I, Sakazuki, Will Not Take a Dog Easily

I, Sakaski, Will Not Take Dogs Easily Chapter 153

Polusalino patted Sakaski on the shoulder, and said sternly: "I didn't blame you for doing something wrong, maybe Gion wouldn't mind if you took a can ring as a token of love, but a woman only once in a lifetime A beautiful wedding."

Kuzan also joined the "condemnation": "Gion has paid a lot for the army, there is no wardrobe of beautiful fashion clothes, no luxurious jewelry, it is always good to leave some of the best thoughts .”

The supreme commander of the Temple Watcher Legion took up the cup of oolong tea and drank it down, and then put on a painful expression: "I know, if Mr. Zefa and Mr. Zhan Guo give you money, you are absolutely stupid I won't agree."

The most mature and seasoned senior brother rubbed Sakalski's hat with the same obscene smile: "Don't blame me for brushing your face in front of little Robin today. The reliable thing is to let you understand——Kuzan and I can hurt you together, cheat you together, fight together, and deal with everything together..."

The eldest brother among the three paused for a moment, and clapped heavily with Kuzan, the youngest: "Brother."

190. The Singing of Swords and Sanhua (Part 1)

The cold dinner on the navy ship will be full of people, and far away in the North Sea, the reception banquet held on Mignon Island is not inferior to this.

Mignon Island, which has been blown by wind and snow all year round, always reveals a sense of desolation. Thick snow and ice covered the entire island, and when you step on it, the snow is not as high as the knee height of an ordinary person.

The closer to the center of the island, the steeper the terrain. The towering rocks are decorated with snowflakes to cover their own walls, and they are covered with a layer of white velvet.

On this unpopulated island, there are several exquisite and beautiful villas. With the help of the hills and mountains that are easy to defend and difficult to attack, Admiral Lindeman, whose pseudonym is [Kil'jaeden], built a solid line of defense on the top of the mountain.

Out of safety considerations, the silver fur fox deliberately set up this secluded island as the base camp of the underground chamber of commerce. Doflamingo was not the murloc slave trader whose news was kept secret on Murloc Island, nor was he the Drought Jack who was tricked by him because of his brute force.

This underground black market intermediary who has extended his tentacles to the seas of the New World is involved in many black and gray industries such as arms, smuggling, and slave trading.

What Lindeman was worried about was that Tian Yasha, who undoubtedly had extensive contacts and information channels, would be able to see through his false identity. The reward list of [Fraudster] is still on the black market list in the New World, and the Don Quixote family, which is well-known in the Dark World, is very likely to gain insight into Lieutenant General Sakaski's strategic layout through his identity.

Lindemann, who pretended to be an arms dealer, relied on his ability to appear transparently among the scattered neutral arms dealers and underworld forces. Even when negotiating and taking the lead in encouraging occasions, foxes try their best to surround themselves as mummies.

Even though the name of the arms dealer [Kil'jaeden] is well known in the dark world of the North Sea, no one has seen his true face.

"Boss, how many more boxes of ingredients should I bring up from the warehouse?" A gangster wearing a suit and sunglasses approached Lindeman's ear and asked in a low voice.

The naval spy who tied himself into a bandage monster turned his head and glanced at the dwindling food beside him, and nodded to the younger brother who said this: "Of course, bring a few dozen more drinks by the way, don't neglect the distinguished guests. "

Watching the younger brother walk away, he maintained his iconic smile, and softly asked for the opinion of the guest who came from afar: "What dishes do you think you need? Your Excellency, Deputy Director Xiliu."

"General Lindemann, are all your subordinates this kind of mob?" After receiving the order from the new boss, Shiliu, who rushed from Impelton to Beihai to help out, was still quite satisfied with the smiling leader in front of him.

The guy in front of him is said to be Sakalski's confidant, but after a few minutes of brief introduction, Shiliu frowned—Lindeman's forces are too complicated.

In addition to the gang members who came to inquire just now, and the small arms dealers who voluntarily surrendered to [Kil'jaeden], some pirate hunters who hunted pirates to make a living were also attracted by the lucrative mercenary money of the chamber of commerce to become guards.

Lindeman could only smile wryly at this. Although Shiliu's words were not very pleasant, in just one year, he was able to scrape together a chamber of commerce that could occupy one-third of the Beihai firearms market. The limit is reached.

Too much development in pursuit of speed will always leave behind many root causes. The proportion of resources allocated within the chamber of commerce, the members of the chamber of commerce with ghosts and monsters...but the worst thing is the former navy of Beihai

The plan for the group of Dies Barreiros.

After witnessing the rapid growth of the arms dealer [Kil'jaeden] and being able to control the lifeblood of the weapons behind the North Sea countries, this group of North Sea garrison navy, which was originally unsteady in will, headed by the naval branch colonel Dies Ba Reluth came to the door.

I hope to cooperate with him, a "courageous" arms dealer. Not only that, but this bastard school official from Beihai directly used the ultra-rare devil fruit that he didn't know how to get - the operation fruit as the membership fee, and he hung up in the The intermediary platform has deals with world governments under its name.

