I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 143

"Dead?" Tiger was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know what he thought of, his face darkened instantly, and he squeezed his fists and creaked, "Did the human navy do it?"

"No, no, you misunderstood. Aaron was personally executed by Neptune." Xiao Ba shook his head like a rattle, and he quickly added, fearing that Tiger would misunderstand him again, "Boss Jinping chose to join the navy." He did it voluntarily, and the changes in Murloc Street today are largely due to the hard work of Lieutenant Generals Sakaski and Lieutenant General Kuzan."

However, the great adventurer was very unfamiliar with the familiar names mentioned by Xiao Ba in Murloc Island, as if he had never heard of them before: "What did they do...?"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski accepted the private invitation of His Majesty Neptune, and withstood the enormous pressure of the Tianlong people to wipe out the many pirates and human traffickers who have been acting recklessly on Fishman Island for a long time."

"Tianlongren..." There was a gloomy look in Tiger's eyes, but he restrained his emotional fluctuations very well, and raised his hand to put a takoyaki into his mouth, "Oh! Hachi, your craftsmanship is like a murloc The island is unique."

Although Xiao Ba was a little puzzled why the most well-informed explorer in the past knew nothing about these major events, but the simple-minded octopus murloc didn't take it to heart, maybe Big Brother Tiger went to play in other sea areas with no information. .

However, the cruelty of the facts is beyond Xiao Ba's guess. How can a prisoner under the seat of Tianlong get any news?

"Then these streets were also written by that Lieutenant General Sakaski?" Tiger chewed on the delicious takoyaki, and pointed to the surrounding neighborhoods that had already changed drastically.

"No," Xiaoba shook his head, and he laughed happily, "It's thanks to Lieutenant General Kuzan and His Majesty Neptune's implementation of the reconstruction plan on Fishman Island, which gave us guys who can't afford shops a chance to start a business and get a job." Chance."

This decree has essentially enhanced the employment and entrepreneurial enthusiasm of residents in various districts, and rapidly promoted the development of various commercial districts.

And with the good security environment where the navy is stationed, the residents of Fishman Island have a variety of options.

In business, in medicine, in the army... All walks of life on Fishman Island are on a momentum of prosperity, and this increase in employment rate has further enhanced the social stability of Fishman Island.

Tiger carefully looked around at the drastically changed buildings and scenery, and the smiling faces of those mermaids and murlocs. For the first time, he was shaken for a moment about what he was about to do. If he really followed his original plan, then the hard-won peace and prosperity of Fishman Island might return to the starting point.

But soon after, that wavering became firm again.

If a small number of people are sacrificed for the sake of the majority, then one day, in his own eyes, there will be more and more people who can be sacrificed.

He didn't know if doing this would be worthy of the navy that Xiao Bakou said had worked so hard for the peace of the Murloc Island, but he firmly believed that, at least, he would be worthy of those compatriots who were still enslaved.

At least, when he was in trouble, Tiger hoped that others would lend a helping hand.

Those compatriots who are still struggling in the holy land of Mariejoa, even if they have long given up hope, deep down in their hearts, there is still a glimmer of hope of being saved.

And this is enough.

Tiger suddenly stood up and patted Xiaoba on the shoulder: "I still need to go to Neptune to discuss some things. The takoyaki you made is really delicious. I hope I can eat it again next time I come back." .”

If you can come back. . Tiger silently added a word in his heart, and walked towards the Dragon Palace without looking back.

178. Wind Blows Fishman Island (Middle)

"Nepton, we have a distinguished guest~" Princess Otohime, who was practicing with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her beautiful eyes, and gently shook Neptune, who was lying lazily on the shell bed to catch her drowsiness beside her.

She is a unique natural user of knowledge-colored domineering energy. After Sakaski led her into the correct practice track, her knowledge-colored and domineering Taoism has improved rapidly.

But it is undeniable that Otohime's achievements today are inseparable from Kuzan's long-term guidance. Although the domineering arrogance that can barely cover the range of Dragon Palace City is not considered to be unparalleled in the past, it can be regarded as entering the room.

"Huh?" Neptune, who was treated as a soft mattress by a few cubs, barely lifted one eyelid, "Guest? Who?"

Otohime smiled and looked at the sleepy coelacanth mermaid: "He is our great adventurer! I don't know what kind of adventure story he brings."

"Oh! Is it Tiger? Great, the changes in Murloc Island in the past few years will definitely surprise him." Neptune recalled that every time Tiger set sail in the past few years, he would bring humans to the closed Murloc Island. A lot of information from the society, so that Murloc Island, who knows almost nothing about the outside world, has obtained a lot of precious and useful information.

In Neptune's heart, he was still very grateful to this pioneer who broadened the horizons of the residents of Murloc Island.

