I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 111

In other words, in the eyes of the Three Calamities, Lindemann is still the noble ambassador of Wano.

This layer of protective cover is the key to Lindemann's ability to walk safely on the land of beasts.

As long as Lindeman appears in the designated town, with the support of Polusalino, even a reckless person like Jack can't stop him.

Ichimaru silver hung up the phone gently, he looked at the mammoth beside him who was guarding him outside even when he went to the bathroom, and he couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

148. Fuse

The majestic Red Earth Continent divides the great shipping route into two sections. The first half is composed of seven shipping lanes with four seas as entrances.

The seven routes will eventually converge to the Chambord Islands, which will be used as a boundary.

Either spend a lot of time and financial resources to apply for and wait, and just abandon the ship and jump over from the center of the world government.

Or pass through the fish-man island located 10,000 meters under the sea. Although there are many dangers, there are still a large number of pirates or illegal traders who take the risk every year.

But no one can deny that the second half of the great route is the most dangerous and difficult sea area, and that is the new world.

In the new world, there are not only variable climates and strange sea conditions, but also a large number of islands.

Those large pirate groups often choose one or more islands to settle down, constantly expand their manpower, recruit troops, and make the final sprint and preparation for the end of the great route to Radruf.

The Beasts Pirates are no exception, even though Kaido isn't one for group action.

But Beast's strong desire to expand, combined with the management arrangements of the pirates headed by the three disasters under him, allowed them to still have a large territory in the New World, a sea area full of masters.

The "earth roe deer" who came out from the closed country of the samurai to find allies looked very excited at this time.

He wore a vertical suit made of the highest quality silk at first glance, and walked on the cobblestone road of the port in full clothes.

And the giant man next to him had bulging veins on his forehead, with a terrifying appearance of choosing someone to devour.

Jack, one of the three disasters, forcibly endured the stupid fox beside him. If his companion hadn't repeatedly told him not to be harmed as Lord Kaido's distinguished guest, Mammoth swore he would definitely kill this talkative fox.

At any time, he dragged his long-winded tone without speaking, and still spit out the official dialect of Wano country that made it difficult for people to understand.

The "country ambassador" who has not seen much of the world still asks some common sense that the pirates of the New World are well-known from time to time.

At this time, the island that the two had just set foot on was the border area controlled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Lindemann, who had long put life and death aside, let go of his mind and soared his acting skills to the bone.

His mission for this trip has been accomplished, so it is best to go back, but if he dies here, he will have no regrets.

The captain of Wano Country's third division, who has not been restricted in personal freedom, has been wandering around for the past few days. Accompanied by the Beasts Pirates, he has visited some towns and islands.

"Master Drought, isn't this an island controlled by the Beasts Pirates? Why are there other pirates?" The fox turned his head with a smile and asked, pointing at a huge three-masted sailing ship not far away.

The sailing ship occupied almost the entire port, crowding out other merchant ships.

The Mammoth could barely find a gap to park.

The faces of the Beast Pirates were ugly, and they had not received any request from their pirate ships to stop on this island before.

This uninvited giant sailboat does not seem to belong to the Beasts Pirates at all.

Similar to the previous situation, this kind of common-sense question in the new world was always asked by this country bumpkin for granted, and Jack was no longer surprised by it.

Drought continued to remain silent. His task was not to be a tour guide for this silver-fur fox. Naturally, this kind of explanation task was handed over to his subordinates: "There will be pirates entering the new world at any time, and some small pirate groups will Choose to rely on the powerful big pirate group to survive."

"That means that the pirate ship that is half the size of an island came to join us?" Lindeman tilted his head, still knowingly asked the crew of the Beasts Pirates beside him.

Jack squinted his eyes, but he didn't think so, although there would always be some rookie pirates in this kind of border area, either parked next to the town for supplies, or expanded their manpower.

The fate of this kind of pirate group will either be incorporated by the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group, or it will be directly wiped out.

But this kind of huge ship, which looks like a large pirate group, is not so much to replenish supplies, but in his eyes, it is more like a provocation.

He listened carefully, and then slowly shifted his gaze to a noisy bar in the port area.

In the corner of the port, there are no absentees in this spacious bar, and dozens of tables are full to underwrite the business of the entire bar.

And these burly guys who are not easy to mess with are holding up wooden wine glasses and celebrating loudly: "Captain! Since we came to the new world, is this the first pirate group that we have defeated?"

"Hehehe, I don't know, but we are invincible." A strange man who sat down and almost wiped the roof smiled nonchalantly while holding a glass of wine.

His face was pale and thin. If it weren't for his height of nearly 7 meters, most people would think he was a vampire.

"That's what I said, but Captain, let's go as soon as we finish buying the food." A pirate who was at the same table took a swig of ale: "After all, the purpose of this trip is to buy supplies. It's not good to have a conflict."

"What are you talking about? What about the big pirate, our captain is also a big pirate! Who is not afraid of the name of the moonlight?" The pirate who spoke first was a little dissatisfied with his companion's cautiousness.

"Don't forget, although this time we are only here to buy and stockpile supplies in the town, we are in the territory of beasts!" A skinny pirate sitting at the table opposite the weirdo reminded in a low voice.

"Yo~" His reply was booed.

"Hee hee hee hee hee, don't worry about it, we got news that Kaido appeared on Whitebeard's territory, and this island is located at the border of their sphere of influence, the top cadres of the Beasts Pirates generally don't appear on the island. Here!" The weird man called the captain by the pirates comforted the emaciated crew who were collectively rejected by his companions.

Unlike his terrifying and gloomy appearance, his speech and behavior are unusually cheerful.

He deftly changed the subject: "Abu Salom, what about the spoils I gave you? Have you eaten?"

The thin man who was disgusted by his companions took out a strange-looking fruit from his arms: "Not yet, Captain, is this really good? Devil fruits are worth 100 million."

"And..." The eyes of the man known as Absalom were always full of unconfidence, "It's better to give this fruit to everyone who is strong than to give it to me..."

"Hey hee hee hee" the devil-like captain laughed, with diagonal angles growing on both sides of his forehead. He straightened his bat-shaped collar: "It's because you don't have the strength to protect yourself that I deliberately leave the fruit to you what!"

"Hahahaha, that's right, where do you find such a good captain, Abu Salom!" An old pirate held a wine glass on the thin young man's shoulder: "Your arms are not as thick as my wrists, You can't even lift a knife!"

The thin young man seemed a little moved. He raised his head and looked at the captain in Gothic costume: "Then I can carry a knife after eating this fruit?"

The big pirate nicknamed Moonlight was amused: "Hehehe, although I don't know what ability this devil fruit hides, but most fruits will not be bad as long as they are well developed."

"It's better than doing nothing now, right? Try it?" the old pirate urged.

Hearing the noisy voice not far away, Jack went forward fearlessly. If there were any pirates who dared to compete for their territory, he didn't mind flexing his muscles at all.

And he just needed to vent his emotions.

The giant man moved forward slowly, his figure grew bigger every step he took, and the thick hair spread out from his body, slowly resting on his body.

His body was becoming more and more inhuman, with a flexible proboscis protruding from the steel mask he never took off.

Along with it, two huge and curved ivory tusks grew out, like two sharp scimitars guarding the front of his body.

The horned helmeted pirate's tone was full of superiority, and he introduced to the stunned "country fox": "Master Drought ate the ultra-rare ancient species in the devil fruit animal system. Elephant fruit—mammoth type."

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