I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 137

"Hey, hey! What have we seen with the legion commander? First, this weird man who can sneak into the shadow and then the living skeleton on the pirate ship?" Bermel pointed the gun at this man who had just returned. Shichibukai who fought with Sakaski.

Sakaski raised his hand: "Stop shelling that pirate ship! Put down your guns, Shichibukai Moria is not an enemy right now."

He looked at the dignified Gion and suggested, "How about going to meet that skeleton?"

"Extremely happy!" Gion stepped out, and the proficient Tsukibo and Shari drew sharp lines in the air, the six-style combined technique-the razor. The future admiral candidate knocked his favorite knife out of the scabbard with one finger, and the speed increased sharply again, facing the flustered skeleton like a rabbit.

But unexpectedly, at the moment when the blade was about to cut through the bones of the skull, the opponent suddenly pulled out a slender rapier from the crutch to resist the tentative blow.

The famous sword Kinpira seemed to come alive in Gion's hands. When the blade made a mistake, it slashed towards the opponent's space, and then changed direction again while the stabbing sword was still returning to the defense, and slashed at the opponent's head.

But the flexibility of the skeleton really surprised her. In the blink of an eye, the blade's second direction-changing slash was still locked by the opponent.

"Yohohohoho, please stop, my name is Brooke, I'm a musician, and I don't mean any harm." The skeleton holding the knife said sincerely. He was wandering in this sea area, but the pirate ships without sails and rudders drifted with the waves.

No one is by his side, his companions have already turned into dry bones, and music has become the only good medicine that can adjust this boring wandering. But unexpectedly, the sound of the violin revealed his position, and he bumped into the navy appearing in this sea area head-on!

Gion roughly tested the opponent's reaction speed. Although the opponent deftly parried this move, it didn't mean that the skeleton could make a condition with her.

She bent down slightly, and instantly turned into an afterimage, "Quick Slash-Mountain Rabbit!"

"So fast!" The skeleton claiming to be Brook sighed softly, and then his head was chopped off by Gion.

"I really mean no harm, Miss Navy!" But even if the skull landed on the ground, the other party could still speak.

The Rear Admiral frowned. This was the first time she had encountered a situation where someone else could still talk to her: "Are you a human or a ghost?"

"Of course I'm human!" The skeleton of the race being questioned looked very angry. He looked at the naval ship not far away with empty eye sockets: "I am a devil fruit capable person who ate the fruit of the underworld!"

Sakaski has been observing the opponent's skills. When he saw the opponent for the first time, an interesting idea appeared in his mind. Although Brook's strength is not too bad at the moment, he can't do a few tricks under the hands of a swordsman like Gion.

But the opponent's original appreciation space does not lie in the inexplicable swordsmanship. The former guard chief of a certain country in the West Sea was attracted by a group of music adventurers under the banner of pirates, and he resolutely followed them to the great route for adventure, and then all of them were buried here. .

What the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters valued was his background and his relatively clean adventure career. Qiwuhai does need a big pirate with enough influence, but in addition to strength, the prestige stuff like Bucky in the original book also occupies a place.

But what Sakaski needs is not Brook's outstanding strength and prestige among pirates. There are many capable guys in the Shichibukai. Hawkeye, who is currently closely watched by the navy, is an excellent example.

But what the navy really needs is the appeal of the other side like a singer among the ordinary people who eat melons.

And the phenomenon-level idol groups like the King of Spiritual Songs will be an excellent weapon for the military and Qiwuhai to gain reputation.

Looking at the skeleton brought back by Gion with its head and skeleton, Sakaski's abacus was pounding loudly.


The Deep Sea Prison—Propulsion City welcomed several distinguished guests from the Navy today, and it deserves its name. Sengoku did go to Imperton, but what he didn't tell Sakaski was that, besides him, Admiral Kong and Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters Tsuru were all on board.

Magellan, who had just been promoted to the director general, didn't dare to be negligent, so he quickly invited several people into the office of the directorate to take a rest.

The strongest man in the deep sea prison clutched his stomach anxiously, walking back and forth in the office.

He works 24 hours a day, excluding eating and sleeping, and only works 4 hours a day. During the rest of the time, this ruthless character who makes even the most vicious pirate in the prison turn pale is struggling with diarrhea.

The extremely perverted ability of the superhuman poisonous fruit turned him into a humanoid biochemical weapon. It can produce dark purple poison from any part of the body, including sweat, saliva, and even the sighs that are exhaled, all of which are turned into highly poisonous gas.

This versatile poison can paralyze a creature's nerves, cause intense pain or hallucinations, and can easily kill a human being.

