I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 131

He didn't talk much about his beliefs. After serving as a soldier for a long time, it is more enjoyable to give a hearty killing than shouting hoarsely about the justice of an action.

War is a continuation of politics, and Sakalski dare not speak out about whether politics is just.

But as a legion commander who climbed to a high position by relying on military exploits and heads from the bottom, he clearly knows that the complex concept of war is simple and simple to the people who actually act below—war means killing.

What location, what action, what mission objective.

who to kill.

From the beginning of its establishment, the expeditionary force was incomplete and almost complete.

It is incomplete because it lacks the important task of stationing and patrolling the Anbang protectors like other naval forces.

And its consummation is precisely because of this natural "incompleteness". From the beginning of its formation, its function has only one function, and it has only one function from beginning to end, hunting and killing.

Sakalski is clearly aware that the Legion has the purity that countless armies envy, making it closer to the essence of the army in a sense.

The lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters said the last sentence to the phone bug: "The legion has no defeat, only unyielding until the death in battle! And I, your legion commander, will fight to the death."

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

The veterans roared, but the veteran leader was well aware of the current situation of the legion, and this was just the beginning of waking up.

Fighting endlessly to the death is indeed very beautiful, but how many elites can really do it?

No army dared to claim that it was 100% capable of fighting against the wind from the very beginning of its formation, and an elite army that dared to fight against the wind and counterattack was by no means achieved overnight.

First of all, we must learn how to fight against the wind.

"Legion Commander, what is our next goal?" Lindeman lifted the fruit's invisibility, and suddenly appeared beside Sakalski.

"On the way to the North Sea, don't let any one of the pirate ships go." Sakaski looked in the direction of the North Sea and twitched his lips, and simply issued an order to destroy them. Since the original intention of the expeditionary force was like this, he didn't mind leading such a formidable legion.

The confidant spy obviously guessed Sakaski's plan, and he asked with a smile: "Even if the time for the army to arrive in the North Sea will be delayed?"

Sakaski didn't hesitate at all, he nodded: "Chasing and killing armed pirates for a long time, and developing a bloodthirsty appetite, after that, they will have no taboos. At that time, the future of the expeditionary force The formed killing machine will start the next step of training."

"Your will." The fox saluted and left with a smile. Passing the deck, Lindeman happened to bump into the old boss who arranged for the soldiers to clean up the battlefield: "Major General Ghost Spider, do you think this training will help the expeditionary force achieve our expected goal?"

"Training?" Unexpectedly, the major general with a fierce face shook his head in a rare way, "Lindemann, haven't you noticed yet?

A gleam flashed in the fox's eyes, and he slapped Tai Chi back with his backhand: "What do you notice?"

The ghost spider turned its head and stared at Sakaski's tall figure: "I have never seen this kind of military training method, but I have seen some similar scenes."

Staff officer Lindemann consciously became a fan: "Oh? A similar scene?"

"Did you know? In my hometown, there are often wolves in the wild." The ghost spider narrowed its eyes, as if carefully recalling the scene of its childhood.

He lit a cigarette and took a deep breath: "That was the scene I remember the most when I was a child. I spent the night at the house of a herdsman friend, but at night, the wolves came, and the white wolf king commanded the wolves. The sheepfold was looted"

The ghost spider looked at Sakaski's back: "And today, I saw it again."

"The wolves are coming." Lindemann shrugged empathetically.

"It's a pity," the ghost spider sighed suddenly looking at Lindeman.

The transparent person really can't guess now: "What do you mean?"

The ghost spider turned around and planned to return to the vanguard ship: "Unfortunately, a fox appeared among the wolves."

"Aw!" The fox was taken aback for a moment, then jumped up angrily, "I'm super fierce!"


In the North Sea, despite the beating of the waves, dozens of giant snails showed a steadfast attitude. This is the third year that Vinsmoke Gage has formed a powerful army of evil. In 1501, after Vegapunk, who studied life factors with him, was taken away by the navy, he was lucky enough to escape back to China.

