belongs to the same class as Kenpachi. Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekuni's disciple is also true."

He looked in the direction of the inn at the foot of the mountain: "But that little fox deliberately missed the fact that General Wano and his domestic daimyo are deeply in conflict."

Another cadre who was previously called a reckless man suddenly stood up: "I'm going to kill him right away!"

"Slow down! Drought!" Kaido yelled at his subordinates with a gloomy expression.

He looked at the figure: "What's your plan?"

"Just plan! Do you know Kozuki Oden?"

"!" Kaido was stunned for a moment, and then a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Of course! He seems to have walked with Roger to the end of this new world sea!"

The figure clapped his hands and laughed loudly: "Although the other party is very cautious, he doesn't know the information we have! This is what will happen if we shut our doors to the outside world!"

"Tomorrow, we will accompany him to a good show!"


"Father, the navy put on a good show on Murloc Island!" Captain Saqi, the captain of the fourth squadron, was carefully grooming the nose of his plane with a comb in his left hand.

He turned his head to look at the captain who was drinking wine. For him, compared with the unfamiliar captain and crew, father and son are the most important bond.

"Gu la la la la, you also know that Sakaski, and he has dealt with us a lot during the Warring States period before! It seems that there are successors to the wise general!" Edward Newgate, holding a large jar of fine wine in his right hand, commented The new generation of the Navy.

Sage was a little confused, but his relationship with Whitebeard is a relative, which is what makes the entire pirate group most different from other large pirate groups.

All the forces under Whitebeard's banner are companions, relatives and friends, and they are all relatives and families of Whitebeard.

This makes them not have so many scruples and guards against companions among ordinary pirates.

Saatchi has always been straightforward and unreservedly wary of his family, which is also an important reason for his later death.

"Father, do we still need to go to Fishman Island? After all, the navy did a good job in the live broadcast!"

The white beard laughed loudly: "Gu la la la, my stupid son! It is precisely because of this that we have to confirm it with our own eyes. What you hear or see from others will deceive you! "

The moonlight was reflected on the sea, and Whitebeard watched the halo on the sea: "I may trust the navy, but I will never trust the world government! My friend Neptune once asked me for rescue, so I, Whitebeard I have the obligation to go through such a life for my friends!"

"But what if His Majesty Neptune doesn't need us? After all, His Majesty Neptune seemed to trust the navy in that live broadcast." Sach imitated his father, picked up a bottle of ale and blew directly.

"That's Neptune's business. As the leader of a country, he has his own difficulties. The world government and the great pirate group are both mountains to his people, and there is no difference." Edward Newgate, the recognized overlord of the New World Teach your sons carefully.

"Whether he turns to the navy or to us, it's all for the sake of a more stable life for his people. Whether he accepts our help is one thing, but whether to help his friends is my business."

Maybe that navy is a good navy, but it must be confirmed by me, White Beard, in person!

Whether they have the strength and the courage to guard the land that has been tormented and suffering is up to me, the white beard!

The strongest man in the world picked up the wine jar and drank it down.

As the father of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captain of the Moby Dick, Edward Newgate gave instructions: "Marco, George, and Vista are all stationed on the island. Everyone, work hard and finish the run." Fishman Island, go home! Drink!"


Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was like a rainbow.

139. Hokage Who Doesn't Want to Be a Grim Reaper Isn't a Good Pirate (Part 1)

"Your Majesty Neptune, have you reported the patrol situation of the Sea King Army in the far sea?" Sakaski pointed out Princess Otohime's knowledgeable and domineering practice, while summarizing the investigation situation of the Nautilus Legion around the Fishman Island. .

At this moment, Whitebeard has become the biggest obstacle and the biggest worry for the navy to successfully implement the fishman island garrison plan.

If others want to master knowledge-colored domineering in a short period of time, it is simply a daydream. Even the talented Lu Fei and others have learned and polished for nearly two years before they can use the two-color domineering skillfully.

But Otohime is different from them. She is different from most people. She is born to be a domineering user of knowledge and knowledge, but this innate ability has not played a real role.

She can use her natural knowledge to better resonate with the public in her speeches, but she is unfamiliar with using knowledge and foreknowledge to avoid the temptation.

But she couldn't systematically learn the use of knowledge and domineering like Sakaski and others, let alone feel the future like Katakuri, and listen to everything like Roger.

Sakaski felt quite hurt by Zhongyong. Although I know that Otohime is born weak and not suitable for various martial arts of the flesh, but even if she can only cultivate her knowledge to a high level, she will be the brains of Murloc Island.

He has no reservations about this, and teaches everything, but even so, it is not something that can be mastered in just a day or two.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan is also very proficient in knowledge and domineering, he will supervise your practice." Sakaski simply dumped this cheap apprentice to the upcoming frozen fruit ability user.

"Okay! Then how should I address Lieutenant General Kuzan? Master?"

"???" The black question mark face appeared on Neptune's face for the first time.

"???" Sakaski turned his head blankly, and he just said bad things about Kuzan, and he was immediately punished by the world.

Neptune and Sakasky stopped their military discussion at the same time, and looked at Otohime with a confused expression.

"That... Otohime, Lieutenant General Kuzan is a man!" Neptune was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Shouldn't your focus be on why she thinks Kuzan and I are a couple?" Sakarski said with a black face. In his opinion, it must be the old man Neptune who is talking serious nonsense. Only then did Otohime understand.

Neptune seemed very innocent, because he really didn't say anything, but just roughly told his beloved wife the image of the other party's clothes.

Dark blue military uniform, curly hair, gone.

Otohime, on the other hand, seemed confident, with one hand on her hip, pointing at the two men who didn't know what to do: "Since ancient times, red and blue have produced CP!"


Sakalski felt the veins in his temples throbbing and buzzing.

"Today's sensory training... doubled!" Akainu's words sounded like gnashing of teeth.

"Lieutenant General!"

The ghost spider walked out of the side hall quickly, with a solemn expression, he didn't care about the weird atmosphere in the palace, and whispered the battle plan in Sakaski's ear: "Report, Lieutenant General! Lindeman has finished contacting us , waiting for your next move!"

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