But because of its strong toxicity, even if it is infected by saliva and exhaled gas, it can turn the food that is about to enter the mouth into a highly toxic dark dish. Because of this, Magellan never had a meal without diarrhea.

The highly poisonous poison sent from the mouth and esophagus to the stomach for digestion is reabsorbed through the intestinal tract, so that even the poisonous fruit ability user, who is a poisonous person, can't hold his own highly poisonous, and has severe diarrhea.

Suppressing the abdominal pain, the warden had to confirm again to the Warring States: "Is Lieutenant General Sakaski on his way?"

"Ah, Magellan, you don't have to push yourself so hard. We old guys know your situation. Don't sit here with us. We will let your deputy The director informs you." Warring States comforted the poisonous fruit ability user with a painful expression on his face. Of course, the feeling of suppressing defecation was uncomfortable, with abdominal cramping, cold sweat, and tight muscles around the buttocks. He couldn't even walk. Dare to go fast.

However, Magellan experienced this feeling of being unlucky every day, which made several people present feel deeply sympathetic.

"Huh!" Magellan exhaled softly, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. "I'll excuse you, Shiliu, take good care of the Marshal and the others."

The deputy director who was named was calmly distributing gas masks to several marines, he laughed loudly, and stretched out his fingers to buckle the mask he put on: "Of course, you go first for convenience, you are not here and we You don’t need to bring this stuff.”

"Shilieu of the Rain, are there any thorns in this prison?" Seeing Magellan leaving, the three members of the Navy Headquarters all took off their gas masks, and the Admiral Kong asked the Deputy Director who was smoking a cigar in front of him.

The deputy director with a weird nickname laughed lowly: "Hahaha, of course, Marshal Kong, you know what kind of people are being imprisoned here, but please rest assured, I will use the knife for those who are too active."

He frowned unobtrusively, she knew that this deputy director had absolutely first-class ability and strength in handling and coordinating affairs, but what made people most worried was his bloodthirsty temperament.

The chief of staff of the Navy Headquarters couldn't help reminding, "Shiliu, you have to pay attention, except for the director who has the power to execute any criminal in the deep sea prison, other people must not be killed indiscriminately. After all, the fruit ability will reappear with the death of the host. Out of the sea there is a new birth."

Xiliu hesitated for a moment, but still nodded, but it was beyond Crane's guess whether he heard it or not.

"Blu-Bru!" The phone bug that Sengoku carried with him rang at this moment, Zhi Jiang and Sora looked at each other and picked up the phone: "Sakaski, how is the task completed?

173. I Bloom in the Killing

Sakaski casually tossed the skull with the weird exploding head with one hand, as if he was weighing the weight of the skull.

He let Gion pass the microphone to his mouth, and answered Sengoku's question: "General, the harvest of this trip is beyond imagination!"

"Please don't break my hair! It won't grow anymore!!!" Deep in fear of the bald head, the skull wailed non-stop.

"Noisy! Try making more noise? Believe it or not, I'll burn all your afro heads off!" Sakaski gave Brook a suggestion with a "gentle" expression on his face.

The skeleton was threatened with death, and the crying stopped abruptly.

But Zhan Guo on the other side of the phone bug took off his military cap with a distorted expression, and carefully touched his Buddha-like hairstyle.

Theoretically speaking, he really belongs to the category of Afro.

"Hmm... The brat isn't threatening the old man, is he?" General Zhi squinted his eyes and asked a few people in the room who were also listening to the phone.

The deputy director continued to smoke his cigar, assuming that Shiliu had nothing to do with himself.

Sora shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't even know what happened, you'd better ask Ah He.

Lieutenant Admiral He, who has been with Zhan Guo for the longest time, glanced unhappily at the admiral who dumped the blame on him, and then pointedly pierced Zhan Guo's question: "Who else in the room has an afro?"

"Sakaski!" Sengoku's roaring voice suddenly rang in the ears of the vice-admiral of the Navy headquarters, making the magma fruit capable user who had no idea what happened bewildered.

Sakaski and Gion glanced at each other, and they both saw the puzzlement in each other's eyes: "What's wrong? General?"

"Whose hair are you going to burn! Tell me clearly! Otherwise, I'll tell Ah He what I heard that day!" Zhan Guo sternly threatened someone who had something in his hands.

Sakalski finally realized why the Buddha blew up his hair. The weird hairstyle of his immediate boss seemed to have been hit by a lying gun invisibly.

"Do you know the fruit of Huangquan?" Sakaski did not directly explain, but asked a question to Warring States.

"Nonsense! Are there still a few warships sunk by Charlotte Lingling? The soul soul fruit is going to annoy me to death, how could I not know its lower-level fruit!" Warring States scolded angrily.

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