I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 135

In order to dispel the lieutenant general's suggestion of poaching the wall on a whim, Gage has even acted like a loving father.

With lingering fear, he looked up at Sacaskilo's regretful expression, fearing that the other party would show some tricks again: "But my third son, Sanji, is born without the reinforcement of blood memes, if you train him in the legion, I have nothing to say."

Sakaski didn't agree immediately: "Gage, it's not just your four baby bumps who can't live without their parents, right? I want to hear the person's opinion before making a decision!"

"Go! Find your brother, he should be in your mother's ward." Gage was a little tempted by the idea of ​​sending Sanji to the navy. On the one hand, Vinsmoke sent all the princes to the navy, which undoubtedly showed The firm determination of the Kingdom of Germa to cooperate with the Navy Headquarters, on the other hand, Sanji who was sent to the Navy can grow up is also what he hopes to see.

But Sanji, who was brought by Lujiu, gave Gaji's fantasy a blow. Although the three brothers around him looked at him with vicious smiles, the blond boy with a bruised nose and swollen face still mustered up the courage to reject his father. This may be the first time he has not followed his biological father's arrangement: "Thank you for your kindness, but I hope to spend more time with my mother."

Sakaski noticed that the boy's feet were trembling when he said this, but he still explained the reason in a soft voice.

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters looked down at the little boy expressionlessly, and no one could guess what was going on in his heart. But Gaji's reaction was much bigger than Sakasky's: "Asshole! It's for your own good to be a father! You are not as talented as your brothers, so you have to work harder the day after tomorrow! The opportunity in front of you is rare! But you indecisive!"

"How is your mother?" Sakaski asked the boy suddenly.

Koyamaji looked worried: "I hope she gets better, but my mother has been in the ward for a long time."

The gloomy Sakaski looked a little scary: "Then you mean to refuse my invitation?"

The trembling seemed to have spread from the calf to the whole body, but the boy looked at the angry navy without blinking: "Yes! I have made an agreement with my mother, and I will definitely cook delicious meals for you. She tastes it!"

Although the volume is still low, it is extremely firm.

"Good answer!" Sakaski rubbed the boy's soft golden hair. "I like your eyes, little guy! Remember this feeling, the feeling of being firm and not shrinking in the face of difficulties!"

Gage next to him hesitated to speak, and a trace of pity flashed in the indifferent eyes of the commander-in-chief of Germa, and it disappeared in a flash, but it was still seen by Sakaski, who was observing his expression .

Of course, Vinsmoke's chief scientist knew the cost and consequences of Sola's resistance to bloodline transformation during pregnancy. Even though he tried all of Germa's best treatments, that idiot's organs were still failing day by day.

Most likely, she couldn't wait for Sanji's meal.

The iron-blooded lieutenant general, who has always been known for his indifference and ruthlessness, suddenly said: "You know what? Gaji, my impression of you has changed."

He looked at Jia Zhi meaningfully: "Let me give you some information for free. In addition to modifying memes and producing high-quality soldiers, bloodline meme technology can also be applied to the medical field."

"Wait! You mean?" Gage was stunned. He didn't expect that Sakarsky would know the latest research in this academic field.

"This is the latest research result of your former partner, Dr. Vegapunk. Cells, my stupid majesty, can be cloned." Sakaski neatly dumped the blame on the chief of the navy, whom he had never met before. Doctor, but since Vinsmoke has mature enough technology and ability to create human clones, theoretically mass-produced "fruits of surgery" can be developed.

He looked at the boy with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and suddenly remembered the information that Polusalino had passed to him. A certain pirate in the New World was also looking miserable with a bruised nose and a swollen face: "I hope that when I come to the North Sea next time, You can also taste your craft, don't let me down, Vinsmoke's third son."

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of this? Theoretically, it's totally feasible! And I don't lack living materials!" Gadget, who was obsessed with the authorities, patted his forehead. He was concentrating on how to use this technology When applied in the military field, he lacks medical knowledge, but he completely ignores how big a storm cloning technology will bring to the entire medical system and even the proposition of extending human life.

Sanji didn't know what his father was talking about, but he still noticed Sakaski's previous words: "Are you leaving Beihai?"

"Yes," Sakaski replied briefly to the boy. He glanced at the scientist who was in a state of research and reminded: "My legion will be stationed in the North Sea during this period, and I have to return to the headquarters immediately to deal with a problem."

"Question?" Jiaji finally came back to his senses and asked habitually.

"Our second Shichibukai candidate has been finalized!" Sakaski was full of coquettish operations at this time.

171. Navy Cup

Hello! Sakalski what are you talking about! ! It's too noisy here! Can't hear you! ! ! Warring States hoarsely roared at the phone bug, and the crowd around him changed the solemn atmosphere of the Navy headquarters. Beside him, the shouts of the sailors made him unable to hear clearly what the phone bug was reporting.

Sakaski was aboard Gion's warship, sitting in the captain's room and holding a microphone, feeling a little helpless: "General! We are about to return to the headquarters, please send the specific coordinates of the terrifying three-masted ship..."