Although the fox pretends to be in the arms business, in fact he is only performing classified tasks that have been acknowledged and recorded.

But the operation of Dies Barreiros and his group of navy boys almost caught the fraudster's waist.

I planned to contact the ghost spider stationed at the base to lead the fleet to clean up the door, but the big spy who was afraid of revealing his identity could only pretend to Dies Barreiros, and for the sake of the fruit of the operation, temporarily accepted them into the Among the Chamber of Commerce.

"It's not only a motley crew, but also a former navy..." The fox explained this huge misunderstanding to Xiliu, dumbfounded.

How to characterize this group of Beihai rebels has become a problem that the fox is entangled with. You say that the other party betrayed the navy, and in the past few months, he has also helped this chamber of commerce to attract more neutral members to join.

In this way, he actually followed him, the general of the headquarters, to perform a secret mission.

But if it is said that he did not rebel, Lindeman hated Lindeman so much that he changed hands and became a second-five boy.

Just as he was about to hear the opinion of the former Impelton deputy director, before the other party could speak, a panicked voice came from far and near.

"Boss! Something is wrong!" The gangsters who had just gone to the warehouse to carry food and drinks ran towards this side, "There is a big net covering the sky of our island!"

"Big net?" Kil'jaeden, who was wrapped in bandages, was a little puzzled. "What big net?"

When he looked out of the window, his eyes suddenly froze. Through the glass window, he clearly saw a group of figures of different shapes slowly approaching his fortifications.

He is very clear about the person at the head. Although he has never masked his face, Lindemann has fought a lot with each other in the past year. The leader of the Don Quixote family——Don Quixote Doflamingo !

Immediately afterwards, the howls outside the window and the roars mixed with horror resounded through the center of the island.

"Enemy attack!!!"

Lindeman's face was extremely ugly. He never expected that before the Burning Legion cooperated with the Vinsmoke family to start closing the net, the other party would catch him first.

Shiliu, who was beside him, looked as usual, but for some reason, the body of the mature and stable deputy director trembled a little.

He has been waiting in that gloomy prison for so long, how can those little fish and shrimps satisfy his bloodthirsty appetite? And in less than a day in the North Sea, he was sitting on the sidelines and bumped into a mouth-watering sight. "Delicacy".

"Hahahaha, General Lindemann, thank you! This is really an unparalleled feast!" Laughing wildly, Xiliu slammed into the wall in an instant.

191. The Singing of Swords and Sanhua (Middle)

Snowflakes fall slowly, or fall on the thick clothes used to keep out the cold, embellishing a different style.

Or touch the exposed skin and be melted by the heat of the human body in the blink of an eye.

"Should I say that Kil'jaeden is indeed a mouse that only steals food in the dark? He even placed his base camp on such a secluded island." Poletor raised his head and looked at the several houses in front of him with a greasy smile. .

Standing with him in the surrounding open space were other members of the Don Quixote family. These top cadres, whose strength could basically compete with the rear admirals and even lieutenant admirals of the Navy headquarters, seldom joined forces to attack.

The members of the Don Quixote family wearing thick overcoats quietly guarded a tall young man, waiting for the order of destruction from the young master.

"Heh, heh, no matter what, he's going to die today." Doflamingo pinched the neck of a chamber of commerce guard with one hand and easily lifted him off the ground. "Reporting the letter is not a good habit!"

The peripheral guard whose voice was restrained turned red from lack of oxygen, and he kicked his feet in vain trying to find a bearing point.

But unfortunately, Tian Yasha didn't have the slightest interest in this kind of thing that wasn't even an appetizer. With a twist of one hand, the guard's legs, which had been pedaling hard just now, fell down feebly.

Wearing a loose pink feather coat, Doflamingo suddenly raised his hand, and bundles of crystal clear silk threads shot from his wrist to the sky at high speed.

Like a spring springing up from the ground, fine silk threads visible to the naked eye surged into the air like a blowout.

Cut the snowflakes falling from the clouds into fine petals.

This is the largest range of moves that Doflamingo can use when the fruit is not awakened. It is enough to make the countless silk threads of [Shadow Rider String Doll], which fall from the sky with the gravity of the earth like a volcanic eruption. scattered around the periphery of the island.

These beautiful threads are like meteor showers, sharp and deadly. The huge arc-shaped birdcage made of countless silk threads even has the terrifying function of blocking the transmission of electric waves.

That is to say, once caught in this wire cage with strong cutting ability, it is like a "caged bird". While blocking the transmission of information to the outside world, there are also many parasitic threads that cannot be seen by the naked eye scattered in the cage. The owner of the thread, Doflamingo, can manipulate the victims to kill each other at will.

Doflamingo looked around at the members of the chamber of commerce who began to notice something was wrong, and laughed wildly: "Heh heh heh, I really want to see which famous admiral has the guts to oppose us?"

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