The Kingdom of Germa used the data research of the bloodline factor theory. Gaji, who is already an outstanding scientist, led the scientific research team to carry out the life "replication" and "transformation" project, using the bloodline factors of several outstanding soldiers in Germa to create "replication" "It can train a batch of soldiers in five years.

The first batch of clone soldiers showed the characteristics of fearlessness and absolute obedience, and he relied on this to form a new type of army in one go. Trying to accomplish the feat that all the kings of Vinsmoke have attempted to accomplish - unifying the North Sea.

"Navy fleet?" Gage raised his head from the throne, and he frowned unobtrusively. He was keenly aware of an unusual atmosphere. Generally speaking, although the naval branch stationed in the North Sea is often lured here and there by the powerful pirates that frequently appear in the North Sea, it is still rare for such a thing to seek the headquarters fleet.

The king of the Germa Kingdom stood up and paced uneasily. He was wearing a golden battle helmet, and his long golden hair fell around his waist as he got up.

The Patriarch of the Vinsmoke family is tall, and when he stood up, he was actually a head taller than those elite clone soldiers who had specially modulated their genes: "You said that the large naval fleet in intelligence is something that has often appeared in newspapers recently. This? The message is confirmed?"

"Yes, Your Majesty! The War Department has compared the photos with the drawings in the newspaper, and they are completely consistent from the warship system to the quantity and scale." The clone soldier quickly replied to his king.

"Damn it, what did the Burning Legion do in the North Sea?" There was a vague idea in Gage's mind. He had a pointed black beard that slanted upwards on his center, and he stroked the small beard on his chin anxiously.

Right now is the day when the second batch of clone soldiers of the new Germa 66 army is about to mature. The Kingdom of Germa, which is a member of the world government, is not afraid of the expeditionary army coming from afar from the headquarters. You must know that the Kingdom of Germa After being supported by the latest technology, the already mighty military force is confident that it can win against such an ordinary fleet.

However, military power itself is not terrible, what is terrible is its master.

It was Sakaski who led the large fleet to the North Sea for repairs that made the king of the Kingdom of Germa, the patriarch of the Vinsmoke family, and the chief scientist of the kingdom Gage so fearful.

Although Vegapunk was captured back then, he brought the blood factor information with him. Now the huge fleet that the clone soldiers said was going upstream from the great route may be the real target.

167. Failed Products (Part 1)

The Germa Kingdom in the North Sea is the only maritime country in the world that has no fixed land.

Dozens of specially-made giant ships usually operate separately, and when they are combined together, it is the characteristics of the kingdom, so Germa does not have the so-called

Fixed location.

From a national point of view, there is no doubt that the Kingdom of Germa is an outlier.

The port mooring tax, resident personal tax, commodity tax... and other taxes that most North Sea countries rely on for their livelihoods have disappeared in this mobile kingdom, and the main source of funds to maintain the normal operation of the country is employment.

An expert in war among mercenaries, that's what it's called.

The Vinsmoke family is different from those ordinary royal families, because there is no separation of powers in the Kingdom of Germa, there are no ministers, no corrupt nobles, and no aristocratic families rooted here. They rule the country. The Jun family, the best scientists and the best generals in the country.

"Is all the people soldiers?" Sakaski carefully read the materials about the Germa Kingdom compiled by the North Sea Branch. This small country where almost all male citizens were soldiers reminded him of Sparta in his previous life.

Sparta, whose citizens do not engage in production, is supported by Hilo slaves that are several times larger than the national population. Spartan citizens have received militarized training since childhood, and they joined the army at the age of 20 and retired at the age of 60. These professional soldiers demanded absolute obedience to their officers. Relying on the strengthening of courage, physical strength and cruelty to shape the martial spirit of the Spartans, the entire Spartan society is equivalent to a strictly managed military camp.

And the Kingdom of Germa under the rule of the Vinsmoke family is exactly this different world version of the "Spartan" country.

Sakaski raised his head and looked at the base commander standing upright in front of him, "Branch Chief, have you ever dealt with them?"

"Once, sir!" The middle-aged officer recalled a moment, then nodded in fear. "That country is kind of evil."

The ghost spider standing behind Sakaski scolded with some displeasure: "You bastard! As the highest officer of the branch base, he messed up on his own."

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