I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 115

Two powerful arms leaned tightly together.

"Gion, let's go. We can't keep the marshal and the general waiting for too long." Sakaski turned and strode away, greeting the beauty who had been standing quietly at the stairs.

At the gate of Dragon Palace City, Neptune and Princess Otohime watched Sakaski approaching with a smile.

The great knight of the sea and his beloved wife looked at each other, and they went forward together: "My friend, Neptune will never forget this kindness, and the gate of Murloc Island will always be open for you."

"Master, don't worry, we will protect this fish-man island, and we will spread the seeds of peace in the deep sea with the newly arrived Master Kuzan." Otohime smiled softly to Sakaski Guaranteed, just, paused a bit when talking about someone's title.

Sakaski's first reaction was to turn his head to observe Gion's expression. Seeing that the expression on the other side was normal, he turned his head and glared at the rotten girl apprentice.


"White Beard asked me to give you a message—I'll have a drink with you next time." Sakaski suddenly remembered something, and still faithfully passed White Beard's words to Neptune.

Hearing this, Poseidon looked at the direction of the new world with guilt in his eyes, "Oh, I really wronged my old brother this time." You are still my friend to Edward.

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters gave a military salute to the Neptunes: "The words have been brought, and I should be ready to set off."

He was the first to board the new warship. The ghost spider had been waiting on the deck with a group of crew members. When he saw him board the ship, he made a "snap" and moved his heels closer together: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Sakasky!"

The unsmiling general pressed down the brim of his hat: "Let's sail."

Under the protection of the coating, the warship slowly sailed towards the main entrance of the Murloc Island, and the butterfly's wings were already flapping. Sakasky had no idea how the Murloc Island would develop in the future under his interference.

It is the best hope for residents to live and work in peace and contentment, and for the virtuous lord and capable ministers to help the country together.

Peace, these two words are as simple as a dozen strokes, but so difficult that it requires the dedication of countless people.

In this world, there are still too many injustices and disasters, too many wars and killings, and too many tyranny and power.

"Lieutenant General! Look!" The ghost spider broke Sakaski's contemplation. As calm as he was, he couldn't help pointing to the sides of the submarine passage with some excitement.

The dark crowd quietly divided into two rows, one on the left and one on the right, waiting on both sides of the submarine channel.

"Lieutenant General Sakaski!"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski!"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski, we are reluctant to let you go!"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, come back soon!"

"That's right, that's right, the Murloc Island will definitely undergo earth-shaking changes!"


A call, a sentence of sincere words.

The corner of Sakaski's mouth slightly raised upwards, the support and love of these people was beyond his expectations.

But he found the answer to his just thinking. Although the peace and prosperity that the people desire requires him and other people with lofty ideals like him to spend their entire lives searching up and down.

But he'll fight for it,

as always.

The warship finally sailed away from Fishman Island.

Looking at the fishman island shining brightly on the dark 10,000-meter seabed, it looks like a dazzling pearl.

The light finally shone into their hearts.

"Let's gallop on a galloping horse, come to Wu Daofu to go first!" Sakarski no longer maintained the former chill and sternness, and laughed boldly.

The ghost spider stepped forward and walked to Sakaski, although he knew that the lieutenant general was in high spirits, but he still had to spoil the rare good mood of the officer: "Report to the lieutenant general Sakasky, this ship should reach 1,000 People, there are 999 people! The report is over! Please give instructions!"

"Lindemann..." Sakalski whispered the name of the only absent soldier.

Being able to save this fox is considered a stroke of luck, and Sakalski will have many difficult and dangerous tasks in the future. By then, I don’t know how many people will undergo various tests on this road of justice.

[Lindemann, you must be safe and sound. ] Sakaski clenched his fists.


"Brigadier General Lindemann, it's great that you're safe and sound~" Polusalino said, even feeling a little guilty.

A silver-haired man in kimono suddenly appeared from the air, but his condition is not good at the moment.

Lindeman clutched his right shoulder and almost jumped three feet high. The strong wind and waves of the great route came, Xiaohua did not starve to death, and the situation of Murloc Island, which was surrounded by enemies on all sides, was safe and sound. It was blown by Kaido, Jack's men mobilized him, and then he was suddenly shot by his own men.

The hot and powerful penetration caught him off guard.

But Polusalino was also caught off guard. You must know that although he felt that someone was peeping under his previous knowledge and domineering perception, he never expected to be directly approached to such an extent.

Huang Yuan was amazed. You must know that his domineering arrogance is one of the best in the Navy Headquarters, but just now, he did not notice anything unusual when he scanned this area with his knowledge. Although when Lindeman spoke, the domineering and knowledgeable still made a foreshadowing, and accurately pointed out the other party's position. But when he remained silent, it seemed that there was only a vague sense of being peeped around him.

In other words, can this kid avoid most detection methods without revealing his hostility and voice?

"Commander Lindemann?"

The drought on the side Jack was already extremely angry. He had had enough of this stupid fox before, but now he has proved their guess, "You bloody undercover agent!"

He took a sudden step forward, making a gesture to use the opponent's head as a wine glass.

Lindeman jumped up behind Polusalino, jokingly, he had seen the strange power of Drought Jack just now! The spy who is eager to go home at this moment will not continue to tease him.

The mammoth stopped abruptly - a bright light suddenly lit up in front of him.

"Amazon Cloud Sword!"

The three-meter-long lieutenant general of the Navy headquarters held the lightsaber formed by the laser beam with both hands. He turned his head and looked at the fox with its teeth and claws smiling and encouraged him.

"Brigadier General Lindemann, you have perfectly completed the assigned task, now leave everything to the old man! May justice be with you!"

152. You can't even play with a lightsaber, so you dare to hit your father?

Tiancongyun Sword, this move is named after the legendary three artifacts to protect the country, and it has a power comparable to its name.

This method of shrinking high-energy light waves into beams and finally forming a weapon is currently only available to those with the ability of Shining Fruit.

Although Zefa, the chief training instructor of the Navy Headquarters, has been criticizing this guy who relies too much on the devil fruit ability, he must also admit that Polusalino has brought the terrifying power of the sparkling fruit to the extreme.

You must know that even in Sakarski's previous life, lasers were known as "the fastest knife", "the most accurate ruler", and "the brightest light".

The photons emitted by the light bulb are different and scattered in all directions.

This is also the commonality of most illuminants in the world.

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