But the Warring States side was indeed too noisy, and various noises came out of the phone bugs on Sakaski's side, making it impossible to distinguish specific information. But the general candidate with keen hearing still recognized the nearest sound source, which was also the voice of the owner of the phone bug—the voice of the Warring States Period.

"Come on! How can the control flow of our Zhijiang team not beat that guy Karp's mindless running and bombing!!" The voice of Dafo seemed to be breaking down from the phone, but he didn't know that this made Sa who was listening on the phone Kaski was even more devastated.

Why did I have a group party as soon as I was on duty at the Navy Headquarters, but once I lived in Marin Vandor, I could only sit and work hard in various documents and materials, and also worked part-time as a hot spring water heater?

Gion, who was sitting next to Sakalski, listened to the live broadcast from the phone bug, couldn't help but smiled and leaned on Sakalski's shoulder: "It seems to be the Navy Cup held every four years by the Navy Headquarters."

Of course Sakalski knew it was the fucking Navy Cup, but the psychological gap that other people watch and you work overtime is real.

Although the warship of Friendship turned over as soon as he said it, he had already planned to hang up the phone and call the Warring States later, but seeing the cute pink-haired rabbit beside him trembling with laughter, Sakarski still put the phone on his face. Randomly placed on the table.

"Hey!! Karp! What the hell are you a coach!! Is it really embarrassing for you to change your jersey and go off in person without skin and shame!! That goal just now is not counted, the referee!!! Brother Kong!! You are a black whistle !!!”

Listening to the frenzied exploration of the two sides at the final scene, Sakaski figured out some tricks.

From a practical point of view, the sports events organized by the Navy Headquarters are aimed at strengthening the physique of the sailors, enhancing their teamwork ability, and promoting the spirit of not admitting defeat. Strengthening their reputation in the headquarters.

"Hey, what is Sakaski thinking?" Gion noticed his lover's distraction, and couldn't help being curious.

"I want to watch the ball..." Men all have a mature side, but in some cases, their brains are pure like a dead child.

As for Lieutenant General Sakaski, who is a straight man with advanced cancer, it seems that there is no problem with single-celled organisms.

Gion smiled, and Sakaski always had an indifferent face to the outside world, iron-blooded, ruthless, and good at strategic calculations.

But in front of her, this mature and lonely soul always inadvertently reveals a little bit of innocence and loveliness.

She didn't know what she thought of, and a smirk suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth. The big pink-haired rabbit leaning on Sakalski's shoulder jumped up suddenly, and sat lightly on Sakalski's lap.

Sakaski frowned, and was about to ask about the behavior of the other party, when he was hit by a good ball head-on, the female hooligan leaned into her boyfriend's ear and whispered: "Look at me hitting someone with the ball!"

Sakaski, whose head was half squeezed on the opponent's chest, couldn't laugh or cry, and he gave a futile explanation in a muffled voice: "I think there seems to be a big difference between our understanding of 'watching football'..."

Gion, who sat directly on Sakaski's body, squeezed the opponent's head in again, and joked: "That ball is not as good as this one?"

"I'm not at all happy to enjoy this kind of welfare at this time." Sakaski clearly felt the big rabbit's plump buttocks slowly rubbing against his crotch. "You're playing with fire, Gion."

Gion was about to answer, but her lower body keenly sensed the sign of something raising her head. She looked at Sakaski with a half-smile: "Although she said no, her body is very honest!"

"I'm playing with magma, okay?" The voice of Warring States suddenly came from the airtight cabin, which really startled the two of them.

saved! Sakaski looked at the telephone receiver that was placed on the table, he was relieved but also a little disappointed.

Warring States was full of depression. First, the bastard Karp fouled, and then Dafo, who found that the phone bug was still connected, inadvertently listened to the "live broadcast" for half of the game.

Sakaski didn't change his face, and directly cited the official business: "The Vinsmoke family in Beihai has generally taken care of it. General, please send me the current location of Moonlight Moria."

The wise general adjusted his glasses, "Are you sure you can trust the Vinsmoke family to take care of the underground arms and trade system in the North Sea?"

The old general stretched out his fingers and hooked Gou Gion's chin, beckoning him to go down obediently: "How is it possible, it's just that I haven't found a suitable naval agent yet!"

"Molia?" Warring States asked the second question: "I have sent you the address just now, but why do you care about him?"

"Because I have found a way for the Navy to permanently prevent the pirates from Imperton Prison from escaping!" Sakaski said in a very strong tone.

"How to say?" Warring States is obviously very interested in this. The escape of the Golden Lion Shiji is a heart problem for him. The big pirate still made him very vigilant.

Sakaski purposely made a fool of himself: "I hope you can visit Imperton with us in person, and you will understand!" ————————————————— ——————————————————————————

"Get out, Moonlight, I know you're inside." Sakaski roared unceremoniously, and there was a huge three-masted sailing ship dozens of times larger than the warship he was on parked in front of him.

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