He carefully moved the sleeping little guys away from his broad chest, and pulled the quilt over Bai Xing who had just turned two years old.

Only then did Neptune stretch out his huge figure, and jumped up from the huge shell bed. His huge figure dexterously moved around the house: "Where is my crown? Why didn't I see the big one?"

Otohime gently picked up the crown he had left on the pillow with a doting smile: "Big stupid fish, here it is~"

Neptune laughed briskly: "Hee hee hee, with you by my side, what does it matter if I'm a little stupid?" bring yourself.

Taking advantage of the situation, he put Otoki on his shoulder and walked out the door. That posture was not at all like a calm and dignified majesty the king, but more like a mountain king returning home with Mrs. Yazhai on his shoulders.

"Your Majesty, Princess Otohime, long time no see." Taige, who had already been waiting in front of the palace, was no longer surprised by the show of affection between the two, and calmly bowed to each other.

Neptune pointed to Tiger and smiled lightly: "I haven't seen you for a few years, but you have lost a lot of weight. Did you suffer a lot during the travel?"

Tiger, who was accidentally poked in the sore spot by the owner of the fishman island, just shook his head with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, I just want to talk to you about my [travel] in detail during this trip."

"Oh? Well, well, I don't know what kind of wonderful story you will bring this time." Neptune didn't hear the meaning behind Tiger's words, and still looked expectant.

"I spent this journey in the so-called 'sanctuary' and the holy land of Mary Joa." Tiger's tone seemed very light, but the content of his words was extremely heavy.

Neptune knew exactly what a shelter was. In the past, the abducted murlocs and mermaids were all auctioned off through various 'settlement houses'.

Tiger's complexion sank for a moment, and he looked at their great adventurer seriously again.

In addition to a much thinner figure, a closer look reveals that the opponent's exposed dark red skin has a series of fine scars. The great knight of the sea lowered his voice: "My friend, I want you to tell me exactly what you have experienced all these years?"

"I have experienced hell on earth, my lord." Tiger sighed, "I don't even know how I escaped from that devil's lair."

A silent and dignified atmosphere spread in the empty palace. Neptune did not speak, but his eyes became more and more obscure. And Otohime, who was more gentle, covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying about what happened to Tiger.

The great explorer didn't complain too much about the suffering and torture he suffered during his slave career. He raised his head and stared at the tall and tall fishman island master: "My personal experience is nothing. But in that hell, there are still many compatriots who suffer inhuman torture every day..."

"I know, I've always known, Tiger, but there's nothing I can do about it." Neptune clenched his hands so hard that he could see the tendons popping out of the backs of his hands as he listened to what happened to Fisher, but in the end the grip The tight fist was still weakly released.

Of course he knew that most of the abducted citizens of Murloc Island were in the hands of the Tianlong people, but King Neptune, who was the guardian, could not abandon most of the citizens of Murloc Island.

Because once Neptune, the king, clarifies this damn unspoken rule, the unreasonable nobles of the world are very likely to become angry and call the navy to send troops to Murloc Island.

"Your Majesty, the purpose of my visit to you this time is to tell you that I have made up my mind to bring those enslaved people home." Tiger took a deep breath, looked into Neptune's eyes, and spoke slowly but firmly .

The great knight of the sea twitched his eyelids, and he stared at Tiger Fisher: "Do you know the consequences of what you did?"

"Of course, Tiger alone, death is not a pity."

"Even if you see the prosperous side of the Fishman Island, will you persist?" Neptune's tone was a little annoyed for some reason.

Tiger was not affected at all, and his tone became calmer: "If this kind of prosperity is premised on sacrificing those residents who are enslaved by the world's nobles, then yes, I insist."

Neptune stared blankly at Tiger, and after a long while, he finally let out a sigh, as if letting out decades of stagnation: "Do it boldly, the Fishman Island is behind you."

But Fisher shook his head: "Your Majesty Neptune, you don't have to do this. Once I succeed, those Celestial Dragons will definitely dispatch the navy to hunt me down. But as long as the Murloc Island remains neutral in this matter, then We have a relationship with the Navy that can be preserved."

"And if Neptune crowns you as the king of a country and expresses his position on Mr. Tiger's side, then the Murloc Island will completely lose power with the navy!" A strange voice lazily inserted into the topic .

Tiger nodded: "Exactly...that's it." He was about to turn his head to see who had guessed his mind, but saw Neptune and Otohime's complexion changed drastically, and they looked at him rather embarrassed behind.

"Ah la la, I'm lost on the road of life again. I'm sorry, I'm late for your class again, Otohime." Kuzan slowly stepped into the gate of the palace. He really didn't expect that, as soon as he came up, he heard to such breaking news.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan!"

"Master Kuzan...uncle"

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