I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, will not be easily led by a dog Chapter 14

The battlefield was instantly ignited! !

The sailors roared loudly! They, holding up their war blades! It was as if a ferocious beast was locked within its body, bursting out with an astonishing aura! ! ! !

With his extraordinary height, Sakaski overlooked the inside of the battle circle, raised his hand and pressed down the brim of his hat. This is what he wants! Although it is only a prototype at present, it is an army that knows how to cooperate precisely and has good individual combat power. This is the essence of team strength!

Author message:

The second update actually exploded today. . . . . I'm afraid it's not the upper body of the red dog (cover face)

34. Port barrage Bilibili (below)

The pirates who were still resisting widened their eyes, watching their boss's head being cut off. There is very little true friendship among pirates, and most pirates have betrayal and conflicts between fellow pirates. These gangsters connected by interests were terrified when they found that the backbone of the ship was almost dead. Most people are still afraid of death, not to mention the momentum of the navy is now high.

At the beginning, some pirates threw their scimitars on the deck and let the navy soldiers point their guns at them. More and more pirates began to follow suit. The morale of the pirates plummeted, facing the threat of death, they finally chose to succumb. The surviving pirates on the entire ship dropped their weapons and stopped resisting.

Lindeman raised his eyebrows, walked slowly to a disarmed pirate, and raised his chin with the tip of a knife. He stared at the flustered pirate with jokes in his eyes and said with a smile: "Just now I heard you shouting things like 'die with dignity' and 'fight with them', how did it change so quickly? "

The pirate whose chin was pressed by the tip of the knife was forced to raise his head helplessly, and said with a sneer: "Sir, you may have misheard us..."

"No, I did hear it." Sakarski interrupted aloud, half of his face was covered by the brim of the hat, making it difficult to see his expression. He walked to Lindeman's side, and when he passed by, he patted the colonel on the shoulder lightly: "Old rules!"

Lindeman smiled knowingly, and stabbed the pirate's neck open, blood spurted out instantly, and he loudly conveyed the lieutenant general's order: "Leave none!"

Sakaski's ears were filled with the pitiful howls and begging for mercy of the pirates before they died. He walked straight to the warship, his coat swaying slightly with his steps. The blood splattered behind him and the fallen bodies turned into the background, and he didn't look back even once.

(The British Empire in the 17th and 18th centuries was similar in dealing with pirates. Those who resisted were killed on the spot, and those who surrendered were hanged by the judge. Except for the few pirates with privateer orders, it seems that other pirates ended up miserable.)

The ghost spider on the deck who had just boarded the warship greeted him, and he whispered with sincere admiration: "Master Sakaski, you are really a watertight command. This is the first time I have seen this kind of siege method."

Sakaski asked the major general who had been in the spectator mode for his evaluation: "What do you think of this method of killing? Can it be used in the future?"

"Of course!" Ghost Spider replied quite simply, "That pirate captain is like an insect trapped to death by a spider's web. It's a terrifying and hearty hunt! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that these soldiers could pass through. The cooperation of the battle formation entangled a pirate with 20 million Baileys, and finally killed him!"

Sakaski nodded: "Take stock of the supplies on the pirate ship, and destroy the pirate ship after collecting. Let the military doctor stand by and bandage the wounds of the wounded soldiers. I will immediately summarize and reply the mission report of the past three months to General Warring States .Then the whole army will rectify and prepare to return to the headquarters.”

"Yes!" Ghost Spider saluted, and immediately set about arranging personnel.

His Excellency the Vice Admiral returned to the captain's room alone. He was actually a little worried about how Robin, who had been placed in Jonathan's house for the past three months, would adapt.

He has been wandering at sea chasing pirates, but he has never called his comrades in private to ask. Sakalski shook his head, leaving the trace of indifferent anxiety behind him. After all, it has only been a few days since I returned to the headquarters, not to mention that Marin Vanduo has a Warring States general to take care of him. Little Robin shouldn't be doing badly, right?

He picked up the logbook of the past few months and carefully checked the items that needed to be reported, and after brewing in his mind for a while, he dialed the phone bug of the Warring States Period.

Sakaski is not ready to let the Warring States know about the coordination of the battle formations. Not to mention that it is not perfect, it has been tested in actual combat this time. After finding a large number of pirates to practice in the future, I will write the experience report to the "steel bone" Marshal Kong to see if it can be extended to the entire army.

"Hello, Warring States General, I'm Sakaski." The lieutenant general organized the language, and was planning to report the situation of the pirates and the town to...

"Wow! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." It wasn't the steady voice of the Warring States Period that came from the phone bug, but the cry of a little girl. . . The point is, why is this voice so inexplicably familiar? ? ?

It seemed quite noisy on the other end of the phone. A vigorous and loud voice overwhelmed the girl's crying, with puzzlement and a hint of grievance in his tone? "I didn't think well about asking you to do 300 push-ups. That guy with the goat braids has already criticized me. Come on, come on, let's make up over a donut, okay?"

Immediately, Sakalski finally heard the voice of his beloved Warring States general, "Karp!!! Shut up!! Don't make trouble for me!! It's all caused by you!!!" The phone bug was vivid Imitating the roaring expression of the Warring States period, the general changed his voice, very gentle, "Stop crying, stop crying, Xiaohe, don't just watch jokes here, hurry up and help..."

