I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 120

"Don't worry, whether it's Kuzan's deep-sea coalition forces, Polusalino's scientific and giant forces, or your expeditionary army, they are all led by Admiral Kong himself, and Zefa and I are in charge of organizing and coordinating." General Zhi comforted Sakaski came, "Although the three of you are candidates for the generals of the headquarters, you are still the rank of lieutenant general in name. These new corps are all under the names of marshals and generals, and outsiders will not let outsiders gossip about you."

He looked at Sakalski's hesitant appearance, and suddenly remembered an interesting incident, which could not be better used to ease the atmosphere at this moment.

"By the way, I, Zefa, Karp, Brother Kong and I have named your new legion according to your respective characteristics and the role of the legion. Are you interested in hearing about your expeditionary army?"

Sakaski's heart sank suddenly, and an ominous premonition enveloped him.

"Based on your Devil Fruit ability, Garp suggested calling the expeditionary force the Lava Force." Sengoku said with a smile.

"..." Sakaski felt his eyelids twitching wildly.

The Great Buddha waved his hand: "But both Zefa and I think that it is a bit of a mountain topism to completely name the entire legion under one's banner, so we rejected it."

He looked at Sakalski, who breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to talk about their creative journey: "Zefa loves you, and suggested that he and I were in charge of the expeditionary force, so we simply put the two of us together. Take half of the nicknames for each. In this way, outsiders will be completely unable to make irresponsible remarks on the power of the virtual leaders to form the legion."

"Black Buddha?" Sakaski recalled the nicknames of the two, with a strange expression on his face. What's the matter with this evil god's sense of déjà vu?

"Wrong, don't you think the Black Buddha Legion doesn't sound like a justice organization?" Warring States felt a little troubled by the barren imagination of his subordinates.

Garp soaked in the hot spring to help Sakaski out of the siege: "Let me give you a hint, there was a nickname called [Xianshi] before the Warring States Period."

Sakaski looked a little blank: "Blackstone Legion?"


He raised his arms, looked left and right, always felt that he needed to put on a layer of medieval plate armor, and then shouted: "I am war."

Warring States looked regretful: "But it's a pity that Brother Kong said that the name Heishi sounds nice, but it lacks a clear meaning."

Sakaski's heart was beating wildly, and finally there was a reliable one! Brother Kong, you are my big brother!"

He nodded again and again: "I think the Expeditionary Army is already very nice, so don't bother everyone to think hard."

"You silly boy, what are you talking about me!" Warring States was a little upset. "Besides, Brother Kong, as the marshal, personally proposed a name for your expeditionary force. This name has been unanimously agreed by us, and we all feel that Meaningful."

The great Buddha's excellent memory recited the words of Admiral Kong Kong half a month ago verbatim: "The expeditionary force is a force that we place high hopes on. Sharp sword."

"What it will bring to the pirates in the new world is endless death, the new flame of the navy, and the raging flames that the pirates will face.

Therefore, I named this expeditionary army the Burning Legion"

Sakaski froze for a moment, dug his ears abruptly, leaned in front of his old boss, and confirmed in disbelief: "What do you call the legion?"

"Burning Legion!"


Sakalski felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

take a day off

Today, the unit arranged a dinner party. My colleagues made an appointment once before, but I refused, but today everyone is here, so I can't let my temper go. I really can’t evade it, sorry, sorry, I just have to see when tomorrow I have time to write together, I’ll say sorry to everyone again, I can’t help myself da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da Da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da

156. Hello, my surname is Sa, Sa of Sargeras

The three of them were still soaking in the hot springs, but they were already ulterior motives.

With the dark idea of ​​"I can't be the only one to die", Sakalski asked Kuzan and Polusalino's troop numbers without giving up.

He remonstrated sinisterly: "Kuzan is a person with the ability to freeze fruit, and the name of freezing is well-deserved.

The Fishman Island coalition needs to reflect the equal status of the Dragon Palace Kingdom Murloc Army headed by Neptune in the organization, and the word "throne" is the most appropriate. "

The legion he planned to lead somehow became the number one evil force in the universe. Sakalski, despite his grief and indignation, still planned to trick his younger brother from the bottom of his heart.

Well, the subordinate units of the Burning Legion are a delicate choice.

"The Frozen Throne?" Sengoku mulled over the meaning of this, and the number he had set up during discussions with several people had the same effect as Sakaski's proposal: "We originally planned to use the geographical location of the Fishman Island and The physiological characteristics of murlocs customize the fleet name."

"Oh? I dare to ask, what was the name you originally proposed?" Sakaski raised his eyebrows.

Warring States casually rested their heads on the stone slab, and answered the junior's question one by one: "It's called [Deep Sea Dwelling Ship-United Large Fleet]"


The new generation Mr. Sa nodded heavily, "As expected of Mr. Warring States, it is indeed a good name!"

When he found out that he was not the only victim, Sakaski felt a lot more balanced in his heart.

"Although the expeditionary force is on the agenda, how do you plan to deal with the specific issues mentioned earlier?" Warring States asked. He can only be regarded as a qualified staff member if he can find out the problem, but he is a qualified staff member if he can handle and solve the problem. leader.

And the expeditionary corps needs an excellent leader.

Sakaski pondered for a moment. Although the Burning Legion didn't even set up a shelf, it gave people a feeling that they lacked everything.

But to sort out the overall problem separately, there is no doubt that the most lacking is people.

The reason why a legion can be called a legion is because its essence is a complex military organization that can persist in long-term operations far from home.

And it is generally composed of a large-scale army and arms of different professions.

Even if the Navy Headquarters intends to allocate all the latest warships delivered to the Navy by the Capital of Seven Waters to the Expeditionary Corps, Sakaski dare not accept the call, because he simply cannot organize so many crew members to start them.

What is most lacking in troubled times? talent.

What the navy lacks the most is talent.

But fortunately, as the largest military organization in the world, the Navy can select excellent personnel from the vast cornerstone of the pyramid.

Before Sakaski opened his mouth, Sengoku had already anticipated a possibility: "If you plan to use the means of global conscription to fill vacancies and recruit personnel, then I suggest that you give up your mind first."

Sakasky also knew that it was unrealistic. Although the world conscription is the most convenient solution, this kind of global conscription order cannot be launched around you, a small lieutenant general.

In the original book, only after the Battle of the Top, due to Kuzan's resignation, Sengoku, and Karp's retreat to the second line, the Navy Headquarters had a serious lack of high-end combat power, the World Government had no choice but to cooperate with the Navy Headquarters led by the new Marshal to issue a world conscription order.

"On the one hand, what the legion needs are experienced veterans. These elites with rich experience can build the skeleton of this army." Sakarski understands the arduousness of the task, and the new world is not the kind of child in the first half of the great route. A place to play house.

The purpose of his expeditionary force is to defeat the big pirates entrenched in the new world, not to bring a bunch of rookies and weak chickens to die.

"The navy of each branch facing the four seas and the seven routes of the great sea route issued a mobilization order for veterans, and appropriately transferred some talented newcomers to mix them up." Sakarsky revealed his plan.

"Veteran?" Karp and Sengoku exchanged glances. They all belonged to this rank, and they knew how valuable a team of veterans was when sailing warships and naval battles.

Even if some veterans are not as strong as some naval rookies, their rich experience allows them to perform better than those rookies in complex and changeable situations.

"Yes," Sakaski nodded, "not only the veterans scattered everywhere, but also the non-commissioned officers who are about to retire."

"Hello?! Do you mean to delay their retirement?" Garp complained directly, his first reaction was that the brat Sakaski was trying to die again.

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