The bewildered Lieutenant General let out a dumbfounded "Huh?"

"Oh! Sakaski! I haven't heard from you for a long time." Zhan Guo finally realized that he was still on the phone, but his tone seemed a little guilty for no reason?


What the hell did I want to report just now?

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35. I, Lieutenant General Sakaski, also had a day when MMP was stuck in his throat

Sakalski took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions, but the swollen veins on his forehead and trembling hands revealed his true inner reaction.

He was a little puzzled, and asked in a deep voice: "General of the Warring States Period...excuse me...why is that child in your office?" Sakaski still had a glimmer of hope, maybe it was another child? Lieutenant General He's subordinates are also female soldiers. . . maybe....

Before Warring States could speak, the naval hero beside him smashed Sakalski's delusions with a punch: "Hahahaha, I heard the news that you adopted a civilian child when I returned to Marin Vanduo, and then I heard from the library As soon as Zan inquired about it, he decided to take her here from Jonathan's house for a visit."

"Kap! Pu! Sir!! Thank you so much!!" Sakaski replied word by word in a tone of gnashing his teeth.

"Hahaha, you're welcome, Sakaski. The kid wants to come out to exercise and gain knowledge. That little guy Jonathan stopped me at first, but I punched him twice before he was honest." Garp said. With a resonant voice, he exposed himself frankly.

The ability user of the magma fruit finally felt the feelings of the pirates who were used to practice before, Jonathan. . . . You've worked hard. . . . . Kuzan. . . . I'll treat you to a magma bath when I come back.

As for that presumptuous old soldier on the other end of the phone bug—mmp! ! ! ! I said mmp, do you know! ! ! ? ? Sakaski suddenly found that he had another motivation to increase his strength. One day, sooner or later, I will smash your dog's head, Mr. Karp! ! ! So many good seedlings have been led into the ditch by you! ! ! ! ! !

The General of the Warring States Period finally grabbed the microphone and changed the subject: "Call me during this period, the mission must have been completed, right?"

Although slandering Garp and Sengoku, Sakaski has not forgotten the reason for this call: "Yes, General, we are about to return to the headquarters. It is worth noting that according to the short-term statistics collected in the past three months---Beihai The number of pirates pouring in during this period has continued to increase. Although the quality of pirate personnel is uneven, many miscellaneous pirate groups have begun to march towards the great route.”

This is not a good momentum, and the Warring States frowned. In this way, the navy's already heavy work of arresting and exterminating will increase, and it will not be able to stop it at all. He was even more annoyed that the old man in front of him was still "slightly" teasing the child.

"Karp!!! Get the hell out of here!!! From now on, Xiaohe, get closer to this kid, don't let some idiot lead you astray!!!"

Sakaski couldn't help giving his general a thumbs-up in his heart, and the prestige of the Warring States Period was directly revered by him. The general began to believe in justice again, praise the general of the Warring States Period! You saved the future of the Navy!

Warring States, who is known as a wise general, turned his head to the phone bug: "For other statistics and missions, my office will explain them to me in detail after you return to Hong Kong." After that, he hung up the call and continued to comfort his old friend who was scared to tears. The little girl is coming.


Marine Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy. The Warring States General's office was extremely lively today. First, Karp led a little girl to sit on his sofa and eat donuts. Then the bastard got up with the idea of ​​his own collection of senbei, and even talked to the kid about "senbei goes best with tea" and other stupid things.

It happened to be free, and for the sake of the children, Zhan Guo took out his favorite snacks to entertain the two of them. Garp was holding a paper bag of donuts and stuffing it into his mouth indiscriminately, Sengoku was a little curious: "Is this child your granddaughter?"

"No, that boy Drago (Dragon) isn't moving that fast yet."

Warring States seemed to recall something, and asked tentatively: "Is this the child that Sakaski adopted?"

Garp stared at his old friend a little strangely: "I thought the two of you had met before."

"No, Sakaski and Kuzan just reported this matter to me, and I agreed, but this is indeed the first meeting."

Squeezed in the middle by the two big men, Garp and Sengoku, Robin, who was eating senbei and matcha, was inevitably a little lost, especially after learning the identities and positions of these two people.

The former lieutenant general, who had a curved suture scar under his eyes, paid a very abrupt visit to Jonathan. From the surprised and respectful expressions of the Jonathans, Robin guessed that this cheerful lieutenant general with a smile on his face all the time had an extraordinary status.

"Lieutenant General Karp!!! Why are you here?" Even though he was also a lieutenant general, Jonathan saluted the army respectfully with an awe-inspiring tone.

Garp, who was picking his nose at random in front of them, was full of anger: "I heard from Kuzan, it seems that the commoner girl adopted by Sakalski is currently staying at your house temporarily? Jonathan, quickly bring her out and let her go!" Let me see, this is really rare, that indifferent kid Sakalski will take children?"

"Uh... You are right in saying that, Robin is indeed being temporarily boarded by Sakasky at our house. Robin, come and meet the naval hero!!"

"Robin? That's a good name." Garp put his hand directly on the lieutenant general's coat with a reddish-brown beard, without thinking about the fact that his hand had just left his nostril.

Over the past three months, Jessica has been changing the dishes and ingredients to improve the little girl's body through diet therapy. She didn't want Robin to still look malnourished after Sakaski came back, so where would her dignity as a chef go?

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